Nov 27, 2010 08:51
14 yrs ago
srpski term

ослоначно-заштитни уређаји са котрљањем

srpski na engleski Tehnika/inženjerstvo Mašinstvo / mašinsko inženjerstvo
На радној цеви се у оквиру заштитног омотача постављају ослоначно-заштитни уређаји са котрљањем (руска скраћеница: «УОЗР»).
Change log

Nov 27, 2010 08:51: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Reference comments

2 h


“Additional features of this invention are a combination supporting protective device for trouble free driving and sprocket segment operation; a unique counter balanced screen design for reduced power consumption; a combination of critical angles of component mounting to allow for the proper timing of the sprocket engagement and disengagement in order to improve the screen cleaning; a design that enhances the ability to use various construction materials to meet various requirements; and the use of corrosion resistant materials for all parts moving into the water stream.”
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