Glossary entry (derived from question below)
srpski term or phrase:
Narodna milicija
engleski translation:
People\'s militia
srpski term
Narodna milicija
People's Militia mi ne zvuči baš najbolje.
3 +1 | People's militia |
Jelena Jovanovic
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5 -1 | People's Police (Force/Service) |
Aleksandar Stanković
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3 -2 | National Militia |
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Nov 1, 2014 14:56: Bogdan Petrovic changed "Language pair" from "engleski na srpski" to "srpski na engleski"
Proposed translations
People's militia
Note added at 5 hrs (2014-11-01 19:59:51 GMT)
People's Police (Force/Service)
disagree |
: Police (Force/Service)? you are transplanting another system into a country and time where and when the system in place was something entirely else.
1 h
Obzirom da se radi o običnoj državnoj policijskoj službi, mislim da bi upotrebom reči militia samo nepotrebno zbunili engleskog čitaoca i opteretili tekst traženjem logike kojom su se vodili Staljin i Tito prilikom imenovanja institucije.
National Militia
POLICE - RADISTA - Telecommunication Equipment ex ...
The 1946 Constitution established National Militia Directorate, National Militia ... functioning according to province laws, although being constituents of Serbia.
Note added at 11 hrs (2014-11-02 01:45:39 GMT)
After further consideration, I think that "People's Militia" is better. I was misled by Google.
disagree |
Aleksandar Stanković
: Milicija i militia su lažan jezički par. Militia je narodna vojska ili paravojna formacija, a ne državna policijska/milicijska služba
5 h
disagree |
: you are relying on a translation by someone who hasn't got a clue about Yugoslavia - using "national" when it comes to ex-Yugoslavia was and is like walking straight into a minefield of misleading "shifted meanings"
7 h
Something went wrong...