Glossary entry

engleski term or phrase:

Chapter Eight-Sentencing Organizations

srpski translation:

Poglavlje 8 - Kažnjavanje pravnih lica

Added to glossary by Bogdan Petrovic
May 29, 2014 21:37
10 yrs ago
5 viewers *
engleski term

Chapter Eight-Sentencing Organizations

engleski na srpski Pravo/patenti Pravo: ugovori Oil and gas
Operator conducts business in all material respects in accordance with the FCPA and other laws prohibiting the bribery of foreign government officials in accordance with the United States Sentencing Commission, Federal Sentencing Guidelines, Chapter Eight-Sentencing Organizations, as well as the UK Bribery Act 2010, and local laws prohibiting bribery and collusion (“Bribery Acts”).


Daryo May 31, 2014:


Imenica sankcija zaista ima dva značenja: kazna i odobrenje, ali to se ne može reći za glagol sankcionisati, koji je vrlo jednoznačan:

Rečnik Matice srpske, peti tom:
sankciònisati, -išēm svrš. i nesvrš. = sankcionirati.
sankcionírati, -ònīrām svrš. i nesvrš. = sankcionisati dati, davati sankciju (1), odobriti, odobravati, potvrditi, potvrđivati.
sànkcija ž (gen. mn. sȁnkcījā) lat. 1. a. potvrda zakona od strane državnog poglavara. b. odobrenje, potvrda potrebna da bi nešto postalo punovažno.

sankcionisati (lat. sanctus svet, fr. sanctionnet) jedan zakon učiniti svetim i neprikosnovenim, potvrditi, odobriti; nešto utvrditi, učiniti zakonom, dato čemu zakonsku silu.

Eto, ako nekog zanima šta znači sankcionisati, neka slobodno dođe kod nas na forum Matematika."

To kako se "to sanction / (the) sanctions" koristi u poslednje vreme u medijima na Zapadu i takva upotreba preuzima u srpskom nije razlog da se u pravnom tekstu zameni ustaljeni izraz "kažnjavanje" (sudovi kažnjavaju - u EN sentencing je odmeravanje / izricanje kazne).
Daryo May 30, 2014:
give official permission or approval for (an action).
"the scheme was sanctioned by the court"
synonyms: authorize, consent to, permit, allow, give leave for, give permission for,warrant, accredit, license, give assent to, endorse, agree to, approve,accept, give one's blessing to, back, support; More

impose a sanction or penalty on.
"foreigners in France illegally should be sent home, their employers sanctioned and border controls tightened up"
synonyms: punish, discipline someone for
"the penalties for water pollution are frail in comparison with those available to sanction traditional crime"
Daryo May 30, 2014:
sanction saŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n/
1. 1.
a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule.
"a range of sanctions aimed at deterring insider abuse"
synonyms: penalty, punishment, deterrent; More

2. 2.
official permission or approval for an action.
"he appealed to the bishop for his sanction"
synonyms: authorization, consent, leave, permission, authority, warrant, licence,dispensation, assent, acquiescence, agreement, approval, seal/stamp of approval, approbation, recognition, endorsement, accreditation,confirmation, ratification, validation, blessing, imprimatur, clearance,acceptance, allowance; More

Proposed translations

11 h

Poglavlje 8 - Kažnjavanje pravnih lica

§8A1.1. Applicability of Chapter Eight

This chapter applies to the sentencing of all organizations for felony and Class A misdemeanor offenses.

1."Organization" means "a person other than an individual." 18 U.S.C. § 18. The term includes corporations, partnerships, associations, joint-stock companies, unions, trusts, pension funds, unincorporated organizations, governments and political subdivisions thereof, and non-profit organizations.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hvala!"
19 min

Poglavlje 8 - Sankcionisanje organizacija


Peer comment(s):

neutral Daryo : strictly speaking "to sanction" can mean BOTH to punish or to approve someone's actions, could be ambiguous // u EN sentencing je odmeravanje / izricanje kazne (sudovi kažnjavaju), nema potrebe za drugim varijantama
11 h
Maybe in English. In Serbian it is never used for approval, as much as I know.
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