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Izvorni tekst - engleski I remember reading once that some fellows use language to conceal thought, but it's been my experience that a good many more use it instead of thought.
A businessman's conversation should be regulated by fewer and simpler rules than any other function of the human animal. They are:
Have something to say.
Say it.
Stop talking.
Beginning before you know what you want to say and keeping on after you have said it lands a merchant in a lawsuit or the poorhouse, and the first is a short cut to the second. I maintain a legal department here, and it costs a lot of money, but it's to keep me from going to law.
It's all right when you are calling on a girl or talking with friends after dinner to run a conversation like a Sunday-school excursion, with stops to pick flowers; but in the office your sentences should be the shortest distance possible between periods. Cut out the introduction and the peroration, and stop before you get to secondly. You've got to preach short sermons to catch sinners; and deacons won't believe they need long ones themselves. Give fools the first and women the last word. The meat's always in the middle of the sandwich. Of course, a light butter on either side of it doesn't do any harm if it's intended for a man who likes butter.
Remember, too, that it's easier to look wise than to talk wisdom. Say less than the other fellow and listen more than you talk; for when a man's listening he isn't telling on himself and he's flattering the fellow who is. Give most men a good listener and most women enough note-paper and they'll tell all they know. Money talks -- but not unless its owner has a loose tongue, and then its remarks are always offensive. Poverty talks, too, but nobody wants to hear what it has to say.
Prevod - srpski Sećam se da sam pročitao kako neki koriste govor da bi prikrili svoje misli, ali po mom iskustvu mnogo je više onih koji ga koriste kao zamenu za razmišljanje.
Pravila kojima podležu poslovni razgovori treba da je manje i da su jednostavnija nego pravila za bilo koju drugu funkciju životinje zvane čovek. Ona glase:
Spremi šta ćeš reći.
Trgovac koji počne da govori a ne zna šta hoće da kaže, ili nastavi da priča nakon što je rekao šta je imao, završiće na sudu ili spasti na prosjački štap, a prvo je prečica do drugog. Imam svoju pravnu službu i ona predstavlja veliki trošak, ali tu je da ne bih imao posla sa zakonom.
Kada svratiš kod devojke ili ćaskaš sa prijateljima nakon večere, možeš da vodiš razgovor kao da ste na đačkom izletu na kom povremeno zastajete da berete cveće. Ali na poslu, tvoje rečenice treba da predstavljaju najkraće rastojanje između dve tačke. Izbaci uvod i zaključak, i zaustavi se pre nego što dođeš do tačke broj dva. Grešnike ćeš zadobiti kratkim propovedima, a đakoni ni ne smatraju da su im potrebne duge. Budalama daj prvu, a ženama poslednju reč. Meso se uvek nalazi u sredini sendviča. Naravno, malo putera na obe strane neće zasmetati ukoliko je namenjeno onome koji voli puter.
Zapamti i da je lakše ispasti mudar nego govoriti mudro. Pričaj manje od svog sagovornika i više slušaj nego što govoriš, jer kada čovek sluša on ne razotkriva sebe, a podilazi sagovorniku koji upravo to čini. Većini muškaraca nađi nekog ko ume da ih sasluša, a većini žena daj dovoljno papira za pisanje - i reći će ti sve što znaju. Novcem se može mnogo reći, ali samo kada njegov vlasnik ne zauzdava jezik, pri čemu je ono što kaže uvek uvredljivo. I siromaštvo bi imalo šta da kaže, ali to niko ne želi da čuje.
srpski na engleski: Cardiology report Detailed field: Medicina: kardiologija
Izvorni tekst - srpski EHOKARDIOGRAFIJA: LA 39mm, LVEDD 54, LVESD 32, IVS 10, ZZ 9, Ao 36, DV 17mm, EFLV preko 60%.
Leva pretkomora normalnih dimenzija. Mitralna valvula normalnog izgleda i pokretljivosti listića, transmitralni protok pokazuje usporenu relaksaciju LK. Leva komora normalnih dimenzija, očuvane globalne kontraktilnosti, bez segmentnih ispada, ejekciona frakcija preko 60%. IVS i zadnji zid LK normalne debljine. Aorta u korenu normalnih dimenzija, AV trolisna, kuspisi tanki, očuvane separacije u sistoli i koaptacije u dijastoli, Dopplerom se registruje normalan protok preko AV. DK i DP normalnih dimenzija, TV i PV izgledaju normalno. Stablo plućne arterije i vidljivi delovi njenih grana izgledaju normalno. Nema perikardnog izliva.
Prevod - engleski ECHO: LA 39 mm, LVEDD 54, LVESD 32, IVS 10, posterior wall 9, Aorta 36, RV 17 mm; LVEF over 60%.
Left atrium normal size. Mitral valve normal shape and cusp mobility, transmitral flow exhibits slower LV relaxation. LV normal size, normal global contractility, no segmental wall motion abnormalities, ejection fraction over 60%. IVS and left ventricle posterior wall normal size. Aortic root normal size, aortic valve tricuspid, cusps thin, cusp motion pattern normal, Doppler exhibits normal aortic valve flow. RV and RA normal size. Tricuspid valve and pulmonary valve appear normal. Pulmonary trunk and visible part of branches appear normal. No pericardial effusion.
engleski na srpski: Insulin Detailed field: Medicina: farmacija
Izvorni tekst - engleski Insulin is a natural hormone necessary for the metabolic utilization of glucose (and amino acids and fatty acids). Application of insulin sustains life in DM Type 1’s and prevents the development of diabetic ketoacidosis. Insulin also provides glucose control in some Type 2’s, preventing and controlling long-term complications. Insulin is obtained from pork pancreas or is made chemically identical to human insulin by recombinant DNA technology or by the chemical modification of pork insulin. Insulin analogs have been developed by modifying the amino acid sequences of the insulin molecule. There are different types of insulin: rapid-acting insulin analogs, short-acting regular, intermediate-acting, long-acting and premixed combinations. It must be injected due to the effects of digestion on proteins. A syringe and needle, continuous infusion pump or automatic needle-free injector may be used. Injection should be performed into fatty tissue below the dermis and above the muscle layer. Possible sites are the abdomen, thigh, buttock or dorsal upper arm. The abdomen is recommended, as it has the most predictable absorption. The area one inch in radius around the umbilicus should be avoided. Some rotation of sites is advised.
Prevod - srpski Insulin je prirodni hormon neophodan za metaboličko korišćenje glukoze (kao i amino-kiselina i masnih kiselina). Uzimanje insulina održava u životu osobe obolele od DM tipa 1 i sprečava razvoj dijabetesne ketoacidoze. Insulin se koristi za kontrolu glukoze i kod nekih osoba sa tipom 2, kod kojih doprinosi prevenciji i kontroli dugoročnih komplikacija bolesti. Može da se koristi insulin iz pankreasa svinje, ili se uz pomoć tehnologije rekombinantne DNK ili hemijskom modifikacijom svinjskog insulina dobija insulin koji je hemijski identičan sa humanim insulinom. Analozi insulina se dobijaju promenom redosleda amino-kiselina u molekulu. Postoji više vrsta insulina: brzodelujući analozi insulina, kratkodelujući (regularni) insulin, insulin srednjedugog dejstva, dugog dejstva i gotove kombinacije. Insulin mora da se ubrizgava zbog dejstva digestivnog trakta na proteine. Mogu da se koriste špric i igla, kontinuirana insulinska pumpa ili automatski ubrizgivač bez igle. Ubrizgava se u potkožno masno tkivo, iznad mišićnog sloja. U područja tela koja mogu da se koriste spadaju trbuh, butina, debelo meso i zadnja strana nadlaktice. Preporučuje se trbuh, jer je tu apsorpcija najpredvidljivija. Treba izbegavati oblast oko pupka, poluprečnika 2,5 cm. Savetuje se povremena promena područja.
Prevodilačko obrazovanje
Other - Professional training in consecutive and simultaneous interpretation and written translation, Multilingua School, Belgrade, top grades in all three categories
Godine iskustva: 19. Registrovan/a na Jun 2008.
engleski na srpski (Multilingua School for Translators and Interpreter, verified) engleski na srpski (IELTS (International English Language Testing Syst, verified) engleski na srpski (Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade) srpski na engleski (Multilingua School for Translators and Interpreter, verified) srpski na engleski (IELTS (International English Language Testing Syst, verified)
srpski na engleski (Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade)
Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Serbia, Serbian Medical Chamber
Freelance translation projects in the fields of medicine, pharmacology and psychology, including drug information sheets (PILs, SmPCs, drug labels, advertising material), specialists’ reports, hospital discharge documents, clinical studies (PIS/ICFs, Protocol Synopses, patient cards, adverse event reports, clinical trial contracts and regulatory correspondence), medical questionnaires, medical devices IFU and many others.
End-clients: GE Healthcare, DePuy Synthes, Merck, AstraZeneka, Stada, Mölnlycke Health Care, Amgen, Intersurgical, West Pharmaceutical Services, Bausch & Lomb, Philips Respironics, Argon Medical, Celldex Therapeutics, Cardio 3 BioSciences, Terumo BCT, MicroVention, LSI Solutions, Alere, Abbott Medical Optics, Covidien/Medtronic, Peregrine Surgical, Bayer/Ascensia Diabetes Care, Thoratec, Teleflex, Novartis, Valeant Pharmaceuticals, Coloplast, Pfizer, Coherus BioSciences, Strongbridge Biopharma, Occlutech, Daiichi Sankyo, Arthrex, Aurinia Pharmaceuticals, Orion Corporation, Lundbeck, Tecomet, Nipro Europe, Philips Healthcare, Freudenberg Medical, Shire, Immunic Therapeutics, Fenwal, TransMedics and more.
Ovaj korisnik je zaradio KudoZ poene pomažući drugim prevodiocima u vezi sa terminima na PRO nivou. Kliknite na ukupan broj poena da biste videli ponuđene prevode termina.