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srpski na engleski: Excerpt from a 200-page translation of a project analysis for the Kovin coal mine in Serbia General field: Tehnika/inženjerstvo Detailed field: Rudarstvo & minerali / drago kamenje
Izvorni tekst - srpski [...]
Hemijskom analizom pepela određen je sadržaj SiO2, FeO3, Al2O3, CaO, MgO, SO3, P2O5, TiO2, Na2O, K2O, kao i reakcija pepela (kiselost ili baznost).
Ispitivanjem tačaka topivosti pepela određene su temperature na kojima je došlo do
promena na ispitivanim uzorcima. Vrste promena za koje su odreńivane temperature su tačke
sinterovanja, omekšavanja, polulopte i razlivanja, kao i vrsta atmosfere (oksidaciona ili
redukciona) u kojoj je došlo do promena.
Sve navedene analize su izvršene su u skladu sa važećim standardima ispitivanja u laboratoriji Rudarskog Instituta u Zemunu.
4.5.2 Petrografske analize uglja
Ova vrsta laboratorijskih ispitivanja je takođe sistematski pratila sve faze istraživanja. Analize su rađene u laboratorijama:
- Geološkog Instituta, Beograd
- Rudarsko - Geološkog fakulteta, Beograd.
Ukupan broj ispitanih uzoraka, iz oba polja je 633.
Ova vrsta analize, bitna za odreńivanje petrografskog sastava, vrste organskog
materijala, genetske pripadnosti i stepena metamorfizma uglja je u sklopu poslednjih
istraživanja izvedena na ukupno 44 uzorka. Uzorci su uzeti iz 4 bušotine ravnomerno
prostorno pozicionirane, dve iz polja ''A'' (KB-79 i KB-91) i dve iz ''B'' polja (GD-601 i GD-
603). Oprobavani su intervali svih slojeva uglja u izabranim bušotinama, ravnomerno po čitavom stubu sloja, uz zastupljenost svih litotipova uglja.
4.5.3 Palinološka ispitivanja
Palinološke analize spora i polena vršene su u skoro svim fazama istraživanja. Ukupno je obrađeno 695 uzoraka, od koji je 256 uzoraka imalo pozitivan rezultat.
Analize su vršene u laboratorijama:
- Geološkog Instituta, Beograd
- Rudarsko - Geološkog fakulteta, Beograd.
Palinološka ispitivanja iz 2008. godine su takođe izvršena u laboratoriji Rudarsko -
Geološkog fakulteta. Njima je obuhvaćeno ukupno 36 uzoraka uzetih iz istih bušotina iz kojih su uzeti i petrografski uzorci. Uzorci su uzimani iz slojeva uglja, i iz njegove neposredne krovine i podine. U ugljenim slojevima je uzorkovano prvenstveno iz zemljastog i barskog litotipa uglja. Ispitivani uzorci analizirani su u cilju utvrńivanja sadržaja palinoformi (spora i polena), određivanja njihovih taksonomskih i biostratigrafskih karakteristika i identifikacije organskih facija i palinofacija u svrhu rekonstrukcije sredina sedimentacije.
4.5.4 Sedimentološka ispitivanja
Sedimentološke analize su vršene tokom svih faza geoloških istraživanja, a ispitivani su svi sedimenti razvijeni u ležištu, rastresiti, poluvezani i vezani, osim uglja.
Najveći broj ispitivanja je izvršen u laboratorijama za sedimentologiju Geološkog Instituta Srbije, a manji broj u Institutu za ispitivanje materijala iz Beograda. Ukupno je analizirano 1.993 uzorka.
Mineraloško petrografski sastav je odreńen je za svaku grupu ispitivanih sedimenata. Modalni sastav lakih frakcija kao i modalni sastav teških frakcija određeni su na po 1.438 uzoraka.
Radi detaljnog raščlanjavanja sedimenata urańene su i granulometrijske analize
šljunkova i peskova. Prikazani su kao granulometrijski podaci i urađeni na 1490 uzoraka. Iz odnosa šljunak : pesak : prah i pesak : prah : glina određene su sledeće vrste klastita: šljunkovi srednjozrni i sitnozrni, peskoviti srednje i sitnozrni šljunkovi, šljunkoviti pesak, srednjozrni pesak, alevritski pesak, alevritsko-glnoviti pesak, alevrit-pesak, peskovito-glinoviti alevrit i alevritska glina.
Od granulometarskih parametara, sa kumulativnih krivih skinute su vrednosti parametara: Md, Q3 i Q1 kao i D10, D15, D20, D60 i D85. Izračunati su koeficijenti sortiranosti i asimetričnosti, od kojih prvi pokazuju veliko variranje što je i normalno za klastite različitih sredina, dok koeficijnt asimetričnosti ne pokazuje veća variranja. Granulometrijski parametri su obrađeni na ukupno 1.397 uzoraka.
Na 984 uzorka utvrđeni su skupno: modalni sastav teških i lakih frakcija,
granulometrijski podaci i granulometrijski parametri.
Zapreminska težina klastita obrańena je na 984 uzorka.
Sastav finozrnih sedimenata, glina, određen je diferencijalno termičkom, termogravimetrijskom i rentgenskom analizom.
Na vezanim sedimentima, peščarima, čiji je broj relativno mali, određen je sadržaj kalcijum karbonata i vrednosti pH i Eh.
Rezultati sedimentoloških ispitivanja omogućili su izdvajanje litofacijalnih tipova i određivanje sredine sedimentacije kao i povezivanje izdvojenih sredina i slojeva uglja. Izdvojene su u gornjem pontu litofacije peskovitog karaktera vezane za jezersku sredinu a u kvartaru facije rečnog korita, facije barskih sedimenata i facije eolskih peskova.
Naročito su značajna i obimna ispitivanja izvršena 1981. godine radi povezivanja kolektorskih sredina severnog oboda koviske depresije sa poljem „A“ i „B“ a u cilju rešavanja hidrološke problematike vezane za eksploataciju ležišta uglja.
Sedimentološka ispitivanja iz 2007. - 08. godine vršena su u laboratorijama za sedimentologiju Geološkog Instituta Srbije iz Beograda i Instituta za ispitivanje materijala iz Beograda. Ukupno je analizirano 52 uzorka iz peska, šljunka i ostalih nevezanih i poluvezanih sedimenata krovine i podine ugljenih slojeva.
Granulometrijska ispitivanja šljunka i peska iz bušotina, ukupno 20 uzoraka, su obavljena u Institutu za ispitivanje materijala iz Beograda.
Kvalitativno - kvantitativna modalna analiza i granulometrijska analiza pomenutih sedimenata, ukupno 32 uzorka, je urađena u Geološkom Institutu Srbije.
Prevod - engleski [...]
The chemical analysis of ash indicated the content of SiO2, FeO3, Al2O3, CaO, MgO, SO3, P2O5, TiO2, Na2O, K2O, as well as the ash reactivity (in acidic and alkaline environment).
The temperatures at which changes in examined samples occurred were determined by the tests of ash melting points. The change types for which the temperatures were determined were: sintering point, softening point, half ball point and flow point, including the type of environment (oxidative or reductive) in which the changes occurred.
All of the cited analyses were conducted in accordance with the relevant testing standards at the laboratory of the Mining Institute in Zemun.
4.5.2. Petrographic Analyses of Coal
This type of laboratory tests systematically accompanied all research phases as well. The analyses were conducted at the laboratories of:
- Geological Institute in Belgrade,
- Faculty of Mining and Geology in Belgrade.
The total number of samples examined was 633 samples from both fields.
The cited analysis, required to determine the petrographic composition, the types of organic material, origin of coal and its degree of metamorphism, was conducted on a total of 44 samples in the last phase of research. The samples were obtained from 4 boreholes positioned at a reasonable distance from one another, with two being in the A field (KB-79 and KB-91), and the other two being in the B field (GD-601 and GD-603). The intervals of all coal layers in the selected boreholes were sampled uniformly from the entire column of the field, with all of the coal lithotypes included.
4.5.3 Palynological Tests
The palynological analyses of spores and pollen were conducted in all of the research phases. A total of 695 samples were processed, of which 256 samples were positive.
The analyses were conducted at the laboratories of:
- Geological Institute in Belgrade,
- Faculty of Mining and Geology in Belgrade.
The palynological tests of 2008 were conducted at the laboratory of the Faculty of Mining and Geology as well. Those included a total of 36 samples obtained from the same boreholes that the petrographic samples were obtained from. The samples of every coal layer, as well as its roof and floor were taken. In the coal layers, the xyloid and peat lithotypes of coal were primarily sampled. The examined samples were analyzed for the purpose of determining the content of palynomorphs (sporopollenin), determining their palynotaxa and biostratigraphic features, as well as identifying the organic facies and palynofacies in order to reconstruct the sedimentation environment.
4.5.4 Sedimentological Tests
Sedimentological test were conducted in all phases of geological research, and all of the sediments of the bed excluding the coal were examined: loose, semi-compact and compact.
The greatest number of tests was conducted in the sedimentology laboratories of the Geological Institute of Serbia, with a smaller number of tests being conducted at the Institute for Material Testing in Belgrade. A total of 1.993 samples were examined.
The mineralogical and petrographic composition was determined for every group of examined sediments. The modal composition of light fractions as well as the modal composition of heavy fractions was determined on 1.438 samples each.
In order to obtain a precise breakdown of sediments, the granulometric analyses of gravels and sands were conducted. Those were presented in form of granulometric results obtained from 1490 samples. From the ratios of gravel : sand : silt and sand : silt : clay the following types of clastic rocks were detected: medium and fine-grained gravels, medium and fine-grained sandy gravels, gravel sand, medium-grained sand, aleuritic sand, aleuritic-clayey sand, aleurite-sand, sandy-clayey aleurite and aleuritic clay.
Regarding granulometric parameters, the values obtained from the cumulative curves were: Md, Q3 and Q1, as well as D10, D15, D20, D60 and D85. The sorting and asymmetry coefficients were calculated, the former indicating a high degree of variation, which is normal for clastic rocks of different environments, and the latter showing no significant variations. Granulometric parameters were examined on a total of 1.397 samples.
The following parameters were determined on a total of 984 samples: modal composition of heavy and light fractions, granulometric data and granulometric parameters.
Volumetric mass of the clastic rocks was determined for 984 samples.
The composition of the fine-grained sediments, clays, was determined by differential thermal, thermogravimetric and x-ray analysis.
The quantities of calcium carbonate and the pH and Eh values were determined for the compact sediments, sandstones, which are few in number.
The results of sedimentological tests helped determine the lithofacial types and sedimentation environment, as well as the connections between the separate environments and coal layers. In the Late Pontian sediments, the sand lithofacies originating in lacustrine environment is distinguishable, while in the Quaternary sediments those are river channel facies, pond sediments facies and aeolian sand facies.
The examinations conducted in 1981 are of specific importance. Those were conducted in order to find the connections between the collectors in the northern rim of the Kovin depression and the fields A and B for the purpose of resolving the hydrological problems related to coal bed mining.
The sedimentological tests of 2007 and 2008 were conducted at the laboratories of the Geological Institute of Serbia in Belgrade and of the Institute for Material Testing in Belgrade. A total of 52 samples of sand, gravel and other loose and semi-compact sediments from the coal layer roofs and floors were analyzed.
Granulometric tests of gravel and sand from the boreholes, 20 samples in total, were conducted at the Institute for Material Testing in Belgrade.
Qualitative and quantitative modal analysis and granulometric analysis of the cited sediments, 32 samples in total, was conducted at the Geological Institute of Serbia.
Prevodilačko obrazovanje
Graduate diploma - Philological Faculty, University of Belgrade
Godine iskustva: 19. Registrovan/a na Jun 2011.
srpskohrvatski na engleski (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology) engleski na srpskohrvatski (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology) srpskohrvatski na italijanski (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology) italijanski na srpskohrvatski (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology) srpski na engleski (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology)
engleski na srpski (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology) srpski na italijanski (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology) italijanski na srpski (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology)
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