The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

holandski na engleski Osiguranje Translation Glossary

holandski term engleski translation
levenbedrijf life insurance operations/business/company
samenloopverbod exclusion of concurrence
Entered by: dmesnier
"afgeleide" (in this context) subsidiary
"historisch rendement" historical return
"investeringsdeel" invested portion/part
"Losse dekking" separate coverage
Entered by: DermotMahon
"tabaksnaad" (tabakszaknaad) purse string suture
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
"voorbeeldkapitalen" illustrative (or representative) capital
...gekort worden... can have their wage supplements cut back ...
1e termijnvervaldatum 1st instalment due date / Due date of 1st instalment
27% gehele mens volgens de expertiserend arts 27% (of/to the) BAW/MAW, according to the physician specialist (BAW=Body as a Whole), (MAW=Man as a Whole)
aanhangsel van schuldvordering Insurance schedule
aankoopspread / verkoopspread offer spread / bid spread for unit trusts and suchlike
Aansluitingsvoorwaarden affiliation conditions
aanvullende pensioenen laten lopen via vennootschap make supplementary pension contributions through their business
Activiteitsvoorwaarde going-concern/active business requirement
actualisatieregel actuarial revaluation rules
afbouw phasing out
affinanciering paying up
afkoop eigen risicoverzekering collision damage waiver / waiver of deductible
afkoop van eigen risico collision damage waiver (CDW)
Afkorting "rga" na het woord "arts" Register Geneeskundig Adviseurs
Entered by: Textpertise
aflopend expiring
afmaking settlement
afstandsverklaring waiver
alea contingency
alimentatie addendum
alle eenvoud verzekerd simply and quickly insured
annuïtair dalende overlijdensrisicoverzekering decreasing, annuity-based life insurance or assurance
ANW-hiaatverzekering Surviving Dependants (shortfall) Act
ANW-verzekering Next of Kin-insurance / life-insurance
Arbo- en verzuimbegeleiding guidance/support/counselling on H&S issues and absence
Entered by: Mihaela Dinu
AUM Assets Under Management
Entered by: Steven Segaert
“Integrale Brandverzekering”, alle risico’s comprehensive fire insurance, all risks
BA NA LEVERING (2e rang) public liablity after delivery (on a subsidiary basis)
BA uitbating commercial liability insurance - business operations coverage
barema sliding fee scale
bedrag van tussenkomst amount of insurance intervention
bedrijfsschade business interruption/loss of profits
behandeling door het SRK consideration by SRK Legal Aid
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