Glossary entry (derived from question below)
srpski term or phrase:
Visoka skola likovnih i primenjenih umetnosti
engleski translation:
College of Fine and Applied Arts
Added to glossary by
Vesna Maširević
Feb 16, 2012 10:07
13 yrs ago
3 viewers *
srpski term
~ Visoka skola likovnih i primenjenih umetnosti ~
srpski na engleski
Obrazovanje / pedagogija
Likovna kultura
Zelela bih da konkurisem za stipendiju u inostranstvu, a jedan od uslova je Bachelor Degree. Zavrsila sam Visoku skolu likovnih i primenjenih umetnosti, smer Nastavnik likovne kulture (3 god.). Kako je najbolje prevesti Diplomu, a da je oni adekvatno protumace (tj. da bude u skladu sa uslovima konkursa, jer po "Bolonji" to sad i jeste neka vrsta Bachelor-a, ako se ne varam) ?
Hvala svima,
I sve najbolje!
Hvala svima,
I sve najbolje!
Proposed translations
3 +3 | College of Fine and Applied Arts |
Vesna Maširević
![]() |
5 +1 | Academy of Fine and Applied Arts |
Sherefedin MUSTAFA
![]() |
Change log
Mar 1, 2012 06:45: Vesna Maširević Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
4 h
srpski term (edited):
Visoka skola likovnih i primenjenih umetnosti
College of Fine and Applied Arts
Predlog. Budući da nije akademija, situacija je nejasna a potreban vam je BA. Inače bi opcija bila i School of Fine & Applied Arts
Art school is a general term for any educational institution with a primary focus on the visual arts, especially illustration, painting, photography, sculpture, and graphic design. The term applies to institutions with elementary, secondary, post-secondary or undergraduate, or graduate or postgraduate programs in these areas. If accredited as a college, most art schools grant a bachelor of fine arts, bachelor of arts<, or bachelor of science degree.
Note added at 7 hrs (2012-02-16 17:38:44 GMT)
Odgovor sam ponudila na pitanje naziva škole, sve ostalo je posebna problematika pa bi, teorijski, trebali postaviti posebno pitanje. U svakom slučaju, "Diploma in Higher Education" može značiti svašta i ništa.
Ali, s obzirom na specifičnost vaše dileme, pogledajte str. 3. informatora (na sajtu koji nadam se pripada vašoj školi) 2011-2012.pdf
Бодовна вредност студијског програма је 180 ЕСПБ бодова
ESPB - Evropski Sistem Prenosa Bodova = European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
Pa ovo
The ECTS system (European Credit Transfer System) makes it possible to measure the level of education a student has obtained, by attaching credits to courses.
The Bachelor's degree is earned after 180 credits are obtained.
I bilo koji od linkova degree 180 ECTS&ie=...
Predlog. Budući da nije akademija, situacija je nejasna a potreban vam je BA. Inače bi opcija bila i School of Fine & Applied Arts
Art school is a general term for any educational institution with a primary focus on the visual arts, especially illustration, painting, photography, sculpture, and graphic design. The term applies to institutions with elementary, secondary, post-secondary or undergraduate, or graduate or postgraduate programs in these areas. If accredited as a college, most art schools grant a bachelor of fine arts, bachelor of arts<, or bachelor of science degree.
Note added at 7 hrs (2012-02-16 17:38:44 GMT)
Odgovor sam ponudila na pitanje naziva škole, sve ostalo je posebna problematika pa bi, teorijski, trebali postaviti posebno pitanje. U svakom slučaju, "Diploma in Higher Education" može značiti svašta i ništa.
Ali, s obzirom na specifičnost vaše dileme, pogledajte str. 3. informatora (na sajtu koji nadam se pripada vašoj školi) 2011-2012.pdf
Бодовна вредност студијског програма је 180 ЕСПБ бодова
ESPB - Evropski Sistem Prenosa Bodova = European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
Pa ovo
The ECTS system (European Credit Transfer System) makes it possible to measure the level of education a student has obtained, by attaching credits to courses.
The Bachelor's degree is earned after 180 credits are obtained.
I bilo koji od linkova degree 180 ECTS&ie=...
Note from asker:
Hvala Vam na odgovoru, da li mislite da bi dalji prevod trebao glasiti - Diploma In Higher Education ili da se bas stavi Bachelor Of Fine Arts, title of Art Teacher, da ne dodje do zabune? |
Peer comment(s):
agree |
: Hvala, veliki pozdrav!
18 h
agree |
Mira Stepanovic
19 h
agree |
1274 dana
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
17 min
Academy of Fine and Applied Arts
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Aida Samardzic
41 min
neutral |
Mira Stepanovic
: Ovo je ipak trogodišnja Visoka škola strukovnih studija , ne znam kako bi se u tom slučaju prevela Akademija
1 h
neutral |
: Da li sam po vasem misljenju uopste sad neki Bachelor? Kako uopste prevesti Diplomu, to me sad najvise muci..Diploma in Higher Education, ili Bachelor of Fine Arts, title of Art teacher? :-/ Hvala svima, masem vam! :-)
3 h
Zavisi koji ste naziv stekli po ovoj diplomi. Koji će vam naziv biti priznat u inostranstvu, o tome odlučuje inostrana ustanova u zemlji gde ćete zatražiti nostrifikaciju (priznanje) stečenog obrazovanja i stručnog naziva.