The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

srpski na engleski Obrazovanje / pedagogija Translation Glossary

srpski term engleski translation
priznavanje recognition
procesno mašinstvo mechanical and process engineering
profesor engleskog jezika i knizevnosti English Language and Literature Teacher
prohodnost academic mobility
proizvodno-tehnicko obrazovanje Production and Technical Education
radno osposobljavanje job skills training
Razredni ispit final grade examination
red. broj maticne knjige register (of students) no.
Entered by: V&M Stanković
redni broj iz evidencije o izdatim diplomama No. from the evidence of issued Diplomas
Entered by: V&M Stanković
Redovna nastava Standard curriculum framework
sadržaji programa program (curriculum) content
SAF student Samo-finansirajuci student
sistem obezbedjenja security system
smer (general) profile
Specijalisticki ispit dental technician certification exam
srednja skola professional school
srednjoskolski centar high school
Entered by: Larisa Zlatic, Ph.D.
steći akademsko zvanje be awarded/ gain/ get /obtain /receive an academic degree
stručna matura vocational final exam
Entered by: Vesna Maširević
strucni naziv professional title of
strukovne studije applied studies
strukovni dizajner bachelor (appl.) in design
Student na budžetu budget-funded student
studijski boravak study visit
Svedočanstvo certificate, diploma (final report card)
Svedočanstvo o završenom obrazovanju certificate of completion
Entered by: Kornelija Karalic
tehnicar graficke dorade print/graphics finishing technician
Entered by: Larisa Zlatic, Ph.D.
teoreticari theoretician/theorist/armchair thinker/closet thinker
teracer terrazzo layer/worker
Trgovinsko poslovanje Trade Business
u strucnim i umetnickim skolama in specialized and art schools
uže stručni predmeti vocational subjects
UGS Nezavisnost Nezavisnost TUC
upisnica enrollment book
Upisnica - Matična Knjiga Enrollment form - Register
usmeno odgovarati take an oral test/exam
Ustav i prava građana The Constitution and the Rights of Citizens
Utvrdjeno je da skola ispunjava uslove za rad it has been established that this school fulfills the requirements for its activity
Entered by: V&M Stanković
vanredno supplemental examinations
vanredno skolovanje Part-time Education/Study
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