Glossary entry

srpski term or phrase:

equitable relief by way of injunction

engleski translation:

pravična zaštita putem sudskog naloga/sudske naredbe

    The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2013-07-11 05:54:09 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Jul 7, 2013 19:26
11 yrs ago
54 viewers *
srpski term

equitable relief by way of injunction

srpski na engleski Pravo/patenti Pravo: patenti, zaštićeni znaci, autorska prava indemnity
the DISCLOSING PARTY shall be entitled to seek to secure equitable relief by way of injunction or otherwise and, in such case, notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 5 hereof, the RECEIVING PARTY will immediately return or destroy (in accordance with Clause 5 hereof) all Information and materials pursuant to this Agreement.

Da li je to kao neka pravicna naknada ili vrsta novcane ili druge naknade, ali zbunjuje me onda ovo injunction?Thanks!

Proposed translations

49 min

pravična zaštita putem sudskog naloga/sudske naredbe

equitable relief by way of injunction > pravična zaštita putem sudskog naloga/naredbe

(ii) consents to such injunctive or other equitable relief as a court of competent jurisdiction may deem proper.

(ii) pristaje na takvu sudsku ili drugu pravičnu zaštitu kako sud mjerodavne nadležnosti smatra prikladnim.

Na slovenskom:
pravična pravna zaščita

injunction (noun) (mar law) an order from a court that prevents someone from doing something zabrana, mjera, nalog, sudski nalog, naredba administrative ~ administrativna zabrana, temporary ~ privremena zabrana (isplovljenja broda): A temporary injunction - arrest of a ship (yacht), which is situated in a marina, shall be effected in a manner that the arrested ship remains berthed within the waters of the port., grant an ~ izdati zabranu, obtain an ~ against a carrier ishodidi zabranu (od suda) protiv prijevoznika / vozara
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