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engleski na srpski - Tarife: 0.04 - 0.08 EUR po reči / 15 - 25 EUR na sat srpski na engleski - Tarife: 0.04 - 0.08 EUR po reči / 15 - 25 EUR na sat engleski na bosanski - Tarife: 0.04 - 0.08 EUR po reči / 15 - 25 EUR na sat bosanski na engleski - Tarife: 0.04 - 0.08 EUR po reči / 15 - 25 EUR na sat engleski na crnogorski - Tarife: 0.04 - 0.08 EUR po reči / 15 - 25 EUR na sat
crnogorski na engleski - Tarife: 0.04 - 0.08 EUR po reči / 15 - 25 EUR na sat hrvatski na engleski - Tarife: 0.04 - 0.08 EUR po reči / 15 - 25 EUR na sat
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engleski na srpski: Development of the electricity carbon emission factors Baseline Study General field: Tehnika/inženjerstvo Detailed field: Životna sredina & ekologija
Izvorni tekst - engleski The second technical restriction is composed by the technical minimum of each power unit. No thermal power unit can reduce its electric output to ranges around zero. The respective technical minimum output depends mainly on the combusted fuel. Lignite based power generation units can reduce their electric output to 65% of their rated capacity only, whereas gas based generation units can reduce their electric output down to 30% of their rated capacity.
Prevod - srpski Друго техничко ограничење се састоји од техничког минимума сваке енергетске јединице. Ниједна топлотна енергетска јединица не може смањити своју производњу електричне енергије на нивое око нуле. Одговарајућа техничка минимална производња углавном зависи од сагорелог горива. Jединице за производњу електричне енергије засноване на лигниту могу смањити своју производњу електричне енергије на само 65% свог измереног капацитета, док јединице за производњу електричне енергије са гасном основом могу смањити своју производњу електричне енергије до 30% свог измереног капацитета.
Izvorni tekst - bosanski Bosna i Hercegovina, njeni entiteti i Distrikt Brčko imaju obavezu usklađivanja svog zakonodavstva sa evropskim standardima u procesu pridruživanja EU što uključuje i harmonizaciju propisa u pet posmatranih specifičnih oblasti. Pored toga, BiH i njeni entiteti potpisali su niz međunarodnih instrumenata koji tretiraju između ostalog i prava osoba sa invaliditetom i oni su sastavni dio BiH zakonodavstva i imaju pravnu snagu Ustavnih odredbi. Među njima navodimo samo neke koji regulišu analizirane oblasti, kao što su: Evropska Konvencija o zaštiti ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda, Evropska socijalna povelja, Međunarodni ugovor o građanskim i političkim pravima, Konvencija o pravima djeteta i dr. Potpisivanjem, te tako i prihvatanjem međunarodnih konvencija o ljudskim pravima BiH je preuzela obavezu da svima na svojoj teritoriji, bez diskriminacije po bilo kojem osnovu, osigura socijalnu pomoć i zaštitu.
Prevod - engleski Bosnia and Herzegovina, its entities and the Brčko District have an obligation to harmonise its legislation with European standards in the EU accession process which also includes harmonisation of regulations within the five observed specific areas. In addition, Bosnia and Herzegovina and its entities have signed a number of international instruments that, among others, address the rights of persons with disabilities and they constitute an integral part of the BiH’s legislation and have the legal force of the Constitutional provisions. Among them, we shall mention only a few regulating the analysed areas, such as the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the European Social Charter, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other. By signing, and thus accepting the international conventions on human rights, BiH assumed an obligation to provide social support and protection to all living on its territory, without discrimination on any grounds whatsoever.
engleski na srpski (Republic of Srpska Ministry of Justice, verified) srpski na engleski (Republic of Srpska Ministry of Justice, verified) engleski (Banja Luka University, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, DejaVu, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Subtitle Workshop, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Trustworthy, loyal and committed translator/interpreter/linguist with a good eye for detail. Also a sworn interpreter for the language pair English/Serbian (Bosnian variant of Serbian) since 2005. I have been in translation business for 18 years now. Having worked with the British on a daily basis in an English speaking environment for 12 years contributed to my quality in recognising peculiar details of the language used and thus enabling me to interpret accurately.
Languages and how we express ourselves make us different from each others and the way we present ourselves. Each language has different ways of saying things in different manners. Therefore, while choosing your interpreter/translator it is of essential importance that the person is able to convey the tone of the translated/interpreted material. This is the point when this job becomes an art and stops being merely a job.
On a personal note, I am very easygoing, adaptable, relaxed and cooperative, nevertheless, remaining extremely professional and delivering high quality translations within specified time frame.
My personal favourite is simultaneous interpreting, i.e. when the conditions allow for travelling to various locations in the world.
I have a day job, but do translations in my after work hours and over the weekends because I love to do that and in order to continually improve my skills and to grow professionally, apart from financial benefits that this job brings.
If you are looking for value for money, then we have solid grounds for successful cooperation. You are very welcome to contact me and request a quote.
Kindest regards,
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