Glossary entry

srpski term or phrase:

pravni sledbenik

engleski translation:

legal successor

Added to glossary by Mirjana Gacanovic
Feb 2, 2005 08:37
20 yrs ago
25 viewers *
srpski term

pravni sledbenik

Homework / test srpski na engleski Pravo/patenti Pravo: ugovori law
pravni sledbenik
Proposed translations (engleski)
4 +6 legal successor
4 legal successor


Tanja Abramovic (X) Feb 4, 2005:
(MOD Sr<>Eng) Thank you all for your help during my absence.
Miomira Brankovic Feb 2, 2005:
andrijana �ivi u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori (ex-YU), pitanje je postavljeno ekavicom, pa se sa prili�nom sigurno��u mo�e zaklju�iti da je re� o pitanju na srpskom jeziku. Stoga sam promenila jezi�ki par u pitanju.
A.Đapo Feb 2, 2005:
Mrs Zivcic is right. I didn't pay attention. It is Serbian.
Vesna Zivcic Feb 2, 2005:
It is not Croatian. The Croatian term would be "pravni sljedbenik". It is either Bosnian or Serbian.
Magda Dziadosz Feb 2, 2005:
[MOD] I've change the language pair - please edit further if it's not the right pair!
A.Đapo Feb 2, 2005:
Welcome to PROZ adrijana. This is a question for Croatian>english or maybe for Bosnian>English group.
Waleed Mohamed Feb 2, 2005:
Hello dear colleague, I know this is your first question. Welcome to Kudoz world!. Please read Kudoz help so that you can better benefit from this great website. Good luck
Edith Kelly Feb 2, 2005:
You better edit your language pair, that's not English.

Proposed translations

2 h

legal successor

Peer comment(s):

agree Miomira Brankovic
20 min
agree A.Đapo
1 h
agree Drago Franjic : Na hrvatskom: kad je 'legal sccessor' onda je pravni sljednik' (Z. Bujas). Sljedbenik znaci: pristaaa, pristalica (V. Anic)
7 h
hvala, u pravu ste, mi u Bosni bismo takodje rekli sljednik, pretpostavljam...
agree Vuk Vujosevic
22 h
agree gavrilo
1 dan 1 h
agree Tanja Abramovic (X)
1 dan 4 h
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement."
1573 dana

legal successor

Peer comment(s):

neutral Mira Stepanovic : the same answer was proposed and axcepted 1573 days ago... :)
18 min
Something went wrong...
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