The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

italijanski na engleski Medicina (uopšteno) Translation Glossary

italijanski term engleski translation
visita pediatrica ad età filtro well-care (child) visit
visita specialista in Libera Professione con scelta di medico private medical specialist appointments with doctor of your choice
vistosamente conspicuously/obviously
visus da 5 lettere a 40 lettere visual acuity from 5 to 40 letters
vita di riposo rest
vitreo vitreous humour
vizi di selezione selection biases
VMA negativa VMA negative
voci erogate nel periodo items paid over the period/ financial year
volemico volume expander
volti dai molteplici lineamenti the multitude of expressions on (patient\'s) faces
volto amimico mask-like face
Entered by: Shera Lyn Parpia
VPB media middle of the common bile duct
VTC total volume (calculated)
VV volte (times per day)
VV. UU. municipal police - Vigili Urbani
Entered by: Elene P.
W week
XAI - RX Lower Limb XRays - Radiography
Entered by: Lara Barnett
xifo-sottombelicale xipho-umbilical
XXXXXXXXXXXmedicine una bustina al giorno one packet per day
Entered by: Maria Burnett
yptx ypN3 ypTX ypN3
Entered by: Lara Barnett
zaffo resin tag
zampa d’oca Pes anserinus (leg)
zoppia di caduta Trendelenburg gait
Entered by: liz askew
zoppia di fuga antalgic gait
ZZ.AA. adnexa
[S/U/dU] serum/urine/24-hr urine sample
[trasmissione del fascio sonoro] in profondità sound/pulse penetration
\"sulla linea mediana...\" on its midline...
\\\'rens in rene\\\' rens in rene / kidney within kidney
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