Glossary entry

srpski term or phrase:

ekonomsko-tehnicki elaborat

engleski translation:

techno-economic analysis/assessment/evaluation

Added to glossary by Lj Popovic
Sep 3, 2017 17:04
7 yrs ago
11 viewers *
srpski term

ekonomsko-tehnicki elaborat

srpski na engleski Pravo/patenti Pravo: ugovori
Zajednički poslovni poduhvat će u ekonomskom, finansijskom, organizacionom, tehničkom, tehnološkom, prostornom, ekološkom, kadrovskom i društvenom pogledu biti sproveden u skladu sa ekonomsko-tehničkim elaboratom, poslovnim planom, investicionim programom, studijom izvodljivosti i studijom opravdanosti.

Proposed translations

1 h

techno-economic analysis/assessment/evaluation

Techno-Economic Analysis
It is primarily concerned with the identification of the project demand potential & the selection of the optimal technology suitable for achieving the project objectives. This analysis produces necessary information on which the project design can be based. It also indicates whether the economy is in a position to absorb the output of the project.

Methodology guideline on techno economic assessment (TEA)
- Techno-economic assessment TEA in principle is a cost-benefit comparison using different methods. These assessments are used for tasks such as:
• Evaluate the economic feasibility of a specific project
• Investigate cash flows (e.g. financing problems) over the lifetime
• Evaluate the likelihood of different technology scales and applications.
• Compare the economic quality of different technology applications providing the same service.

The ETI has issued a Request for Proposals for organisations interested in taking part in a project which will carry out a techno-economic evaluation of transportable energy storage.
Note from asker:
Hvala. :)
Peer comment(s):

agree Daryo
4 h
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
6 h

techno-economic study

Elaborat se najčešće prevodi kao "study", osim sigurnosnog elaborata koji se prevodi kao "security report"."techno-economic study"&rlz=1...
Peer comment(s):

neutral Daryo : well may be, but I somehow think that before investing their money in a company, people would prefer to see a promising "analysis/assessment/evaluation" ...
4 h
agree Mira Stepanovic
11 h
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