Glossary entry

srpski term or phrase:

Osviješćena estetika

engleski translation:

aesthetics awakened/roused (from indifference to an idea), consciousness of aesthetics

Added to glossary by LogosART
Mar 5, 2016 15:39
9 yrs ago
4 viewers *
srpski term

Osviješćena estetika

srpski na engleski Umetnost/književnost Filozofija Humanities
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Mar 19, 2016 19:20: LogosART Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

6 h

aesthetics awakened/roused (from indifference to an idea), consciousness of aesthetics

osviješćena estetika > aesthetics awakened/roused (from indifference to an idea), consciousness of aesthetics

paradìgma > 2.fil. a. pov. u platonskoj filozofiji, svijet ideja, prototip stvarnog svijeta u kojem živimo b. skup pravila i metoda koji karakteriziraju neku znanost ili disciplinu

osviješten > awakened (roused) from indifference to an idea

neosviješten adj not conscious of, lacking consciousness; (nesvijest) not yet brought to, not restored to consciousness, still in a swoon (fainting fit); not awakened (roused) from indifference to an idea; indifferent to; not alive to; to whom an idea has not come home yet

… when the rise of consciousness of particular problems as global problems stimulated the consciousness of the problem of world hunger and the network of inequalities and injustices connected to it.
osviješten problem svjetske gladi te mreža nejednakosti i nepravednosti koja je s time povezana.

Kao ljubitelji apatije i ironije hipsteri su povezani putem globalne mreže blogova i trgovina koje promiču opće viđenje modno osviještene estetike

(1) za korisnike-zdravstveno osviještene laike i
(1) Non-professional users who care about their health

Glavna hipoteza: zavičajna baština, osviještena kroz HNOS i obrazovni kurikulum stvara komparativne prednosti za održivi razvoj Zabiokovlja.
Main hypothesis: native land heritage implemented through CNES and educational curriculum makes comparative advantages for the sustainable development of Zabiokovlje.

Bez cjelovite vizije svijeta, ljudi ne mogu funkcionirati na potpuno osviješten način.
Without a complete vision of the world, people cannot exist in a fully aware way.
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