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engleski na hrvatski: I MAY BE WRONG General field: Umetnost/književnost Detailed field: Psihologija
Izvorni tekst - engleski After leaving my life as a monk behind and returning to Sweden, I was interviewed by a newspaper. They wanted to know more about my somewhat unusual life choices. Why would a successful businessman give away every- thing he owns, shave his head and go off into the jungle to live with a bunch of strangers? Some way into our conversation, the interviewer asked the million-dollar question:
‘What is the most important thing you learned during your seventeen years as a Buddhist forest monk?’
The question made me feel nervous and flustered. I had to say something, but I didn’t want to rush this par- ticular answer.
The journalist sitting across from me wasn’t a person of any discernible spiritual interest. He had no doubt been shocked to learn about all the things I’d chosen to forego during my time as a monk. After all, I’d lived without money, without sex or masturbation, without TV or novels, without alcohol, without family, without holidays, without modern conveniences, without choosing when or what to eat.
Prevod - hrvatski Nakon što sam iza sebe ostavio život redovnika i vratio se u Švedsku, dao sam intervju novinama. Željeli su znati više o mojim pomalo neuobičajenim životnim odabirima. Zašto bi se uspješan poslovnjak odrekao svega što posjeduje, obrijao glavu i pošao u živjeti u prašumi s gomilom nepoznatih ljudi? Nakon nekog mi je vremena novinar postavio pitanje od milijun dolara:
„Što je ono najvažnije što ste naučili tijekom sedamnaest godina koje ste proveli kao šumski budistički redovnik?“
Ovo je pitanje u meni pobudilo nervozu i uznemirenost. Morao sam nešto reći, no nisam želio brzati baš s ovim odgovorom.
Novinar koji je sjedio nasuprot mene nije pretjerano zainteresiran za duhovnost. Nesumnjivo su ga šokirale stvari kojih sam se odrekao tijekom redovništva. Ipak sam živio bez novca, bes seksa ili samozadovoljavanja, bez TV-a ili romana, bez alkohola, bez obitelji, bez blagdana, bez pogodnosti modernog života, bez mogućnosti da odabirem što ću i kada jesti.
engleski na hrvatski: Wound gel application information General field: Medicina Detailed field: Medicina: zdravstvo
Izvorni tekst - engleski Application information:
Shake bottle well before use!
Spray LAVANOX-Serag® wound
spray gel with several bursts
from a short distance until the
wound is completely wetted,
depending on its nature. Before
first application and at dressing
changes, wound cleansing is recommended to remove exudate,
fibrinoid deposits and other contaminants. Suitable for this are
products of the line LAVANOX-Serag®. The frequency of dressing
changes depends on the nature
of the wound and should be adapted to the particular wound situation. LAVANOX-Serag® wound
spray gel can be used in combination with common compresses, plasters and other common
dressing materials. Please also
refer to the instructions for use
of the respective product. LAVANOX-Serag® wound spray gel
can be used without restriction regarding age and gender of
the patient. There are no known
undesirable side effects. A slight chlorine odor is a sign of the activity of the preservative system.
LAVANOX-Serag® wound spray gel can be used by non-professionals if they have been instructed by healthcare professionals.
Prevod - hrvatski Podaci o primjeni:
Dobro protresti bočicu prije upotrebe! Raspršite LAVANOX-Serag® sprej za rane nekoliko puta s male udaljenosti dok u potpunosti ne ovlažite ranu, ovisno o njenoj prirodi. Prije prvog nanošenja i promjene obloge, preporučuje se čišćenje rane kako bi se uklonio eksudat, fibrinoidi i ostali kontaminanti. Za to su odgovarajući proizvodi iz linije LAVANOX-Serag®. Učestalost mijenjanja obloga ovisi o prirodi rane i treba je prilagoditi situaciji. LAVANOX-Serag® sprej za rane u gelu može se upotrebljavati s običnim kompresijama, flasterima i drugim uobičajenim oblogama. Također, molimo da se držite uputa za upotrebu. LAVANOX-Serag® sprej za rane u gelu može se koristiti bez ograničenja u odnosu na dob i spol pacijenta. Nema poznatih nuspojava. Blagi miris klora ukazuje na aktivnost konzervansa. LAVANOX-Serag® sprej za rane u gelu mogu koristiti i laici ako ih za to obuče stručnjaci.
Prevodilačko obrazovanje
Master's degree - Filozofski fakultet u Osijeku
Godine iskustva: 4. Registrovan/a na Mar 2021. Postao član: Feb 2024.
MateCat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Ooona, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Subtitle Edit, Subtitle Editor, Subtitle Workshop, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio, Wincaps Q4, XTM
CV available upon request
Greetings! As a translator and interpreter proficient in both Croatian and English, I possess over three years of industry expertise in the fields of translation and localization. I have honed my craft, specializing in areas such as subtitle translation, working closely with esteemed clientele including Netflix, HBO Max, Skyshowtime, National Geographic, FOX, and Paramount. My skillset also extends to literary translation, marketing transcreation, and website localization. My passion for the industry continues to drive my ongoing professional development as I aspire to expand my network and cultivate relationships with new clients. I look forward to learning more about the dynamic world of localization and offering my expertise to new projects.
Ključne reči: Croatian, English, localization, translator, subtitling, Tea Grgurić, titlanje, hrvatski, engleski, subtitle translation. See more.Croatian, English, localization, translator, subtitling, Tea Grgurić, titlanje, hrvatski, engleski, subtitle translation, subtitle QC, subtitle, English to Croatian, marketing, transcreation, localization. See less.