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Traducir con SDL Trados Studio 2014

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Isa Santana
Isa Santana
Local time: 23:41
engleski na španski
Description of course Jan 21, 2015

Hi Clarisa, this course looks interesting but I don´t see a description. Can you provide a description or an overview of the topics that will be handled?
And about the duration: is it 180 minutes consecutive, or will it be split up in different blocks? Thank you in advance, Vera Hooijdonk at Avantpage Inc.

Clarisa Moraña
Clarisa Moraña  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:41
Član (2002)
engleski na španski
+ ...
Done! Jan 27, 2015

Hola, Vera

Se hará una pausa de 15 minutos aproximadamente a mitad de la capacitación.



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Traducir con SDL Trados Studio 2014

Your smart companion app

Pastey is an innovative desktop application that bridges the gap between human expertise and artificial intelligence. With intuitive keyboard shortcuts, Pastey transforms your source text into AI-powered draft translations.

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Trados Business Manager Lite
Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio

Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.

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