Glossary entry

engleski term or phrase:

Diploma Mill

srpski translation:

фабрика диплома

Mar 4, 2011 15:55
13 yrs ago
engleski term

diploma mill

GBK engleski na srpski Društvene nauke Obrazovanje / pedagogija
Definition from Guide to Online Education:
Also called "degree mill." An organization lacking recognition by legitimate accrediting agencies which "awards" academic degrees and diplomas for a flat fee, usually requiring little or no academic study.
Example sentences:
Although many diploma mills claim to be “accredited,” their accreditation is from a bogus, but official-sounding agency that they created. (Federal Trade Commission)
The terms "unaccredited" and "diploma mill" are sometimes improperly treated as synonomous. In fact, there are a wide range of institutions representing themselves as colleges or universities that grant degrees but do not meet New Jersey standards. (NJ Commission on Higher Education)
These "schools" promise a fast and easy road to a degreed job but you can destroy your professional reputation for life by using a degree from a diploma mill, and that "fast and easy road" can lead straight to prison. (Degree Finders)
Proposed translations (srpski)
4 +2 фабрика диплома
Change log

Mar 4, 2011 15:20: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Mar 4, 2011 15:55: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Mar 7, 2011 16:55: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Mar 16, 2011 07:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

16 min

фабрика диплома

Definition from own experience or research:
„Фабрика диплома“ је установа која у јавности има лош углед, јер се сматра да се дипломе те установе могу добити простом уплатом одређеног новчаног износа, или уз веома поједностављен поступак студирања.
Example sentences:
<i>Naime, primećeno je da je sve više korporacija i firmi koji na svojim internim listama imaju spisak malih <b>fabrika diploma</b>, listu institucija zaduženih za visoko obrazovanje.</i> (ББС Агенција)
Prema predsedniku, novi zakon će omogućiti tranziciju sa sistema prikupljanja informacija na obrazovanje zasnovano na razvoju, obezbediti snažno učešće porodice i lokalnih zajednica u upravljanju školskim životom i uvesti u univerzitete mehanizme kontrole, namenjene sprečavanju takozvanih „<b>fabrika diploma</b>“. (Radio Romania International)
Peer comment(s):

agree Aleks Milcic (X)
7 dana
agree Aleksandra Rodic Gojak
7 dana
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