The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

italijanski na engleski Tekstil / odeća / moda Translation Glossary

italijanski term engleski translation
asole sbieche slanted buttonholes
aspini (small) reel/swift
assemblatori garment sewers/apparel assemblers
Entered by: Sarah Weston
Astuccio per guainette shaper box
Entered by: Dana Rinaldi
atmosfera ovattata hushed atmosphere
attacco a ganascia claw fastening
attenzione: rimuovere le parti in pelle/pelliccia prima di lavare warning: remove any leather/fur before washing
attivazione di un rapporto start a (business) relationship
aziende façoniste contract manufacturers
“io provo”, “io guardo”, “io lascio” try me, buy me or leave me
bacchettato striped (see context)
bacchettine/bacchetta bengal stripes
bachette candy stripe
bagliori sparkle, glitter, glitz
bagnato in oro gold dipped
balza flounce
balze a fazzoletto handkerchief flounces
balze plissé ruffles
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
balze stirate smooth flounces
Entered by: Sarah Weston
barracuda barracuda jacket
barratura del tessuto bar (if woven)/barré (if knitted)
Barratura di fermata stop mark
barrature di titolo yarn count striations
Entered by: Dana Rinaldi
baschina basque
baschina (giacca) peplum/basque jacket
bastoncino striped cotton mix
bastone sans serif
Entered by: Angela Arnone
battitacco (trouser) kick tape
Entered by: Shera Lyn Parpia
battitora willowing machine / willow
bavolo Lapel, collar
Berretto in Maglia Lavorata a Pelliccia fur-like knitted hat / faux-fur knitted hat
biancheria resistente resistant fabrics
biodegradabile biodegradable
blouson blouson
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
blu avio air force blue
bluette cornflower blue
body teddy
Entered by: Ivana UK
bolero bon ton a classic/sophisticated bolero jacket
Bordi a coste Ribbed edges
bordo a tabelle border made up of squares (with counterposed "S" motifs)
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