Član od Mar '16

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Deena D. Kragulj
SR/BA/MNE/CRO to EN Translator

Maternji jezik: engleski Native in engleski
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Sep 3, 2019 (posted via ProZ.com):  Proofing a research paper - economic development of second world countries vs EU Member States ...more, + 1 other entry »
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Tip naloga Samostalni prevodilac i agencija / kompanija, Identity Verified Verifikovani član
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Udružen sa
This person is affiliated with:
Blue Board affiliation:
Usluge Interpreting, Translation, Editing/proofreading, Transcription, Copywriting, Voiceover (dubbing), Website localization
Specijalizovan/a za:
Finansije (uopšteno)Ekonomija
Posao / trgovina (uopšteno)Pravo (uopšteno)
RačunovodstvoUprava (menadžment)
Oglašavanje / odnosi sa javnošću
Volunteer translations

Volunteer professional humanitarian translation services-

Translators without Borders

Words translated: 5,407
Volonterski / Pro-bono posao Razmotriće volonterski posao za registrovane neprofitne organizacije
KudoZ aktivnost (PRO) Poeni na PRO-nivou: 16, Odgovori na pitanja: 12
Payment methods accepted Bankovni transfer, MasterCard, PayPal, MasterCard
Portfolio Predati primerci prevoda: 4
Iskustvo Godine iskustva: 18. Registrovan/a na ProZ.com: Jan 2016. Postao član: Mar 2016.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s)
Svedočanstva N/A
Članstva N/A
Softver Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MemoQ, Memsourse cloud, Powerpoint
CV/Resume engleski (DOCX)
Events and training
Profesionalna praksa Deena D. Kragulj prihvata ProZ.com's Profesionalnih smernice.


*Native speaker of EN - SR/BA/MNE/CRO to EN translator

*C2 – SR/BA/MNE/CRO speaking, reading (including Cyrillic) and listening / C1 – SR/MNE/CRO writing

*Bachelor of Business Administration in Public Relations (BBA PR)

*17 years’ translation/proofreading experience

*ProZ.com Certified Pro

*Subject Matter Expert: banking/NBS documentation, finance, law/legal documentation, Rep. of Serbia/BA/Croatian/Montenegrin legislation

*Proficient translation: economy, accounting, insurance, Energy Efficiency (legislation and projects), pharmaceuticals, cosmetics/beauty industry, agriculture, HR development, marketing, PR, agriculture

*18 years’ teaching adult ESL – licensed by the Canadian TESOL Institute (2002)

*ESL Programme Implementation (2-year project - over 1,000 bank employee participants), created curriculum for all positions and competencies

*CAT tools: MemoQ (translator pro) serial no.: KGEJM-MGES3-DM3Q7-D81C8-001, Memsource Cloud


*Current long-term translation/editing/interpretation clients: 

-EBRD GEFF project – Speak. covers translation for 25+ countries, 

-ProCredit Bank Serbia / ProCredit Bank Germany (since 2010) 

-Deloitte. Serbia 


-Direktna Banka (2017-2022 until it merged with Eurobank)

-AIK Banka 

-Boehringer Adriatic

-Pharmaceutical Chamber of Serbia

-Peterhof Consulting 

-Center for Democracy Foundation 

-Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities 

-PhiAdacemy – Speak. covers translation for over 25+ markets 

-Law Offices of Sekulović 

-Law Office of Dušan Matković 

-Law Office of Dragan Dilparić

-Law Offices of Omerović&Rakić 

-Hotel Moskva

-Hilton Hotel Belgrade 

-TITAN Cementara Kosjerić


-Mlekara Šabac

-Eksplozivi Rudex 

-Belaga Management Company


*Textual translation projects of interest: 

-Google Chrome Project 2018 – SR to EN translation 300 pages, 

-University of Cambridge doctoral dissertation SR to EN translation/proofreading – 200 pages, 

-Pharmaceutical Chamber of Serbia – A 20 Year History SR to EN translation/editing – 180 pages, 

-20+ scientific papers translated and edited for foreign publications SR to EN – average length per paper 50 pages, 

-Québec, Canada - Simon Plouffe Documentary Life in BiH/Canada After the Yugoslav War – 100+ pages of transcription BA to EN, 

-National Bank of Serbia – documentation issued by the NBS to client banks SR to EN translation 2,000+ pages, to date

-ProCredit Bank Serbia - since 2015 - translation of all banking documentation

-website translation/localisation for various clients - translation 500+ pages SR/CRO to EN, 

-Hilton Hotel – contracts and contractual documentation SR/EN – 400+ pages, 

-PhiAcademy Training - training (educational) material 2,000+ pages SR to EN, 

-Deloitte. contractual documentation - 250+ pages SR/EN 

-Mlekara Šabac (a manufacturer of dairy products) - translation SR to EN legal, financial and technical documentation - 600+ pages

-TITAN Cementara Kosjerić - Annual CSR Report - translation SR to EN + proofreading (50+pages each year from 2014)

-Belaga Management Company - Purchase Agreements (since 2017) - 500+ pages

-HALKBANK - since 2023 - internal documentation

Datum poslednjeg ažuriranja profila
Dec 10, 2024