Feb 14 12:07
1 mo ago
engleski term


engleski na srpski Ostalo Medicina (uopšteno) service dogs diseases
Atopy is an allergy to a substance with which the dog is not necessarily in direct contact. It is a type I hypersensitivity to a substance that is inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Up to 10 percent of dogs are affected. The most common symptom is itching. Affected areas include the underside, the face, the feet, and the ears.

A da nije bukvalno "donja strana tela"?
Proposed translations (srpski)
5 +2 Стомак/абдомен

Proposed translations

2 h


Peer comment(s):

agree Andjelka Janjusevic
23 h
agree Jelena Delibasic
6 dana
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