The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

italijanski na engleski Materijali (plastika, keramika itd.) Translation Glossary

italijanski term engleski translation
braccio mandrini spindle arm or arm-mandrel
braghettone Door frame
broccolo piccola brocca, small jug or pitcher
Entered by: Betty Revelioti
brunitura a caldo hot burnishing
buffer di accumulo intermediary store/holding area
buratto tumbled edge
busette nozzle
c'e' causa e effetto tra i carichi e le sollecitazioni cause and effect relationship between loads and stresses
Entered by: Maria Burnett
c.a.p. prestressed reinforced concrete
cabina di verniciatura paint booth
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
caduta stampo die drop
Entered by: Claudia Cherici
Calcino 'Calcino'
cambiare per risparmiare Replace 'n' Save!
campana (per smaltatura) bell
Entered by: Elena Bellucci
carena with carina / a carinated (bottle)
cariche basiche basic compounds
carico a rottura rupture load
cementizio cementitious
cemento armato di tipo corrente common/standard/simple reinforced concrete
ceppi strains
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
ceramici tecnici technical ceramics
Entered by: Maria Burnett
Cerati waxed
cerchi massimi Great circles
cilindro a foratura periferica peripherally drilled roll
CNT Nanotubo al carbonio CNT Carbon Nanotube
Cocciopesto (colour) Cocciopesto, variable (ground)terracotta colour
colaggio casting
Colate con inglobo embedment casting
collante in polvere a legante misto monocomponente single-component mixed-binder powder-based adhesive
color cipria light dusty pink
comprese le trasversali, including horizontal grain
Entered by: EirTranslations
conferimento consignment, delivery, preparation (of refuse) for collection/pick up
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
continuità d\\\'ambiente a seamless continuity of look/the look
contirol Contirol (trade name)
Contract turn-key contract order /large scale contract order
controdeformazione counter-deformation
controstampo mold (una possibilità)
Entered by: Alicia Eastman
convertitore neutro neutral converter
coordinati rivestimenti coordinating trims
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
cottura della grisaglia grisaille firing techniques
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