Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 9 '23 ukr>eng Все, що робили ми наповнюється з містом. Everything we did is getting meaningful easy closed ok
- Jan 12 '22 eng>ukr like it's going out of fashion відчайдуж, ніби от-от вийде з моди pro open no
- Mar 2 '20 eng>ukr jam tomorrow Варення [подається лише] завтра pro closed no
- Feb 2 '20 eng>rus pervasive presence всепроникающее присутствие pro just_closed no
- Oct 18 '19 rus>eng губаторить engage in chatter pro closed no
- Oct 18 '19 rus>eng Все перемелется. When it\'s milled [there will be flour] OR all goes through the mill pro just_closed no
- Oct 18 '19 rus>eng невидимая нить the hidden thread pro closed ok
- Oct 12 '19 rus>eng Чернявый dark-haired pro closed ok
- Oct 9 '19 eng>rus At any rate, you look at those. в любом случае, присматривайтесь к ним. pro closed no
4 Jul 26 '19 rus>eng крышки flaps pro closed ok
- Jul 20 '19 rus>eng У тебя просто судорога была... you just shuddered... pro closed no
- Mar 26 '19 eng>rus Isn't family just grand? семья - красава! easy closed no
- Mar 5 '19 eng>rus A picture of contentment Воплощение удовлетворенности... pro closed no
- Feb 6 '19 rus>eng то цена ей была бы грош then it would be worthless pro closed ok
- Jan 16 '19 eng>rus dugout manner стиль скамейки запасных pro closed no
- Jan 15 '19 rus>eng со старым уйдет то, что может не прийти с новым 'We will build a new world,' and destroying the old one to the ground. pro closed no
- Dec 17 '18 rus>eng нагрянуть turn up out of the blue uninvited easy closed ok
- Dec 9 '18 rus>eng Мир рисую I picture the world pro open no
- Nov 20 '18 rus>eng заумный nonsensical pro closed no
- Nov 18 '18 rus>rus синтаксис перед добросовестно pro closed no
- Nov 14 '18 rus>eng руки выше головы растут да еще и голову эту держат the arms grow higher than your head and still even hold that head pro closed no
- Nov 13 '18 eng>rus you can hang on to that eligibility можете достичь этого проходного балла pro closed no
- Sep 20 '18 eng>rus in the air, in this sunlight [витали ли ее слова] в воздухе этим солнечным деньком pro closed no
- Sep 14 '18 eng>rus two coves down the coastal road через две бухты вдоль прибрежной дороги pro closed no
- Jul 18 '18 rus>eng им отведен короткий век they have a short space of time pro closed ok
- Jul 18 '18 rus>eng стремление "к достопамятности" wanted to leave fond memories of her pro closed no
- Jul 17 '18 rus>eng заденут по-настоящему touch her on the raw pro closed no
- Jul 13 '18 rus>eng четким военным шагом with a clear military step pro closed ok
- Jul 6 '18 rus>eng метать стальные лучи could throw steel arrows pro closed no
- Jul 5 '18 rus>eng А я что, другой? Am I so different from her? pro closed no
- Jun 12 '18 rus>eng отозвать претензии withdraw his claims to [what?] pro closed no
- Jun 1 '18 rus>eng было такое, что всё летело со стола [his fury] was such that everything flew off the table pro closed ok
- May 31 '18 rus>eng до солнечного затмения или до полярного сияния up to the solar eclipse or up to the aurora borealis pro closed no
4 May 31 '18 ukr>eng Здоровеньки булы, хлопцы Zdoroven'ki buly, khoptsi! pro closed ok
- May 27 '18 rus>eng чем дышит the breath of life pro closed ok
- May 23 '18 rus>eng Говноед портовый portal asshole pro just_closed no
4 May 22 '18 rus>eng в госпитале которого wherein [Rosa died] pro closed no
4 May 22 '18 rus>eng предстает не вполне такой, какой appears not quite the same as we knew pro closed no
- May 17 '18 rus>eng за комп полез got to my computer pro closed no
- May 4 '18 rus>eng нет, ну надо же было кому-то well, was it necessary for someone pro closed no
- Apr 28 '18 rus>eng утираю Blot pro closed no
- Apr 28 '18 eng>rus ties are finite connections Родственники, как шпалы, временами подходят к концу pro closed no
- Mar 24 '18 rus>eng поставить город на рога rampage the city pro open no
- Mar 24 '18 rus>eng с юга тянул афганец Afghan wind was blowing from South easy closed no
- Mar 16 '18 eng>rus a dank chill in the air витал промозглый холод pro closed no
- Feb 19 '18 rus>eng По-хорошему for good easy just_closed no
- Dec 19 '17 rus>eng вот подстава here's the trip up easy closed ok
- Oct 14 '17 rus>eng блюдо исконно русской кухни "authentic dish of Russian cuisine" pro closed no
- Oct 13 '17 rus>eng открыты все кладовые языка all the depositories of the language are open pro closed ok
- Oct 11 '17 rus>eng с точки зрения психологии и всего облика мира from the point of view of psychology and the whole world perspective pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered