Glossary entry (derived from question below)
engleski term or phrase:
srpski translation:
zadržava (prvobitni) oblik
engleski term
"Quarter-turned to eliminate centre crease."
4 +1 | zadržava (prvobitni) oblik | SilvijaG (X) |
4 | dodaci za šavove od 1/4 inča | Slobodanka Stojčević |
Construction Concerns Just as fabric af... | SilvijaG (X) |
Oct 25, 2015 18:03: SilvijaG (X) Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
zadržava (prvobitni) oblik
Koliko sam videla, to je prevod koji su dali na poljskom, slovackom i ceskom, a posto je i srpski slovenski jezik (a pritom nema adekvatan prevod ovog termina), mislim da je bolje dati jednostavan prevod nego objasnjavati kako je u toku proizvodnje "tuba" okrenuta za cetvrtinu, itd., kako materijal ne bi bio izguzvan na sredini.
dodaci za šavove od 1/4 inča
Q: What does quarter-turned mean?
A: It is the final process we do to the fabric before cutting the parts out of the tubes we knit. The purpose is to place the permanent, more visible crease below the armhole on the finished garments and not in the center of the front and back of the garments. A quarter-turned garment looks better hanging at retail, and it does not affect a decorator’s screen print or embroidery design.;jsessionid=30D41E5473BF4F6A7...
Note added at 4 hrs (2014-11-18 15:26:34 GMT)
quarter-turned = presavijeno za 1/4 (ili 90°);
"Finishing the corners when you're making a narrow hem can be a challenge. Making a perfect 90˚ fold at each corner is one option" - ova opcija se odnosi na pojam "quarter-turned" ili "dodatak za šavove od 1/4 inča" (dok je na sajtu koji to objašnjava, predstavljen taj isti pojam koji u njihovom slučaju pokazuje dupli "dodatak za šavove od 1/4 inča").
Takođe, ako se na srpskom jeziku potraži pojam "dodaci za šavove od 1/4 inča", može se vidjeti da je to pojam koji se upotrebljava u tekstilnoj industriji.
Note added at 4 hrs (2014-11-18 15:27:08 GMT)
quarter-turned = presavijeno za 1/4 (ili 90°);
"Finishing the corners when you're making a narrow hem can be a challenge. Making a perfect 90˚ fold at each corner is one option" - ova opcija se odnosi na pojam "quarter-turned" ili "dodatak za šavove od 1/4 inča" (dok je na sajtu koji to objašnjava, predstavljen taj isti pojam koji u njihovom slučaju pokazuje dupli "dodatak za šavove od 1/4 inča").
Takođe, ako se na srpskom jeziku potraži pojam "dodaci za šavove od 1/4 inča", može se vidjeti da je to pojam koji se upotrebljava u tekstilnoj industriji.;jsessionid=30D41E5473BF4F6A72842EACB0E7F74E
neutral |
SilvijaG (X)
: Mislim da se ne moze primeniti na fabricku proizvodnju majica.
51 min
Taj podatak je priložen da bi slikovito objasnio šta predstavlja pojam "dodatka za šavove od 1/4 inča", koji se primjenjuje u tekstilnoj industriji.
Reference comments
Just as fabric affects the quality and wearabilty of a T-shirt, so too does its construction. "There are technical differences between tees made for sports and for casualwear," explains Stacks. "Augusta's CoolmaxT T-shirt, as an example, has set-in sleeves so there's no seam or stitching across the shoulders. It also has double-needle topstitching . these kinds of features make casual tees more pricey than sports tees."
Indeed higher-end tees will likely have the added strength of double-needle stitching and be taped shoulder-to-shoulder, for example. They may also be quarter-turned, meaning the fabric "tube" that creates the body of the tee was turned one-quarter of the way around before the shirt was cut in the manufacturing process. This eliminates a crease down the front of the shirt, which can interfere with imprinting and cause the shirt to hang funny.
Note added at 2 hrs (2014-11-18 13:45:02 GMT)
Note added at 2 hrs (2014-11-18 13:46:55 GMT)
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