Glossary entry

engleski term or phrase:


srpski translation:


Nov 19, 2009 14:03
15 yrs ago
engleski term


GBK engleski na srpski Društvene nauke Obrazovanje / pedagogija
Definition from teAchnology:
A psychological theory that claims all mental states can be reduced to statements of observable behaviors. In learning theory, the claim is all learning is based on a stimulus-response relationship.
Example sentences:
Behaviorism, along with applied linguistics, which developed detailed descriptions of the differences between languages, had a great influence on language teaching. (TESL HISTORY)
In behaviorism the teacher is the main focus of the class and all the students must often follow the directions exactly as they are given. (Articlebase)
In education, advocates of behaviorism have effectively adopted this system of rewards and punishments in their classrooms by rewarding desired behaviors and punishing inappropriate ones. (Department of Educational Psychology and Instructional Technology, University of Georgia )
Proposed translations (srpski)
5 +7 бихевиоризам
Change log

Nov 19, 2009 13:53: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Nov 19, 2009 14:03: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Nov 22, 2009 14:58: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Nov 22, 2009 15:59: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

39 min


Definition from Wikipedia:
Бихевиоризам је „јака“ грана психологије која је остварила практичну доминацију у психолошкој теорији. Значење појма бихевиоризам потиче од енглеске речи behavior (понашање) које се дефинише као „свака акција појединца укључујући и оне подложне посматрању, мерљиве психолошке промене, когнитивне (свесне) слике, фантазије и емоције“.
Example sentences:
Бихевиоризам не пориче постојање наслеђа, али сматра да нема потребе да се њиме баве психолози. (Wikipedia)
Peer comment(s):

agree Skobra
3 dana 36 min
agree Katarina Delic : Iako npr. Bensonov rečnik kaže 'beheviorizam', koliko ja znam, psiholozi mahom kažu 'biheviorizam'.
3 dana 45 min
agree Milan Djukić :
3 dana 57 min
agree Aleksandra Rodic Gojak
3 dana 3 h
agree Branko Bojanin
3 dana 4 h
agree Natasa Djurovic
3 dana 6 h
agree zoe1
3 dana 17 h
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