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engleski na srpski: Guide to the implementation of directives based on the New Approach and the Global Approach
Izvorni tekst - engleski A high level of protection is envisaged in the New Approach directives. This requires Member States to take all necessary measures to ensure that products may be placed on the market and put into service only if they do not endanger the safety and health of persons, or other interests covered by the applicable New Approach directives, when correctly constructed, installed and maintained, and used in accordance with their purpose. This implies an obligation for Member States to organise and carry out market surveillance, in a way that is effective and sufficiently extensive to discover non-compliant products. This is to protect not only the interests of consumers, workers and other users, but also the interests of economic operators from unfair competition. The obligation for market surveillance is complementary to the provisions of the New Approach directives that require Member States to allow free movement of products that are in compliance with the requirements.
Prevod - srpski Директивама Новог приступа предвиђа се висок ниво заштите. Овим се захтева од држава чланица да предузму све неопходне мере како би обезбедиле да се производи пласирају на тржиште и пусте у употребу само уколико не угрожавају безбедност и здравље људи, или друге интересе обухваћене меродавним директивама Новог приступа, када су ти производи правилно израђени, уграђени и одржавани, и коришћени у складу са својом наменом. Овим се предвиђа обавеза држава чланица да организују и спроводе тржишни надзор, на начин који је делотворан и довољно обухватан како би се открили неусаглашени производи. Тиме се штите не само интереси потрошача, радника и осталих корисника, већ и интереси привредних субјеката, када је у питању нелојална конкуренција. Обавеза тржишног надзора је комплементарна одредбама директива Новог приступа, којима се захтева од држава чланица да допусте слободан промет производа који су усклађени са захтевима.
Prevodilačko obrazovanje
Bachelor's degree - English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philology - University of Belgrade
Godine iskustva: 28. Registrovan/a na Dec 2009. Postao član: Dec 2009.
engleski na srpski (MITI, verified) engleski (MCIL , verified) engleski (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), verified) engleski (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, verified) srpski na engleski (MITI)
ITI, Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Serbia, CIOL
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordbee, Wordfast
Qualified member of the UK's Institute of Translation and Interpreting (MITI), Qualified Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists, Holder of DPSI for English Law, ISO 17100 Qualified
Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade - B.A. in the English Language and Literature
Certificate of Proficiency in English (grade A)
Court Translator/Interpreter appointed in Serbia
Certified by the Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Serbia
Prince2 Foundation Certificate (APMG International)
Work experience:
Over 23 years of translation experience (since 1997), including a 12 year, full-time employment as an in-house English to Serbian and Serbian to English translator/interpreter for the Petroleum Industry of Serbia (translation of manuals, instructions, guidebooks in the field of chemical, mechanical, civil and electrical engineering; legal, financial/commercial and business texts)
Some of the freelance engagements:
September 2010 - December 2011
Collaboration with the European Integration Office of the Republic of Serbia on the translation of EU legislation from English into Serbian
January 2005 - September 2006
Translated 39 ISO, IEC and EN technical standards from English into Serbian in the scope of EU/CARDS project "SCG – Quality" (project coordinated by the Danish Technological Institute and the Institute for Standardisation for Serbia and Montenegro)
Published translation:
English to Serbian
"Guide to the implementation of directives based on the New Approach and the Global Approach" published by the Danish Technological Institute
February 2003 – April 2010
Translating legal and political texts from Serbian into English for Transparency Serbia
Some of the published translations:
Serbian to English
- Introductory notes, Chapters 1 & 2 of Financing Presidential Electoral Campaign in Serbia 2004 – published by Transparency Serbia
- Parts of Conflict of Public and Private Interest and Free Access to Information – Legal Assessment and Field Research - Serbia 2003 – published by Transparency Serbia
Other freelance activities in the recent period:
Independent Consultant
Serbian City Club
London (United Kingdom)
Since March 2012 - present
Freelance Journalist
London (United Kingdom)
Since February 2013 - present
Promoting and writing reports, both in English and Serbian, on the cultural events related to the Serbian community in London
Ovaj korisnik je zaradio KudoZ poene pomažući drugim prevodiocima u vezi sa terminima na PRO nivou. Kliknite na ukupan broj poena da biste videli ponuđene prevode termina.