Glossary entry

srpski term or phrase:

u proširenom sastavu

engleski translation:

in full session

Added to glossary by Cedomir Pusica
Mar 7, 2009 16:58
16 yrs ago
6 viewers *
srpski term

u proširenom sastavu

srpski na engleski Biznis/finansije Uprava (menadžment)
Sastanku je potrebno da prisustvuju direktori u proširenom sastavu.


Aribas (X) Mar 8, 2009:
"U širem sastavu" <> "u proširenom sastavu" I agree with Ms. Miomira Brankovic.

Please note that, generally speaking, there are two meanings of "u proširenom sastavu":
1. New members of the Board of Directors are to be present - expanded board of directors to have a new meeting;
2. The meeting is to be attended by non-members of the board, usually external advisors or managers, major stock-owners and the kind.

In contrast, "U širem sastavu" usually denotes attandance of all members of a committee or a board, i.e. including members of all subcommittees or groups, but no attendees other than the members themselves.

Proposed translations

2 h

in full session

Peer comment(s):

agree Veronica Prpic Uhing
5 min
Hvala Veronika!
agree Larisa Djuvelek-Ruggiero (X)
1 dan 7 h
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Puno hvala!"
1 h

the extended team

the extended manager's team, ili slično.

Example sentence:

When designing or producing a product/process, two teams are used, a core team and an extended team.

An extended team includes the core team, plus other experts or professionals who are ... Figure 4.3 provides examples of core and extended team membership.

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8 h

in extended format

"U punom sastavu" nije isto što i "u proširenom sastavu". Ovo su termini koji se obično koriste za neka tela/organe. Organ je u punom sastavu kada su prisutni svi članovi, a u proširenom sastavu se sastaje kada pored članova prisustvuju i lica koja nisu u sastavu tog organa, ali su pozvana zbog određenih pitanja o kojima se raspravlja.
Imajući ovo u vidu, Vaša rečenica deluje malo rogobatno - ne znam kako direktori mogu biti "u proširenom sastavu", mogao bi biti "kolegijum direktora" ili nešto slično. Ipak, evo nekoliko primera, ako se gruzijski tekst može staviti pod znak pitanja, ovaj iz EU bi trebalo da bude pouzdan.
Part of this December 2006 meeting was held in "extended" format, with representatives from business and academia in attendance to discuss the CCCTB. This followed a similar extended meeting in 2005. A more specialised extended meeting was held in June 2006 with business experts from the financial sector to discuss the particularities of this sector.!celex...

At the SC meeting that was held in extended format, (besides the permanent five members other countries also participated) no special documents were elaborated or adopted.
Peer comment(s):

agree Bogdan Petrovic
5 h
agree Mira Stepanovic
5 h
agree Nadezda Krstev
10 dana
Something went wrong...
110 dana

in preceeding order

Peer comment(s):

disagree Mira Stepanovic : no, sorry KRAT, sira is not = turn
15 h
Something went wrong...
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