Pierwsza polska wirtualna konferencja ProZ.com Jun 27, 2013 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator directoryResults (710) (Members shown first) |
Checked in | Maciej Kotarski Always on time, always highest quality. Velika Britanija Native in poljski Freelancer | EDEXCEL ESOL Level 2, 20 years of experience |
| Checked in | | 20 years of experience |
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| Checked in | | Bio: Ukończył studia z biologii molekularnej na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim w 1992 r. Pracował jako asystent na wydziałach Medycyny i Chemii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. W roku 2001 rozpoczął pełnowymiarową pracę w charakterze tłumacza z języka angielskiego, po...czątkowo tłumacząc teksty literackie, później również teksty techniczne z zakresu medycyny, chemii i biochemii. Przetłumaczył 31 powieści i kilka milionów stron tekstów medycznych, głównie instrukcji obsługi sprzętu medycznego i materiałów z zakresu badań klinicznych. Doświadczony użytkownik oraz instruktor oprogramowania do wspomagania tłumaczeń (CAT). Certyfikowany trener programu memoQ. Prezentował na kilku konferencjach tłumaczeniowych, prowadzi zajęcia z praktycznych aspektów zawodu tłumacza, oprogramowania CAT oraz innych programów przydatnych w tłumaczeniach. Zainteresowany komunikacją techniczną i zarządzaniem terminologią.More Less |
| Checked in | Maria Zegarska Passion pour le français Francuska Native in poljski Freelancer | MA-Uniwersytet Warszawski, filologia romańska, 18 years of experience |
| Checked in | Anna Ratyńska MSc in Finance & EU law experience Poljska Native in poljski Freelancer | University of Cambridge, Jagiellonian University, MA-in Finance & Accounting from the University of Economics in Katowice, PL Postgraduate studies in Specialized Translation at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow exchange programs at UPV, Valencia, Spain & at UBB, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, IAPTI, 15 years of experience |
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| Checked in | | MA-University of Warsaw, 28 years of experience |
| Checked in | | Bio: Swedish Philology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. Gaining experience :) |
| Checked in | Slawomira Dera Legal translator based in Staffs, UK Velika Britanija Native in poljski Freelancer | 18 years of experience |
| Checked in | | Bio: School of Translation, Interpreting and Languages - STIL UAM, University of Gdańsk, (German Studies). |
| Checked in | Maciej Burak DE JUISTE KEUZE | THE RIGHT CHOICE Poljska Native in poljski Freelancer and outsourcer | Certificates of Dutch as a Foreign Language (CNaVT, MA-University of Wroclaw, 17 years of experience |
| Checked in | | MA-Uniwersytet Opolski, 27 years of experience |
| Checked in | Dawid Tabak EN-PL translations Native in poljski Freelancer | 20 years of experience |
| Checked in | michstudent Qualität und Kundenzufriedenheit Native in poljski Freelancer | MA-Breslau, 12 years of experience |
| Checked in | Piotr Rypalski Tech and legal translation in progress Poljska Native in poljski Freelancer | MA-University of Lodz, Poland, 23 years of experience |
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| Checked in | Agata Liberska Your message in my language. Velika Britanija Native in poljski Freelancer | Jagiellonian University, MA-Uniwersytet Jagielloński |
| Checked in | | |
| Checked in | | 18 years of experience |
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| Checked in | | Bio: Nauczyciel i tłumacz języka angielskiego, szkoleniowiec XTM International. Na co dzień zajmuje się szerzeniem wiedzy na temat pracy tłumaczy w chmurze, prowadzi treningi z XTM Cloud - programu wspomagającego prace tłumaczeniowe. Prywatnie równie często buja w o...błokach dosłownie i w przenośni. Wychodzi z założenia, że nie ma miejsc nieciekawych. Wszędołaz.More Less |
| Checked in | | MA-University of Warsaw, 26 years of experience |
| Checked in | | MA-Uniwersytet Łódzki, 13 years of experience |
| Checked in | Anna Rumpel If I was a verb, I would be irregular. Poljska Native in poljski Freelancer | 14 years of experience |
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| Checked in | | Bio: Sworn translator & interpreter of Dutch, English and Polish
Jagiellonian University of Cracow, University of Leiden, the Netherlands |
| Checked in | | MA-Jagiellonian University, 28 years of experience |
| Checked in | | Bio: I studied at the University of Szczecin and the Univeristy of Poznan. I have a master's degree in sociology and postgraduate diploma in audiovisual translation. I hold Cambridge University's CAE certificate.
I'm interested in many subjects, from football, history, huma...ne sciences, to books.
I used to live and work in the United Kingdom for some time. Freelance translator and linguistics passionate with attention to a detail. I started gaining my translation experience with TED.com website for which I completed more than a 20 projects (audiovisual translation): http://www.ted.com/profiles/993461/translations. I`ve had a privilege to translate movies for Quest Europe Movie Festival 2012 and 2013 as well as WatchDocs Festival 2012.
I completed more than a hundred translations for gengo.com (pro level and proofreading) and onehourtranslation.com (expert translator) websites, with tens of thousands words translated.More Less |
| Checked in | Alicja Wąsik translation subtitling audiodescription Poljska Native in poljski Freelancer | MA-Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, 10 years of experience |
| Checked in | maciej_jg Every word is important Native in poljski Freelancer | MA-University of Silesia in Katowice, 13 years of experience |
| Checked in | Michał Kuć http://arabskitlumacz.com/ Poljska Native in poljski Freelancer | BA-University of Warsaw, 13 years of experience |
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| Checked in | Paulina Lunden Nothing gets lost in translation Danska Native in poljski Freelancer | Copenhagen Business School, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, MA-A. Mickiewicz University in Poznan, 23 years of experience |
| Checked in | Izabela Jorrot Traduction polonais Francuska Native in poljski (Variant: Standard-Poland) Freelancer | Akademia Pedagogiczna KEN w Krakowie, Union Nationale des Experts Traducteurs - Interprètes près les Cours d'Appel, 18 years of experience |
| Checked in | Dorota Pawlak translation and localization that works Native in poljski Freelancer | Universität Wien (Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen), Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, MA-University of Vienna, ATA, IAPTI, 16 years of experience |
| Checked in | Clivia Native in poljski Freelancer | |
| Checked in | Anna Adamczak Quality medical translations Poljska Native in poljski Freelancer | Bio: Medical Translator: 7 years of experience; MA - University of Lodz; Diploma in Translation, Diploma in Public Service Interpreting - London; Worked for 3 years as a full-time community interpreter in Edinburgh |
| Checked in | Piotr Domanski We Can Do That for You Native in poljski Freelancer and outsourcer | MA-University of Wroclaw, 26 years of experience |
| Checked in | Joanna Leszczenko DE-RU-PL Dolmetscherin und Übersetzerin Poljska Native in poljski Freelancer | University of Warsaw, MA-University of Warsaw, The Institute of Applied Linguistics (ILS), 16 years of experience |
| Checked in | Rafal Korycinski Business, IT, hospitality industry Poljska Native in poljski Freelancer | Bio: Interpreter and translator with strong retail and hospitality background and IT education. |
| Checked in | | MA-Adam Mickiewicz University, 19 years of experience |
| Checked in | | MA-ILS UW, 10 years of experience |
| Checked in | | BA-London Metropolitan University, 11 years of experience |
| Checked in | MonikaOska (X) Poljska Native in poljski Freelancer | |
| Checked in | elalin Experienced and reliable Native in poljski Freelancer | 25 years of experience |
| Checked in | Karina Dryzner (X) Poljska Native in poljski Freelancer | University of Lodz, Chartered Institute of Linguists, MA-University of Lodz, Poland |
| Checked in | | MA-University of Silesia, 16 years of experience |
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