Glossary entry

srpski term or phrase:

profesionalno obavljanje delatnosti

engleski translation:

professional practice of activities

Added to glossary by DanicaNikolic
Oct 24, 2014 11:41
10 yrs ago
6 viewers *
srpski term

profesionalno obavljanje delatnosti

srpski na engleski Društvene nauke Ljudski resursi
Imaju sledece kompetencije:

obuceni su za profesionalno obavljanje delatnosti u oblasti kulture, obrazovanja....

Radi se o prevodu diplome profesora jezika.
Proposed translations (engleski)
4 professional practice of activities

Proposed translations

48 min

professional practice of activities

A common definition of professional practice or professionalism is a decision to acquire and exude knowledge and skills in a chosen field. Knowledge and skills in professional practice are reinforced by other attributes including: accountability, workplace etiquette, communication, performance excellence, leadership and respect.
Example sentence:

The current legislation excludes those master?s degrees for which the Government has established its own general guidelines and specific access requirements from having recognition from universities, as those degrees qualify for the professional practice

The general objective of the Master´s Degree is to train students for the professional practice of activities related with quality management.

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