Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Oekonomische Encyklopädie oder allgemeines System der Staats- Stadt- Haus- und Landwirthschaft ist der Titel einer der umfangreichsten Enzyklopädien des deutschen Sprachraums. Das von J. G. Krünitz begründete Werk erschien 1773 bis 1858 in 242 Bänden und stellt eine der wichtigsten deutschsprachigen wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Quellen für die Zeit... View more
XML Terms Glossary
The Site XML |
English alphabetised list of terminology used in connection for programming in, and with working with XML files.
Eu Jargon Buster
National Union of Farmers |
Glossary of EU acronyms. For download only.
Research Dictionary
Piotr Dimitruk, Pentor |
Market Research Dictionary. Corresponding Polish version:
Słownik badawczy
Piotr Dimitruk, Pentor |
Obszerny słownik Pentora obejmujący terminologię badań rynkowych. Wersja angielska osobno:
Original content compiled by US Bureau of Mines 1996; XML version by EduMine 2000. More than 26,000 terms with extensive cross-reference support. Help - Abbreviations - Units - Legislation - Organizations - New Terms with a convenient search and definitions.
Infomine |
The EduMine Dictionary of Mining, Minerals and Related Terms is a dictionary of more than 26,000 terms and definitions with extensive cross-referencing. Original content was compiled by the US Bureau of Mines. This XML version was translated and is supported by EduMine.
XML language terminology
Sun's xml source |
XML language terms used in computing