Oct 31, 2014 13:24
10 yrs ago
2 viewers *
engleski term

sell assessment

engleski na srpski Pravo/patenti Pravo (uopšteno) Enforcement law
Data collected by means of electronic survey (sell assessment)

To je podnaslov tabele o kompetentnosti izvršitelja, u kojoj se ocenjuju razne njihove veštine i boduje njihov rad.
Ne pada mi na pamet šta bi u ovom slučaju "sell" trebalo da znači.
Mozda je rec pogresno otkucana?


Daryo Oct 31, 2014:
Spelling-checkers are not nonsense-checkers.
I've seen few really silly mistakes that no one spotted before it was too late. A really good one one was a huge advertising board for a house offered for sale, claiming that "estate agent such and such" is the "soul agent" (prodavac duša??) instead of "sole agent" (ekskluzivni agent).
Just to be sure, to eliminate all other options even if they are far less likely, when you say "kompetentnosti izvršitelja" it's about them doing their job as debt collectors, not their skills at finding clients (i.e. people who have debts to collect)? You have that table, you can check it.
I just noticed this other question http://www.proz.com/kudoz/english_to_serbian/law_general/569... - no more doubts. The list of skills has nothing to do with "selling", so it is "self assessment"
Bogdan Petrovic (asker) Oct 31, 2014:
vrlo je verovatno to... Hvala, pitaću klijenta, mada su pisali neki strani eksperti. Pošto nisu Englezi, mislim da ste potrefili!
Milena Taylor Oct 31, 2014:
Slovna greška? Da li je možda u pitanju "self-assessment"?

Proposed translations

6 h
engleski term (edited): self assessment

sopstvene izjave ispitanika / samoocenjivanje /

Data collected by means of electronic survey (self assessment)

If it's an "electronic survey" it's most likely done by the respondent filling some "electronic form" available on some website , not by someone else interviewing the respondent.

It's got to be "self assessment"
Peer comment(s):

agree Milena Taylor
33 min
agree SilvijaG (X)
1 h
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Hvala!"
1 h

procjena (vještina) prodaje

pošto se radi o procjeni ljudi, čini se da je "sell assessment" skraćenica za "Selling Skills Assessment" or "sales skills".

"Buy / Sell Assessment Worksheet
This Buy/Sell assessment worksheet will help you decide whether it is feasible for you to sell up and make the move to a new home and allows you to input all the costs associated with selling and buying to establish your equity and a new loan amount including the associated repayments on that loan so you can compare the scenario against what you currently repay."

Selling Skills Assessment
"Knowledge is power, and the Selling Skills Assessment Tool™ (SSAT) gives you the specific data you need to increase the sales skills and customer interaction skills of your sales team."
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

12 min

Mozda je rec pogresno otkucana?

Da nije SELF assessment?
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Daryo : mora biti
6 h
agree Milena Taylor
7 h
Something went wrong...
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