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engleski na makedonski: conditions for invoicing in respect of value added tax
Izvorni tekst - engleski Any document or message that amends and refers specifically and unambiguously to the initial invoice is to be treated as an invoice. Member States in whose territory goods or services are supplied or rendered may allow some of the obligatory details to be left out of such documents or messages.
Member States may impose time limits for the issue of invoices on taxable persons supplying goods and services in their territory.
Under conditions to be laid down by the Member States in whose territory goods or services are supplied or rendered, a summary invoice may be drawn up for several separate supplies of goods or services.
Prevod - makedonski Секој документ или известување што ја изменува или што изрично и недвосмислено упатува на првичната фактура, треба да се третира како фактура. Земјите-членки на чијашто територија се испорачуваат или обезбедуваат стоките и услугите, може да дозволат некои од задолжителните детали да не бидат вклучени во овие документи или известувања.
Земјите-членки може да наметнат временски рокови за издавање фактури на даночните обврзници што испорачуваат стоки и услуги на нивната територија.
Во согласност со условите што ќе ги утврдат земјите-членки на чијашто територија се врши испораката, односно обезбедувањето на стоки или услуги, може да се изготви збирна фактура за неколку одделни испораки на стоки и услуги.
Prevodilačko obrazovanje
Bachelor's degree - Faculty of Philology - University "Cyril and Methodius", Skopje
Godine iskustva: 24. Registrovan/a na Dec 2006.
engleski na makedonski (University "Ss Cyril and Methodius", Macedonia, verified) makedonski na engleski (University "Ss Cyril and Methodius", Macedonia, verified) ruski na makedonski (University "Ss Cyril and Methodius", Macedonia, verified) engleski na makedonski (Ministry of Justice, Macedonia, verified) ruski na makedonski (Ministry of Justice, Macedonia, verified)
makedonski na engleski (Ministry of Justice, Macedonia, verified) makedonski na ruski (Ministry of Justice, Macedonia, verified) makedonski na ruski (University "Ss Cyril and Methodius", Macedonia, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, LogiTerm, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, TransTool, Other CAT tool, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordfast
Working languages: English, Russian, Serbian, Croatian
Education: B.A. in Philology – Department of English Language and Literature – translational stream (second major – Russian Language and Literature)
Fields of expertise: EU Affairs (legislation), Government (National Programmes and Plans), International Affairs, Economics (Business, Accounting, Finance, Marketing), Law (general, taxes and customs, contracts), Telecommunications, Mobile Phones (manuals), Automotive
Credentials: - B.A. in English Language and Literature and Russian Language and Literature - translator
- Certified court translator/interpreter English-Macedonian, Russian-Macedonian and vice versa
Softwares: Trados, Wordfast, Logoport
The price is negotiable.
References available upon request.
For major projects and clients, please refer to my CV.
Ovaj korisnik je zaradio KudoZ poene pomažući drugim prevodiocima u vezi sa terminima na PRO nivou. Kliknite na ukupan broj poena da biste videli ponuđene prevode termina.
Ključne reči: Macedonian translation, English to Macedonian translator, high-quality translation, timely translation, reliable translation, fast translation services, English to Macedonian translator, Russian to Macedonian translator, Serbian to Macedonian translator, conference interpreter. See more.Macedonian translation, English to Macedonian translator, high-quality translation, timely translation, reliable translation, fast translation services, English to Macedonian translator, Russian to Macedonian translator, Serbian to Macedonian translator, conference interpreter, economics translator, law translator, medicine translator, telecommunications translator, IT translator, EU affairs translator, government issues translator, taxes and customs translator, contracts translator, automotive translator, Macedonian software localisation, Macedonian software localization, Macedonian website localisation, Macedonian website locacalization. See less.