| Tema | Objavljivač Odgovori (Pregledi) Najskorija poruka |
| Article: Lost in translation? Common terms used by translation agencies | 0 (4,068) |
| Article: Buchrezension Langenscheidt Fachwörterbuch Wirtschaft, Handel und Finanzen - Spanisch | 0 (4,583) |
| Article: Be a successful Interpreter | 0 (1,002) |
| Article: How to work with interpreters(some practical advice for outsorcerers) | 0 (994) |
| Article: A Translator's CV - a translator's best friend- Part 1 | 2 (3,578) |
| Article: Our nowadays Law Culture (Commercial Law in Greece) | 0 (901) |
| Article: Cross Cultural Marketing Blunders | 0 (3,499) |
| Article: Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and Word for Translators | 1 (6,034) |
| Article: Translation theory with regards to translating metaphors | 0 (4,901) |
| Article: Likestilling og språkbruk | 0 (3,804) |
| Article: Cultura di abitudini dell'Italia | 0 (937) |
| Article: Guide to international taxation (Double taxation) | 0 (4,334) |
| Article: Serbian Language for Agencies and Outsourcers | 9 (8,913) |
| Article: Professionalism as a key to success | 1 (5,265) |
| Article: The Business of Translating | 1 (5,416) |
| Article: How to make your own Keyboard Layout | 2 (6,356) |
| Article: Closing old Kudoz questions | 2 (5,695) |
| Article: ¿Cómo traducir verbos de movimiento del inglés al español? | 0 (4,979) |
| Article: Retour critique sur The Scandals of Translation | 0 (3,892) |
| Article: Hiring right - road to success | 0 (3,813) |
| Article: John Donne’s metaphysical poetry | 0 (4,686) |
| Article: O Paladino de Luis Vaz de Camoes | 0 (4,450) |
| Article: Have your own home business and keep up with your family commitments | 0 (4,089) |
| Article: How to localize webhelp files | 0 (4,109) |
| Article: Traducir metáforas del inglés al español | 0 (5,347) |
| Article: El British National Corpus aplicado a la enseñanza de inglés | 0 (3,872) |
| Article: Kasus Tuduhan Salah-Terjemah Buku Menkes vs Undang-undang Penerjemahan | 0 (4,296) |
| Article: Xenoglosofilia di Indonesia - Suatu Kelainan Psikolinguistik? | 0 (4,922) |
| Article: Penerjemah - Ilmuwan dan Seniman | 0 (4,040) |
| Article: Klien Adalah Raja? | 0 (4,538) |
| Article: Panduan dalam Mencari Penerjemah | 0 (4,574) |
| Article: Penerjemah Tersumpah atau Terjemahan Tersumpah? | 0 (3,655) |
| Article: Translation's Lost Art | 1 (5,477) |
| Article: Mengapa Tarif Penerjemahan Buku Cenderung Rendah? | 0 (4,273) |
| Article: Keterpercayaan Penerjemah Online | 0 (4,314) |
| Article: Internet & Applications for Translators | 3 (5,256) |
| Article: Pendrive for a translator | 1 (4,451) |
| Article: Linux for Translators HOWTO | 1 (5,095) |
| Article: Free and Open-Source vs. Commercial TM tools | 6 (2,589) |
| Article: Comments on ATA Conference in Toronto | 1 (5,554) |
| Article: Babel Not: Machine Translation for the Technical Communicator | 0 (4,730) |
| Article: How to unite all your Instant Messengers | 7 (8,304) |
| Article: Algunos interrogantes vigentes en el mundo de la traducción. | 2 (6,495) |
| Article: An Effective and Inexpensive Translation Memory Tool | 1 (5,358) |
| Article: Cómo afrontar una traducción técnica | 0 (4,546) |
| Article: Becoming an efficient conference interpreter | 0 (4,701) |
| Article: Between accuracy and flexibility | 0 (1,514) |
| Article: English to Tamil Translation Part II | 0 (1,489) |
| Article: PROOFREADING TIPS | 0 (1,567) |