Glossary entry

srpski term or phrase:

na sednici XX vanrednog zasedanja

engleski translation:

at XX(20th) extraordinary session

    The asker opted for community grading. The question was closed on 2014-03-15 23:55:21 based on peer agreement (or, if there were too few peer comments, asker preference.)
Mar 12, 2014 22:32
10 yrs ago
20 viewers *
srpski term

na sednici XX vanrednog zasedanja

srpski na engleski Ostalo Državna uprava / politika
U pitanju je početak ukaza o proglašenju zakona.

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Šta je session, a šta sitting?
Ili su adekvatniji neki drugi termini?
Proposed translations (engleski)
3 +3 at XX(20th) extraordinary session


sofijana Mar 12, 2014:
Session vs Sitting Session: A meeting for execution of a group's functions ("it was the opening session of the legislature")
Sitting: A session as of a legislature or court

Proposed translations

30 min

at XX(20th) extraordinary session

Sessions Laws of the State of Washington Passed at the Extraordinary Session Convened December 4, 1933 Adjourned January 12, 1934 (Olympia: O. H. Olson Public Printer, 1934)

If Congress did not accept the resignation, Duarte would have to continue his term until 15 August and would be unable to become an elected senator, becoming instead a non-voting senator for life as a former president.3 As expected, the quorum was not reached at the extraordinary session called for this reason for 24 June 2008.

Note added at 42 mins (2014-03-12 23:14:49 GMT)

Oxford OALD:

- a formal meeting or series of meetings of a court, a parliament, etc; a period of time when such meetings are held:
a session of the UN General Assembly
an emergency session of Congress
the current parliamentary session

Note added at 46 mins (2014-03-12 23:19:01 GMT)

zaboravila sam link za Oxford OALD:

Note added at 50 mins (2014-03-12 23:23:27 GMT)

a period of time during which a court or a parliament deals with its business

Note added at 1 hr (2014-03-12 23:43:38 GMT)

Each Parliament is made up of one or more sessions, each consisting of a number of separate sittings (meetings), separated by periods of adjournment). Each session, except the final one, ends when Parliament is prorogued by the Governor General. The final session ends with the dissolution of Parliament and the calling of a general election.
Note from asker:
Hvala, Nataša! XX sam stavila kao zamenu za redni broj, ali to je manje bitno. Videla sam da na sajtu Skupštine za "zasedanje" koriste i "sitting" i "session", pa me to još više dovodi u dilemu. Ako je "zasedanje" - session, da li je onda "sednica" - sitting?
Ovo mi već uliva sigurnost :) Hvala!
Peer comment(s):

agree LogosART
13 min
agree Bojan Grbikj
5 h
agree Alison Kapor (X)
12 h
neutral Miomira Brankovic : moj predlog: at the sitting of the 20th extraordinary session, no ovo je pitanje za našu koleginicu Draganu Pokrajac, prevodioca Skupštine Srbije, koja bi sigurno znala tačan odgovor.
15 h
Hvala! Moglo bi i tako, ali čini mi se ako je potrebno naglasiti baš na kojoj sednici (datum) XX zasedanja Skupštine je zakon proglašen. Takođe, na znam da li je Dragana aktivna na Proz-u, pa da nam u ovom slučaju pomogne ;)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."

Reference comments

44 min

at the sitting of the XX extraordinary session

at the sitting of the XX extraordinary session

Sitting of the First Extraordinary Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2014 ended

(b) The Assembly shall meet in extraordinary session upon convocation by the Director General, at the request of one-fourth of the countries members of the Assembly.
(b) Skupština se sastaje na vanredno zasedanje po pozivu Generalnog direktora, a na traženje jedne četvrtine zemalja članica Skupštine.
Note from asker:
Ovo definitivno daje najviše rezultata od svih kombinacija koje sam se setila da stavim među Google navodnike. Malo sam nesigurna jer su u pitanju uprave i mediji iz trećeg sveta, ali mislim da će na kraju to biti konačno rešenje... Hvala na pomoći!
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Bogdan Petrovic
6 h
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