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15 years of experience in translating and interpreting in labour relations and organizational policy documents
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engleski na srpski - Tarifa: 0.06 - 0.10 EUR po reči srpski na engleski - Tarifa: 0.06 - 0.10 EUR po reči francuski na srpski - Tarifa: 0.06 - 0.10 EUR po reči
Poeni na PRO-nivou: 44, Odgovori na pitanja: 44, Postavljena pitanja: 2
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srpski na engleski: Finansiranje političkih partija Detailed field: Državna uprava / politika
Izvorni tekst - srpski Finansiranje stranaka iz javnih izvora je mera koju savremene države preduzimaju iz nekoliko razloga, od kojih su suzbijanje korupcije i finansiranja stranaka iz nezakonitih izvora, kao i stabilizacija partijske scene među najvažnijima. Postojećim normama je regulisano da sve političke stranke koje imaju predstavnike u zakonodavnim telima (bilo o kom nivou vlasti da se radi: republički, pokrajinski, lokalni) imaju pravo na finansijska sredstva iz javnih izvora za pokrivanje troškova redovnog rada. Ona se za redovni rad stranaka koje imaju predstavnike u Narodnoj skupštini izdvajaju u iznosu od 0,15 % budžeta Republike (umanjenog za transfere drugim nivoima vlasti), odnosno po 0,1 % iz budžeta pokrajine i lokalne samouprave. Trideset procenata izdvojenih sredstava se raspodeljuje u jednakim iznosima svim političkim strankama čiji su kandidati osvojili mandate u predstavničkim telima, dok se preostalih 70 % strankama deli proporcionalno broju mandata u parlamentu. Pored već pomenutih dobrih strana ovakvog rešenja, ukazaćemo na probleme u ovom segmentu koji su u velikoj meri ugrožavali pozitivne efekte primene Zakona.
Prevod - engleski Financing political parties through public resources
Financing parties through public resources is a measure taken by modern states for several reasons, out of which suppressing corruption and financing parties through illegal resources, as well as stabilizing the party scene, are among the most important ones. Existing norms regulate the fact that all political parties who have their representatives in legislative bodies (at any level of authority:national, regional, local) have the right to use financial means from public resources in order to cover the expenses of their everyday work. The everyday work of those parties which have their representatives in the National Assembly is covered by means in the amount of 0, 15% of the state budget (decreased for the transfers to other levels of authority), in other words 0,1% from both the regional and public administration budget. 30% of the means which are set aside are allocated equally to all political parties whose candidates have mandates in representative bodies, while the remaining 70% is distributed to the parties in proportion to the number of mandates in the Parliament. Apart from the already mentioned good sides of this solution, we will point out to the problems in this segment, which have greatly threatened positive effects of the use of Law.
engleski na srpski: Political parties General field: Društvene nauke Detailed field: Državna uprava / politika
Izvorni tekst - engleski Political party
Political party is an organization whose aim is to gain control of the government apparatus, usually through the election of its candidates to public office. Political parties take many forms, but their main functions are similar: to supply personnel for government positions; to organize these personnel around the formation and implementation of public policy; and to serve in a mediating role between individuals and their government. Political parties are as old as organized political systems. For example, many of the ancient Greek city-states had organized competitive parties.
Political parties have been organized for various reasons: to support a particular political figure, to advance a particular policy or a general ideological stand, to aid politically certain groups or sections of society, or merely to combine for short-term political advantage. Political parties have also been organized in various ways; in some, control is exercised by a small central elite, either elected or self-perpetuating, while in others, power is decentralized, with candidate picking and decision making spread among local party units.
Prevod - srpski Politička partija
Politička partija je organizacija čiji je cilj da stekne kontrolu nad aparatom vlade, obicno putem izbora kandidata za javnu službu. Političke partije imaju mnoge oblike, ali njihove glavne funkcije su slične: da obezbede personal za pozicije u vladi; da organizuju ovaj personal kako bi formirao i sprovodio javnu politiku; i da služe kao posrednik izmedju pojedinaca i njihove vlade. Političke partije su stare koliko i organizovani politički sistemi. Na primer, mnogi antički grčki gradovi-države su organizovali konkurentne partije.
Političke partije su bile organizovane iz različitih razloga: da podrze odredjenog političara, unaprede odredjenu politiku ili opšti ideološki stav, na politički način pomognu odredjenim grupama ili delovima društva, ili jednostavno da se udruže radi kratkotrajne političke prednosti. Političke partije su takodje bile organizovane na različite načine; u nekima od njih, mala centralna elita ima moć, bilo da se ona bira ili se sama dugo održala, dok je u drugima moć decentralizovana, kandidati se biraju a odluke se donose medju lokalnim jedinicama partije.
engleski (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, verified) engleski na srpski (Udruzenje strucnih prevodilaca Srbije, 2007, verified) engleski na srpski (Obuka za simultano i konsekutivno prevodjenje, Multiservis Multilingua, verified) srpski na engleski (Obuka za simultano i konsekutivno prevodjenje, Multiservis Multilingua, verified) engleski (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), verified)
francuski na srpski (Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale)
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I am an experienced simultaneous interpreter and translator. I specialize in social policy, workers' and trade union issues. I have extensive experience in working on occupational health and safety issues, labour legislation, life and work balance, ergonomics, practically all matters affecting workers' life.
I am office-based and have been working for multiple clients: companies, private entities, universities.
I fell in love with translation and interpretation after having finished a course at Multilingua language school back in 2011. Also, I am a passionate learner. In January 2023 I passed DALF C2 and I will continue learning and improving my language skills through online lessons, videos and podcasts.
Prices are negotiable.
I'm looking forward to working with you. Please, contact me through my e-mail.
Ovaj korisnik je zaradio KudoZ poene pomažući drugim prevodiocima u vezi sa terminima na PRO nivou. Kliknite na ukupan broj poena da biste videli ponuđene prevode termina.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
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engleski na srpski
srpski na engleski
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Međunarodne organizacije/razvoj/saradnja
Sport / fitnes / rekreacija
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Pravo: ugovori
Ključne reči: Serbian, English, translator, interpreter, social policy, climate change policy, environmental protection, law (general), rights, trade union. See more.Serbian, English, translator, interpreter, social policy, climate change policy, environmental protection, law (general), rights, trade union, labour, world of work, sustainable development goals, EU institutions, EU Directives, new forms of employment, precarious work, legislation, acquis communautaire, progress report, marketing, research, public opinion, study, poll, elections, inquiry, simultaneous and consecutive interpretation, translation, labour issues, advertising/public relations, human resources, tourism&travel. See less.