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Poslednjih decenija se sve vise obraca paznja na decu sa posebnim potrebama i invaliditetom. Kada je turizam u pitanju, moze se reci da deca sa nedostacima po pitanju zdravlja takode iziskuju potrebe boravka u prirodi i kretanja, radi promene stalnog mesta boravka. Pojedine sportsko¬rekreativne aktivnosti pruzaju izvanredne uslove rada i boravka dece u prirodi, sto moze pomoci oporavku ili odrzavanju zdravstvenog stanja. Istina je da nije postignuta, niti je moguce za sada, jednakost pruzanja usluga sportsko-rekreativnog karaktera, za decu sa i bez posebnih potreba, ali se zdravstvene institucije, skolski sistemi i gradska vlast trude da bar u nekoj odredenoj meri priblize neophodne ili dodatne aktivnosti deci koja nisu u stanju da samostalno ucestvuju u njima (Plavsa, 2007). Ometenim u razvoju i deci sa invaliditetom takode su na prvom mestu potrebna fizicka kretanja radi kontrole misica i zbog neuroloskih ostecenja. Poznato je da je misicna snaga neophodan uslov za svaki napor ili rad. Za sada postoji nekoliko aktivnosti koje se organizuju, a jedan takav primer je Letnji karnp za decu ometenu u razvoju i invaliditetom koji se odrzao od 20. juna do 15. jula 2005. godine u Novom Sadu. Program je obuhvatao edukativni rad primeren deci, sto je podrazumevalo setnju i druzenje u centru grada, zatim novosadskim parkovima, kao i rekreativne aktivnosti na Fruskoj gori, zavisno od mogucnosti dece. Kamp je bio otvoren za svu decu, ali je na zalost odziv bio veoma mali. Svega dvadesetak dece je ucestvovalo i cetiri trenera. Specijalna skola za decu sa posebnim potrebama dr. Milan Petrovic u Novom Sadu, organizuje uspesno vec par godina unazad boravak u dvorcu Heterlendi u selu Bocar. Ovaj projekat je uraden na oko 1.000 m2, a podrazumeva sve fizicke aktivnosti kao i edukativni rad sa decom. Objekat takode poseduje jedan bazen, i nekoliko radionica opremljenih za posebne zanatske aktivnosti i vestine, sto ukazuje na jedan vid kreativnog rada sa decom ( Neophodno je navesti jos jedan od uspesnije organizovanih projekata, a to je ucesce dece iz ove skole na omladinskom kampu Drustvena integracija omladine ometene u razvoju. Kamp se odrzava svake godine u Chesnutu u Velikoj Britaniji, a deca iz specijalne skole iz Novog Sada su poslednji put boravila u njemu od 16. do 23. avgusta 2005. godine. S obzirom da se u skoli trenutno obrazuje
oko 900 dece, ucesce nije omoguceno svima, vet je samo petoro dece iz ove skole i petoro iz sela za napustenu decu i decu bez roditelja SOS iz Sremske Karnenice imalo je priliku da poseti kamp. Cilj kampa bio je edukativni, a naravno i sportski. Osim aktivnih disciplina izdvajaju se: veslanje, plivanje, voznja kanuima, slobodno penjanje (rock climbing), voznja kajakom i neki ekstremni
Specijalna Olimpijada za osobe i decu sa posebnim potrebama odrzana je 12. septembra 2007. godine u Beogradu, gde je takode omoguceno deci iz specijalne skole da ucestvuju. Pokrovitelj je bila Vlada Srbije sa sloganom Dozvoli mi da pobedim, a ako ne mogu da pobedim, podrzi me u tom pokusaju. Od zanimljivih sportova osim kosarke i fudbala, organizovana su i takmicenja u tenisu i stonom tenisu (
U Novom Sadu se svake godine odrzava letnja skola za decu sa autizmom. Organizuju se tri vrste aktivnosti: sportske, edukativne i kulinarske. Odziv ucesnika je veci jer se i odrzava u maticnom gradu, sa svega nekoliko dece iz obliznjih mesta i gradova. Predvida se da ce u bliskoj buducnosti zahvaljujuci gradskim vlastima i ljudima dobre volje, ovaj vid turistickih kretanja i aktivnosti dobiti vece razmere (
Sport i rekreacija su jedan vid zivotnog stila, koji se kod dece stvara jos u najranijem periodu sazrevanja. Najbitnija uloga sporta u zivotu dece jeste pomoc u orjentaciji u najblizoj okolini, postizanje zadovoljenja pojedinih zelja, stvaranje cvrstih i stabilnih licnosti, pronalazak vodece zivotne ideje i cilja. Sport ce na jedan svojstven nacin kontrolisati ponasanje dece u grupi, uticati na aktualizaciju zivotnih uslova i zivotnih opredeljenja. Deca se navikavaju cak i na poraz kao jedan nezaobilazni deo zivota (Kokovic, 2001). Tu se mora istaci i edukacioni faktor u interaktivnom odnosu trener-ucenik sportista. Novi Sad moze sa sigurnoscu da se pohvali zainteresovanoscu dece za bavljenje sportskim aktivnostima. Danas se sve vise sport uvodi kao deo obrazovnog programa u skolama.
Tabela 4. Rezulati ankete o pitanju zainteresovanosti za sport decaka i devojcica osnovnih i srednjih skola 1991. godine.
Veoma dobra 32,61% 36,77% 28,25% 20,99%
Dobro 65,34% 59,97% 63,32% 63,13%
lose 2,05% 3,26% 8,43% 15,88%
Tabela 4. prikazuje podatke ankete koju je obavio Pokrajinski zavod za sport, gde se jasno vide podaci o tome kako razmisljaju deca osnovne i srednje skole po pitanju sporta u skolama. Vecina je dala pozitivan odgovor, sto je isti slucaj i u tabeli 5. koja govori o misljenju dece koliko je skola uticala na razvoj sporta van skolskih aktivnosti, u toku slobodnog vremena.
Tabela 5. Rezultati ankete o pitanju uticaja skole na slobodne aktivnosti 1991. godine.
odgovori -. U velikoj meri Osrednji uticaj Mali uticaj Bez uticaja
Devojcice o.s 36,16
Decaci o.s 49,11 40,86 6,85
DevojCice s.s
20,90 52,79 19,78 6,53
Decaci s.s
25,38 56,40 15,67 2,55
Zdravlje je jedna od najbitnijih vrednosti u zivotu, sa kojom su ujedno povezani zivotni interesi, ideali, harmonija, lepota, smisao, sreca stvaralacki rad itd. Turizam sportsko-rekreativnog karaktera moze i veoma cesto se odvija u prirodnom ambijentu, sto je dodatna pozitivna cinjenica u razvoju dece. Fizicka aktivnost dece je vazna osnova njihovog zdravlja i neprocenjivi deo srece. Najveci uzroci oboljenja su upravo drustvenog karaktera (radna sredina, urbanizacija, prevoz). Lek za intelektualni umor jeste bavljenje sportskim aktivnostima. Sindrom stresa je jos jedan element koji se uspesno otklanja sportsko-rekreativnim aktivnostima. Sport je odraz ljudske slobode, individualnog izbora u zivotu stvaralackih igara. Upravo se realizacija ljudske sustine prozima kroz sport. Turizam sportsko-rekreativnog karaktera, dece i odraslih, utice na stvaranje dobrih meduljudskih odnosa, gde je covek coveku, i dete detetu prva zivotna potreba. Zatim, ne sme se izostaviti cinjenica da se kroz sport isticu sve afirmacije stvaralastva, jer je covek stvaralacko bice, koji nije i ne sme biti prosta masinerija podredena savremenom razvoju i radu. Medutim, uvek se mora napraviti bitna razlika izmedu sporta i fizicke aktivnasti. Mnogi teoreticari smatraju da bavljenje fizickom aktivnoscu, koju ne prozima sportski duh i sklop, obuhvataju drugaciji odraz na zdravlje ljudi. Sportovi imaju svoj odredeni obrazac po kojem se odvijaju, a svaka druga fizicka aktivnost nekontrolisanih i pogresnih pokreta moze nuzno izazvati negativne posledice po zdravlje dece i odraslih. Postoje relativne opasnosti od bavljenja sportom, ali u tom slucaju se govori o izrazito agresivnim i teskim sportovima takmicarskog duha.
Sport ima veliki znacaj za razvoj dece u smislu njihovih fizickih i psihickih karakteristika, ali je i nacin da se deca lakse uklope u socijalne sisteme koji ce ih pratiti tokom zivota. Pre svega sport ima uticaj na zdravlje, a zatim i na stvaranje stabilnih licnosti i buducih zivotnih opredeljenja. Novi Sad je grad ciji se gradani i celokupan pokrajinski sistem trude da deci obezbede sve neophodne uslove za ovu vrstu aktivnosti i edukacije. Veliki broj sportskih centara, zatim zelenih povrsina, te ljudskih resursa prevashodno trenera, omogucava nesmetano obavljanje sportsko¬rekreativnih aktivnosti po slobodnoj volji i izboru svakog deteta. Godisnje se organizuje veliki broj sportskih desavanja, na kojima ucestvuje preko 100 dece, sto samostalno, sto zajedno sa odraslima, zavisno od vrste aktivnosti. Jedna bitna stvar koja se mora istaci, jeste da ovaj vid turizma ne bi smeo da podlegne komercijalizaciji, globalizaciji i gubljenju identiteta. Svojstven je deci i organizovan pre svega i samo zarad njih. Zajedno sa svojim nastavnicima, roditeljima i trenerima, deca ce uspeti da stvore pozitivne stavove u zivotu i krenu pravim putem. Novi Sad ima sve predispozicije masovnijeg kretanja kada je rec o sportsko-rekreativnim aktivnostima decijeg uzrasta, jer vec ima tradiciju stvorenu odredenim manifestacijama unazad dugi niz godina. Smatra se da ce u skorije vreme sportsko-rekreativni vid turistickih kretanja postati nezaobilazna karika svakodnevnog zivota dece i odraslih.
Kokovic, D., (2001) Socijalno-psiholoski osnovi sporta, Visa kosarkaska skola, Beograd. Nesic, M., (2006) Resursi u sportu, Logos, Baeka Palanka.
Plavsa, J., (2007) Sportsko-rekreativni turizam, Prirodno-matematicki fakultet, Departman za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Novi Sad.
In the recent decades more and more attention has been paid to children with special needs and disabled children. When it comes to tourism, it can be said that children with health problems also have a need for staying in nature and for movement, on order to change their surroundings. Some sport and recreational activities give extraordinary conditions for work and children’s stay in nature, which can help in recovery or health maintenance. The truth is that the equality of the number of sport and recreational activities offered to children with and without special needs has not been achieved, nor is it possible to do so, for now, but health institutions, school systems and city government are trying to, to a certain extent, bring necessary or additional activities closer to the children unable to attend them on their own (Plavsa, 2007). Developmentally challenged children, and disabled children also, primarily need physical activity for muscle control and neurological damage. It is known that muscle strength is a necessary prerogative for any strain or labor. For now, there are some organized activities, one of such being Summer Camp for Developmentally Challenged and Disabled Children, held from June 20 to July 15, 2005 in Novi Sad. The program included educational work suitable for children, which meant going for walks and socializing in downtown, then parks in Novi Sad, as well as recreational activities on Fruska Gora, depending on children’s abilities. The Camp was open to all children, but unfortunately the turnout was very low. Only around twenty children and four coaches took part. Special school for children with special needs ‘Dr Milan Petrovic’ in Novi Sad has been successfully organizing, a few years in a row, a stay in Heterlendi Castle in Bocar village. This project has been done on some 1000 m2, and it includes all physical activities, as well as educational work with children. There is also a swimming pool on the premises, and several workshops equipped for special crafts and skills, which points to one kind of creative work with children ( It is necessary to mention one more fairly successful project, which is participation of children from this school in youth camp Social Integration of Developmentally Challenged Youth. The camp is held every year in Chestnut, UK, and the last time the children from the special school in Novi Sad stayed in it was from August 16 to 23, 2005. Considering that around 900 children attend the school at the moment, it was not possible for everybody to attend, but only five children from this school and five from the village for abandoned children and children without parents in Sremska Kamenica had a chance to visit the camp. The camp goal was educational, as well as sports, of course. Except for active disciplines, these can be pointed out too: rowing, swimming, canoeing, rock climbing, kayaking, and some extreme sports.
Special Olympics for people and children with special needs were held on September 12, 2007 in Belgrade, where also the children from the special school were allowed to participate. The sponsor was Serbian Government, with the slogan ‘Let me win, and if I can’t win support me trying.’ Except for basketball and football, some interesting sport competitions were organized, such as tennis and table tennis (
Summer school for children with autism is organized every year in Novi Sad. Three kinds of activities are organized: sports, educational and culinary. The turnout is bigger because it is held in the city of residence, with only a few children from surrounding towns and cities. It is expected that, in near future, this kind of tourist movements and activities will be more widely spread, thanks to city government and people’s good will (
Sport and recreation are one kind of a lifestyle that is created in children in early stages of development. The most important role of sport in a child’s life is to help them find their way in their immediate surroundings, fulfill certain wishes, create stable and strong personalities, and find a guiding life idea and goal. Sport will, in a special way, control the behavior of children in a group, affect actualization of life conditions and life decisions. Children even get used to defeat as an inevitable part of life (Kokovic, 2001). Educational factor in the relationship between the coach and student-athlete has also to be pointed out. Novi Sad can, most certainly, boast with children’s interest in sports. Today, sport is more and more a part of the curriculum in schools.
Table 4. Survey results – How interested are boys and girls in elementary and high schools for sports, year 1991
RESPONSES GIRLS elementary s. BOYS elementary s. GIRLS high school BOYS high school
Very interested 32.61 % 36.77 % 28.25 % 20.99 %
Interested 65.34 % 59.97 % 63.32 % 63.13 %
Not interested 2.05 % 3.26 % 8.43 % 15.88 %
Table 4. shows the results of a survey conducted by Regional Sports Fund, where data about elementary and high school children’s attitudes toward sport in schools can clearly be seen. Most of them answered positively, which is the case with Table 5. that is about children’s opinions on how the school influenced the development of sport as extracurricular activity, in their spare time.
Table 5. Survey results on how school influences extracurricular activities, year 1991?in my text it says 199L
GIRLS elem. s. 36.16 % 53.24 % 9.50 % 1.10 %
BOYS elem. s. 49.11 % 40.86 % 6.85 % 3.18 %
GIRLS high s. 20.90 % 52.79 % 19.78 % 6.53 %
BOYS high s. 25.38 % 56.40 % 15.67 % 2.55 %
Health is one of the most important values in life, that is at the same time connected to life interests, ideals, harmony, beauty, sense, happiness, creative work etc. Sports and recreational tourism can be, and very often is, conducted in natural surroundings, which is an additional positive fact in children’s development. Children’s physical activity is an important basis for their health and a priceless part of happiness. The biggest causes for illnesses are certainly social (working environment, urbanization, transport). The remedy for intellectual fatigue is sport activities. Stress syndrome is one element that is successfully neutralized by sports and recreational activities. Sport is a reflection of human freedom, of individual choice in the life of creative games. The very realization of human core is present in sport. Sports and recreational tourism, aimed at children and adults, helps create good interpersonal relationships, where a person to another person and a child to another child are primary life necessity. Then, we cannot omit the fact that, through sport, all creative affirmations are expressed, because a man is a creative being, that is not, and must not be, a simple machine subordinated to modern development and work. However, an important difference between sport and physical activity has always to be made. Many theorists think that physical activities that are not interwoven with sport spirit and organization have different reflection on people’s health. Sports have a distinct pattern they follow, and any other physical activity of uncontrolled and wrong movements can sometimes cause negative consequences on children’s and adults’ health. There are relative dangers of doing sports, but in that case we talk about extremely aggressive and heavily competitive sports.
Sport has a great significance in children’s development, in the sense of their physical and psychological characteristics, but it is also a way for children to fit into social systems that fill follow them throughout their lives. Above all, sport has influence on health, and then on creating stable personalities and future life choices. Novi Sad is a town whose inhabitants and the whole regional system are trying to fulfill all necessary conditions for this kind of activity and education. A large number of sports’ centers, then green areas and human resources, primarily coaches, make sport and recreational activities possible, according to each child’s free will and choice. Each year a large number of sports activities are organized, where over a hundred children take part, separately or with adults, depending on the kind of activity. An important thing that needs to be pointed out is that this area of tourism should not be commercialized, globalized and lose its identity. It is typical for children and organized, above all, and only, for their well-being. Together with their teachers, parents and coaches, children will succeed in creating positive attitude toward life and take the right path. Novi Sad has all the prerogatives of mass movement, when it comes to sports and recreational activities for children, because it already has tradition created by some events that have been taking place a lot of years back. It is believed that sport and recreational tourist movements will very soon become inevitable part of everyday life of children and adults.
Kokovic, D, (2001) Social and Psychological Basis of Sport, Basketball College, Belgrade
Nesic, M. (2006) Resources in Sport, Logos, Backa Palanka
Plavsa, J. (2007) Sport and Recreational Tourism, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Novi Sad
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Godine iskustva: 20. Registrovan/a na Apr 2006.