Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-25 of 40 results
Urdu English Dictionary
Managing Director & CEO: Mr. Syed Vaqas Tanveer Chief Technology Officer: Mr. Mohammad Irfan Senior Linguist: Mr. Salamat Bariah Zindani Linguist & DEOs (Pakistan Office) : Mr. Amjad Ali (Incharge) Mr. Muhammad Umar | https://www.urduenglishdictionary.o...
An Online English to Urdu and Urdu to English dictionary with sentence examples and feedback/ suggestions support. Word Search supports search by start word, ending word, containing word besides English Urdu Idioms and Names Search. It also supports Urdu Keyboard and Font.
750 magyar közmondás 750 Ungarische Sprichwörter und Redewendungen
This site allows you to search for idioms in many languages.
Марк Исаакович Дубровин РУССКИЕ ФРАЗЕОЛОГИЗМЫ В КАРТИНКАХ (Для говорящих на английском языке) Copyright (C) Издательство «Русский язык», 1977, 1980, с изменениями. Художник В.И.Тильман. Подготовка электронного издания: Александр Юринсон.
Pavel Kats |
WikIdioms is a multilingual dictionary of idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations and other types of fixed expressions.
French Idioms Dictionary
Language Realm |
Glossary of general French idioms with their English equivalents or explanations. The French idioms do not seem to include specifically Quebecois ones. The general site also has a good variety of resources including English, Spanish and Japanese Idiom Dictionaries as well as other dictionaries in English, French, Japanese, Latin, German, Spanis... View more
Canada/USA idioms, slangs, sayings, colloqialisms
Canada Immigration |
This is a great site for Canadian and American idioms, sayings, colloqialisms, slang. It's from Canada but almost all of it is also used in the USA.
English idiom and proverb that matched in Thai idiom or proverb.
English-Russian idioms
Natalya Belinsky |
English-Russian idioms, expressions, phrases, meaningful postpositions etc.
Vokaboly Software |
Database of over 6000 idioms, proverbs and slang expressions. Searchable in either direction. Examples: "a completely different ball game", "month of Sundays", "nix", "na gut!".
English Idioms Sayings and Slang
Diccionario Americano
D.G. Almiray Jaramillo / America latina |
Caló, indigenismos, juegos y usos regionales del lenguaje. Incluye: palabras desconocidas, sinónimos, frases, abreviaturas, frases idiomáticas.
Spanish Expressions/Spanish Proverbs
Laura K. Lawless |
Part of a language learning site, it lists Spanish verbs with the idiomatic expressions they form, and their equivalent in English.
Also includes a list of 100 Spanish proverbs with their English equivalent plus a literal translation or explanation.
Though not very large, it is a very useful tool, which is direct and makes i... View more
Cliches and expressions origins
Alan Chapman, consultant and lecturer in England -- |
Figures of speech, words, slang, terms for cultural phenomena: explanation and etymology. Some entries are actually mini-essays. About 100 pages of text; about 500 entries.
An open English Turkish idioms dictionary project with a preloaded English idioms index. Currently, there are more than 10,000 entries in the index database of which some 1,400 idioms, phrasal verbs and proverbs are already translated. The dictionary is open to moderated user contributions. The author plans to implement a remote dictionary lookup b... View more
Английские фразы, идиомы и пословицы с переводом на русский язык English - Russian Dictionary of Phrases and Idioms
ETS Publishing House, Polyglossum, Inc |
Английские фразы, идиомы и пословицы с переводом на русский язык (более 70 000 фраз) English - Russian Dictionary of Phrases and Idioms (more than 70000 entries)
Farsi< > English Dictionary |
First electronic Farsi (Persian) dictionary
persijski (farsi)
persijski (farsi)
persijski (farsi)
persijski (farsi)
Idiomsite |
Very nice site of English idioms
English idioms
Glossary of English Idioms (The site is free with no membership requirement) |
This glossary explains the meanings of idioms that are used in everyday conversational English.
Mr. Honeys Large Business Dictionary
Globusz Publishing |
e-book, interesting and fun
The meanings and origins of over 2,000 English sayings, phrases and idioms. There is a forum where you can discuss the meanings and origins of sayings or phrases with people.
List of idioms (about animals, business, colours, food and money), with concrete explanations.
Only related to EU-languages. Tips & remarks on the concept of Parallel Texts and using Google Facilitating a Yahoo! Group on this subject
Bread - Proverbs and Idioms
Internet, University research teams |
Based on research from several university language teams Not all of the English/translation is reliable though!
Italian to English Idioms
Great site for idioms
A list of wise old sayings from all over the world that compiled in this directory.
Impressive collection of monolingual glossaries, special emphasis on idioms, slang, arts(theater) but also useful legal and medical resources
Translation of English idioms into Spanish. Traducción de modismos del inglés al español.
An online English<>Tagalog dictionary with proverbs and idioms included. More wider in scope than any other online Tagalog dictionary I've encountered so far. ;-) Joseph Milanes Rosace�a "You're in good hands and tongue!"
Usuful glossary for searching idioms, slangs, and proverbs
This glossary has been compiled by: Bartki, Zoran, and Gosha. It is based on Matesic's phraseological dictionary. The sofware has been written by Dr. Shike
This is a table we developed on the IT-EN Yahoo group of common, difficult Italian words and phrases and solutions culled from all members.
Idiomatische Redewendungen deutsch>englisch/German idioms
collection, University Marburg |
Nice compilation of German idioms, in alphabetical order, with the English equivalent, including some gems: auf dem Holzweg sein - to be on the wrong tack ;auf großem Fuß leben - to live like a lord; aufgedonnert - in full feather / dressed to kill. How about learning 5 new idioms each day??
ggreat site with explanatory notes, etimology of expressions, and voicing
Just another interesting resource for linguists, psychologists, marketers etc.
Visit this link for some great Portuguese and English idioms..
English Idioms
Wayne Magnuson |
Idioms: Slang and Sayings. Good definitions.