Glossary entry

engleski term or phrase:

yellow cake

srpski translation:

žuti kolač

May 10, 2009 07:55
15 yrs ago
engleski term

yellow cake

GBK engleski na srpski Tehnika/inženjerstvo Rudarstvo & minerali / drago kamenje
Definition from European Nuclear Society:
Yellow cake is the final product of the milling of uranium ore. It contains about 80 % of uranium oxide and is usually represented by the formula U3O8. The yellow cake produced by most modern mills is actually brown or black, not yellow; the name comes from the colour and texture of the concentrates produced by early mining operations due to impurities from ammonium diuranate (NH4)2U2O7.
Example sentences:
The solvents are removed by evaporating in a vacuum and ammonium diuranate, (NH4)2U2O7, is precipitated by adding ammonia to neutralize the solution. The diuranate is then heated to yield a purified, solid U3O8, known as yellow cake. (Kennesaw State University )
On site, close to the mines, the uranium is concentrated and transformed into a yellow powder, commonly called yellow cake, which contains 75% of uranium. It is in this form that the uranium is marketed. (
The first stage of this process is to dissolve the yellow cake in nitric acid; solvent extraction using tributyl phosphate in a hydrocarbon solution extracts the uranium from the various impurities and then the extract is washed with dilute nitric acid to produce uranyl nitrate in a very pure form. (
Proposed translations (srpski)
5 +2 žuti kolač
Change log

May 10, 2009 01:59: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

May 10, 2009 07:55: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

May 13, 2009 08:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Jul 13, 2009 13:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"


Gregor Markovic May 13, 2009:
@ Mira Komentar prihvaćen - sada su sve ponuđene rečenice na srpskom.
Mira Stepanovic May 12, 2009:
@ gregglin Dve od tri ponuđene rečenice su na hrvatskom jeziku a ciljni jezik ovde je srpski / two provided example sentences are in Croatian while the target language is Serbian

Proposed translations

2 dana 13 h

žuti kolač

Definition from own experience or research:
Žuti kolač je međuprodukt u proizvodnji uranijum-dioksida iz uranijumske rude.
Example sentences:
Ovim procesom se dobija takozvani žuti kolač (U3F8), koji se filtrira i prosuši. (Wikipedia)
UF6 se hemijskim procesom dobija od takozvanog "žutog kolača", koncentrata dobijenog od rude uranijuma. (Beta (novinska agencija))
Rezerve urana računaju se prema sadržaju uranovog oksida U2O3 (žuti kolač), a računaju se i na bazi cene eksploatacije 1kg ili 1t koncentrata. (Rudarsko-Geološki Fakultet Beograd)
Peer comment(s):

agree Mira Stepanovic
23 h
agree Milorad Jovanovic
61 dana
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