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For the installation of the mini Hub it is not required to install software. As soon as you have fitted the mini HUB at the desired location the feed of the mini HUB can be connected immediately. If the power supply is connected the red light will burn (LED1) as an indication. The computers that are part of the network can now be connected. They must be connected to the mini HUB using the standard twisted pair cables (UTP CAT5). The mini HUB now forms the heart of the network as you can also see in the application diagram. At the very moment a connection is realised correctly a green light (LED3) will burn on the mini HUB indicating activation of the gate involved.
Also for the cascade connection, the inter-connection of several HUB's or switches, you realise a connection between the HUB's or switches by applying the standard twisted pair cable. In this respect it is important that the switch on the back panel of the mini HUB is positioned in such a way that it functions as uplink gate.
In addition to the creation of a network it is also possible to connect laptop computers, routers, printers and switches to the available port. But pay attention if you want to connect an ADSL modem to the LAN (Local Area Network). If so you should connect this modem with the mini HUB via the uplink gate. If the ADSL modem is not connected to the mini HUB via the uplink gate then no link is established and the ADSL modem will not work.
Prevod - hrvatski
Instalacijski postupak za mini LAN koncentrator s 5 priključaka
Prilikom instaliranja mini-koncentratora nije potrebno instalirati nikakav softver. Kada postavite mini-koncentrator na željeno mjesto, na njega odmah možete priključiti napajanje. Kada se priključi napajanje pali se crveno svjetlo (LED1) kao indikator. Tada se mogu povezati računala koja predstavljaju dio mreže. Ona moraju biti priključena na mini-koncentrator standardnim kabelima s uvrnutim paricama (UTP CAT5). Mini-koncentrator sada predstavlja srce mreže, što se može lijepo vidjeti na slici. U trenutku ispravnog uspostavljanja veze pali se zeleno svjetlo (LED3) na mini-koncentratoru, čime se označava aktiviranje odgovarajućeg prolaza.
Kod kaskadnog povezivanja, međusobnog povezivanja nekoliko koncentratora ili preklopnika, veza između koncentratora ili preklopnika se ostvaruje pomoću standardnog kabela s uvrnutim paricama. Zbog toga je važno da preklopnik na zadnjoj ploči mini-koncentratora bude smješten na takav način da funkcionira kao uzlazni prolaz.
Osim kreiranja mreže moguće je i povezivanje laptop računala, usmjerivača, pisača i preklopnika na neki od slobodnih priključaka. Međutim, obratite pažnju prilikom povezivanja ADSL modema na LAN (Local Area Network - lokalna mreža). U tom slučaju modem treba povezati s mini-koncentratorom preko uzlaznog prolaza. Ako ADSL modem nije priključen na mini-koncentrator preko uzlaznog prolaza veza se neće uspostaviti i ADSL modem neće raditi.
engleski na bosanski: Medicine
Izvorni tekst - engleski
1. CONSENT FOR TREATMENT. I voluntarily consent to inpatient and/or outpatient care and treatment performed by my physician and all other health care providers at UCH. I also consent to routine hospital services, diagnostic procedures, medical treatment, and other services and hospital care as deemed necessary by the health care providers treating me. I understand that the practice of medicine and surgery is not an exact science and that diagnosis and treatment may cause injury or even death. I understand that I have a right to consent or to refuse to consent to any proposed surgery, procedure or treatment, and to discuss it with my health care provider. If this Admission Agreement is signed as part of an Emergency Department of other outpatient visit, it will continue for any related inpatient admission. I understand that if I am participating in a research protocol and have signed the Colorado Multiple Institutional Review Board (COMIRB) consent form, I am exempt from paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Admission Agreement with respect to the services specifically described in that research protocol. I understand that all provisions of this Admission Agreement shall apply to those tests and services not included within the research protocol.
Prevod - bosanski
1. SAGLASNOST O MEDICINSKOM TRETMANU. Dobrovoljno pristajem na bolničku i/ili ambulantnu njegu i tretman od strane mog ljekara ili nekog drugog zdravstvenog radnika iz UCH. Takođe pristajem na rutinske bolničke pretrage, dijagnostičke procedure, medicinske tretmane i druge usluge i svu bolničku njegu zahtjevanu od strane zdravstvenih radnika koji se o meni staraju. Svjestan sam da medicinska praksa i hirurgija nisu egzaktne nauke i da dijagnostika i liječenje mogu da izazovu povredu ili čak i smrt. Svjestan sam da imam pravo da pristanem ili da odbijem bilo koju ponuđenu hiruršku intervenciju, proceduru ili liječenje, i da se o tome dogovorim sa svojim ljekarom. Ukoliko je ovaj Sporazum potpisan prilikom prijema u Odjeljenje hitne pomoći ili u ambulantnu ustanovu, on nastavlja da važi i pri prijemu na bolničko liječenje. Shvatam da sam, ukoliko učestvujem u protokolu o istraživanju i potpisnik COMIRB formulara o saglasnosti (Colorado Multiple Institutional Review Board - Kolorado multiinstitucionalna komisija za odobrenja), oslobodjen obaveza navedenih u paragrafima 2 i 3 ovog Sporazuma u smislu usluga posebno opisanih u protokolu o istraživanju. Shvatam da se sve stavke ovog Sporazuma odnose na one testove i usluge koje ne spadaju u protokol o istraživanju.
engleski na mađarski: Software
Izvorni tekst - engleski
Using This Guide
This Guide to Features & Upgrades includes general information about your computer, troubleshooting and diagnostics information, and technical specifications.
The following format conventions distinguish elements of the text throughout this guide:
When keys must be pressed at the same time, the action is represented by the key names and the plus (+) symbol. For example, Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
The names of files are presented in uppercase italic type as shown here: FILENAME.
The names of commands, folders, or directories are presented in uppercase type as shown here: COMMAND or DIRECTORY. Commands that are to be entered at the system prompt are shown on a separate line.
When you are asked to type something without pressing the Enter key, you are directed to "type" the information.
When you need to type information and press the Enter key, you will be directed to "enter" the information.
When you need to make a selection with a mouse, you will be directed to "select" or "click" the information.
Prevod - mađarski
Az utasítás használata
A tulajdonságok és feljavítások utasítása magában foglalja az általános információkat az Ön számítógépéről, hibakeresési és diagnosztikai információkat, és technikai adatokat.
Ebben az utasításban az alábbi formátumok megkülönböztetik a szöveg elemeit:
Ha több billentyűt kell egyszerre lenyomni, ez a művelet külön billentyűnévvel, és a plusz (+) szimbólummal van jelölve. Például, Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
A file-ok nevei dőlt nagybetűkkel vannak jelölve, amint az itt be is van mutatva: FILENAME.
A parancsok, naplók és könyvtárak nevei nagybetűkkel vannak jelölve, amint az itt is látható: COMMAND vagy DIRECTORY. A parancsok, amelyeket a rendszer promptjára kell beírni, külön sorban vannak bemutatva.
Ha a számítógép megkéri hogy írjon le valamit az Enter billentyű lenyomása nélkül, Ön utasítást kap, hogy "írja le" az információt.
Ha az információt az Enter billentyu lenyomásával szükséges leírni, Ön utasítást kap, hogy "vigye be" az információt.
Ha az egér segítségével kell választani, Ön utasítást kap, hogy "válassza" vagy "kattintsa" az információt.
engleski na srpskohrvatski: Information Technology
Izvorni tekst - engleski
Adaptive compression
The Lempel-Ziv and related algorithms convert variable-length strings of input symbols into fixed-length (or predictable length) codes. The symbol strings are selected so that all have almost equal probability of occurrence. Consequently, strings of frequently occurring symbols will contain more symbols than a string having infrequent symbols (see example in Table 1). This form of compression is effective at exploiting character frequency redundancy, character repetitions, and high-usage pattern redundancy. However, it is not generally effective on positional redundancy.
This type of algorithm is adaptive in the sense that it starts with an empty table of symbol strings and builds the table during both the compression and decompression processes. These are one-pass procedures that require no prior information about the input data statistics and execute in time proportional to the length of the message. This adaptivity results in poor compression during the initial portion of each message; as a result, the message must be most long enough for the procedure to build enough symbol frequency experience to achieve good compression over the full message. On the other hand, most finite implementations of an adaptive algorithm lose the ability to adapt after a certain amount of the message is processed. If the message is not homogeneous and its redundancy characteristics shift during the message, then compression efficiency declines if the message length significantly exceeds the adaptive range of the compression implementation.
The compression procedure discussed here is called the LZW method. A variation on the Lempel-Ziv procedure, it retains the adaptive properties of Lempel-Ziv and achieves about the same compression ratios in normal commercial computer applications. LZW is distinguished by its very simple logic, which yields relatively inexpensive implementations and the potential for very fast execution. A typical LZW implementation operates at under three clock cycles per symbol and achieves acceptably good compression on messages in the magnitude of ten thousand characters in length.
Prevod - srpskohrvatski
Adaptivna kompresija
Lempel-Ziv i srodni algoritmi konvertuju stringove ulaznih simbola promenljive dužine u kodove fiksne (ili predvidive) dužine. Stringovi simbola se biraju tako da svi imaju skoro istu verovatnoću pojavljivanja. Prema tome, stringovi često pojavljivanih simbola će sadržati više simbola nego string koji sadrži retko korišćene simbole (vidi primer u tabeli 1). Ovaj vid kompresije je efektivan prilikom korišćenja redundancije učestanosti karaktera, ponavljanja karaktera i redundancije često korišćenih obrazaca. Međutim, nije posebno efektivna na pozicionu redundanciju.
Ovaj tip algoritma je adaptivan u smislu da počinje praznom tabelom simboličkih stringova i gradi tabelu i za vreme kompresije i za vreme dekompresije. Ovo su jednoprolazne procedure koje ne zahtevaju prethodnu informaciju o statistici ulaznih podataka i izvršavaju se u vremenu proporcionalnom dužini poruke. Ova adaptivnost rezultira lošom kompresijom za vreme početnog dela svake poruke; kao rezultat toga, poruka mora biti dovoljno dugačka da bi procedura imala dovoljan broj slučaja učestanosti simbola da ostvari dobru kompresiju celom dužinom poruke. Sa druge strane, većina konačnih implementacija nekog adaptivnog algoritma gubi sposobnost prilagođavanja nakon što se obradi određeni deo poruke. Ako poruka nije homogena i ako se njena redundantna karakteristika menja tokom poruke, tada efikasnost kompresije opada ako dužina poruke značajnije prelazi granicu adaptivnosti te implementacije kompresije.
Procedura kompresije koja je ovde opisana se naziva LZW metoda. Kao varijanta Lempel-Ziv procedure ona zadržava adaptivne karakteristike Lempel-Ziv metode i postiže otprilike iste stepene kompresije u normalnim komercijalnim aplikacijama. LZW metoda se odlikuje veoma jednostavnom logikom koja omogućava relativno jeftinu primenu i potencijal za veoma brzo izvršavanje. Tipična LZW implementacija troši tri ciklusa kloka po simbolu i postiže prihvatljivo dobru kompresiju poruka čija je dužina reda veličine deset hiljada karaktera.
engleski na srpski (Assoc. of Sci. and Tech. Translators of Vojvodina)
Adobe Acrobat, DejaVu, FrameMaker, Helium, Indesign, LocStudio, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Other CAT tool, Passolo, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, SDLX, STAR Transit, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace
Successfully managed a number of projects by subcontracting and organizing several professional technical translators residing in the surrounding countries, native speakers of their target languages.
Major brands and institutions: Nokia (950,000 words), Husqvarna (500,000), Volvo Trucks (380,000), Kenwood (300,000), Epson (140,000), Daewoo (170,000), HP (120,000), Samsung (120,000), Volvo Cars (70,000), Konica-Minolta (67,000), Jonsered (60,000), VanDamme (60,000), Kimberly-Clark (60,000), Convergys (57,000), Atlas Copco (52,000), European Union (48,000), Vermeer, Nonin, Unibet, Olympus, GE, Ferroli, Moulinex, Flender, Renault, Société Générale, GoTranslators, Krups…
1999-today • Freelance translator
Translated user guides, service manuals, brochures and other documentation for all sorts of hardware, software, communication systems, electronic devices, vehicles and machines.
Major brands and institutions: Volvo Trucks (1.8 mil. words), Samsung (350,000), JVC (300,000 words), Epson (185,000), Nokia (160,000), HIT (130,000), Caterpillar (130,000), Makita (95,000), Motorola (75,000), Daikin (65,000), Philips (50,000), Oracle (45,000), Bang & Olufsen (40,000), Red Cross, Beko, Moulinex, Lufkin, Ropla, Synarc, Bandag, CompAir, Microsoft, Alcatel, Husqvarna, Winterhalter, Krups, Viking, HP, Mazda, Esso, InstallShield, Ericsson, Citroën, Renault…
1999-2000 • Head of a major political party's computer center
Head of the Serbian Renewal Movement's Computer center. Organized and maintained the infrastructure, performed confidential tasks. Automated the process of data gathering and statistical processing during several elections, as well as creating the multimedia output.
1998-1999 • External translator at Heitmann GmbH (now part of the L&H Mendez group)
Translated many reference guides and various other technical documents for Compaq Computer Corporation (500,000 words).
CAT tools
Trados Workbench user since January 1998 (v1.15), currently using the latest Freelance Edition. Extensive knowledge, hundreds of projects done with the help of this tool. Experience with DejaVu and Transit Satellite PE.
Pricing and Payment:
Rates are based on a number of factors, including language pair(s) and area(s) of specialization, deadline(s), DTP work needed, etc. If the source text is provided in an editable electronic form, the price will be calculated based on the source words count; otherwise the target word count will be used. However, I estimate my final price only upon viewing samples of text to be done.
Payment should be done through international bank wire or by check. Euros and US dollars preferred.
Terms & Conditions:
A Project Order is required before starting each project.
Prices must be agreed before or during the project, and NOT afterwards.
Any specific requirements and procedures must be agreed before starting the project.
P4 Athlon 3800+
1500 GB hard drive
2 GB memory
17" LCD monitor
3 Mbit permanent cable Internet connection
Laser printer
UPS (power supply)
Second PC (P4 Athlon 2600+, second UPS)
Trados Freelance v7.5
DejaVu X
Transit XV
Windows XP Pro
Office XP
FineReader 7.0
QuarkXpress 6.0
Adobe Photoshop 5.5
Adobe FrameMaker 7
Adobe PageMaker 6.52
Adobe Acrobat 5.0
Hundreds of electronic and paper dictionaries and glossaries, scientific books and magazines. A partial list of paper dictionaries I possess can be found HERE.
Ključne reči: computers, software, hardware, web, internet, network, information, technology, mobile, phones. See more.computers,software,hardware,web,internet,network,information,technology,mobile,phones,telecommunications,telecom,electronics,audio,video,machine,engineering,automotive,industry,mathematics,physics,geography,astronomy,music. See less.
Ovaj profil je primio 72 posete u prethodnih mesec dana, od ukupno 62 posetilaca