Radni jezici:
makedonski na engleski
engleski na makedonski
makedonski na nemački

Joco Velkov
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Skopje, Makedonija (BJRM)
Lokalno vreme: 11:51 CET (GMT+1)
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Tip naloga Samostalni usmeni i/ili pismeni prevodilac
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
Udružen sa This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
Usluge Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Subtitling, Training, Project management, Native speaker conversation
Specijalizovan/a za:
Mašinstvo / mašinsko inženjerstvoMedicina (uopšteno)
Poezija i književnostNauka (uopšteno)
Društvene nauke, sociologija, etika itd.Tekstil / odeća / moda
Turizam & putovanjaUmetnost, zanati, slikarstvo

nemački na srpski - Standardna tarifa: 0.10 EUR po reči / 35 EUR na sat
srpski na nemački - Standardna tarifa: 0.10 EUR po reči / 35 EUR na sat

KudoZ aktivnost (PRO) Poeni na PRO-nivou: 4, Odgovori na pitanja: 12
Portfolio Predati primerci prevoda: 1
Prevodilačko obrazovanje Other - Sprach-Uni skopje & Maschinenbautechnische Schule in Stip - Mazedonien
Iskustvo Godine iskustva: 37. Registrovan/a na ProZ.com: Feb 2006.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Svedočanstva nemački na makedonski (German Chamber of Trade and Industry)
nemački na makedonski (German Courts)
Članstva Organisation der Fachuebersetzer Macedon, ADÜ Nord
Softver Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Frontpage, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe Reader 7.0, Other CAT tool, Powerpoint, SDLX, STAR Transit, Wordfast
Web sajt http://www.beepworld.de/members101/timing
CV/Resume CV/Resume (DOC)
Events and training
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Transition from freelancer to agency owner
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Improve my productivity
Specialization Keywords

Reisen&Turismus, Marketing, Medizin&Gesundheit, Romane, Kinderbücher, Geschichte, Technische Übersetzung, Webseiten, Gastronomie, Kochen, Kunst, Allgemeine Medizin, Textilien, Psyhologie, Musik, Film.

Subject Areas

Agriculture, Art, Business General, Child Care, Culinary Arts, Ecology, Education, Fibre, Textile and Weaving, General, Health, History, Journalism and Mass Communication, Linguistics, Literature, Mechanical Engineering, Medicine (General), Medicine - Pharmacology, Medicine - Psychiatry, Medicine - Social Psychology, Metallurgical Engineering, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, Science (General), Sociology, Textile Sciences and Engineering, Tourism and Travel, Women Studies

Working Language Pairs:
German>Croatian, Croatian>German, German>Macedonian,
Macedonian>German, German>Bulgarian, Bulgarian>German,
German>Serbian, Serbian>German,
English>Macedonian, Macedonian>English

Native Language:
German and Macedonian

Contracts, Economics, Business, General, Brochures and press releases
Marketing/Corporate texts, Advertising material, Technical Manuals, Books, Cooking, Tourism, Fashion, Cosmetics.

4-Year University Degree in Macedonian and German Translation
Translation Diploma (German: Dipl.-Übers. (EN)) University of Applied Sciences Skopje, Macedonia.

Foreign Language Correspondent in German Macedonian and Croatian. Exam passed before the Macedonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Business German and Macedonian
Exam passed before the Skopje Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Extended experience in business and commerce as a full-time office employee.

Experience as a
Freelance Translator:
Over 19 years


Academie of Language Art Skopje, MTA (Macedonian Translators Assotiation).

EUR 0.6 - 0.10per word for translation
EUR 35.00 per hour for editing/proofreading
Ključne reči: Technik, Medizin, Poesie, Business- Management, Literatur, Musik, Film, Theater, Buecher fuer Kinder, Webseiten. See more.Technik,Medizin,Poesie,Business- Management,Literatur,Musik,Film,Theater, Buecher fuer Kinder,Webseiten,Vertraege,Briefe,Dialekt,Medien,Mechanik, etz... . See less.

Datum poslednjeg ažuriranja profila
Nov 24, 2024