Glossary entry (derived from question below)
srpski term or phrase:
engleski translation:
Added to glossary by
Aleksandar Jankovic
Oct 18, 2015 07:32
9 yrs ago
1 viewer *
srpski term
srpski na engleski
Šumarstvo / drvo / drvna građa
Белгија је тржиште блистача, Холандија и В. Британија полублистача, а Немачка и Италија бочница.
Proposed translations
3 | Bois de quartier (French), Quarters | Erzsébet Czopyk |
5 | radial/radially sawn timber | Mira Stepanovic |
Proposed translations
47 min
Bois de quartier (French), Quarters
Quarters, in architecture, are those slight upright pieces of timber which are placed between the puncheons and posts, used to lathe upon.
КАТЕКИЗАМ УПОРАЈБИ ШУМА Питања и одговори из подручја науке о упо раби шума и шум. технологије. Саставио: Драгутин Д. Весели, ирофесор на Шумарској Школи у Сарајеву. Ca 54 слике и 6 табла. У властитој наклади пишчсвој. ИОРАДЛ КЛПШЕЈА II ТИСАК ШТАМПАРИЈЕ „БОСЛНСКЛ ПОШТА". САРАЈЕВО, 1927.
Анатомијско обиљежје дрвећа
Page 11
1. Жељезнички прагови 162 2. Дуга 170 3. НекоЈн сортименти мање важиости 178 (Шубије 272, шпмла и шиндра 273, ободп 274, гобеље u паоци 275, телегр. днрецп 276, коци за впнограде 277, штаповн 278). II. Израђивање трговачке робе на пи- ланама 183 1. Мале водене пилане 183 2. Парне гтлане 190 3. Пиланско пословање 192 4. Сортименти пиљене робе п трго- вамке изансе 176 (Даске (tavole, scurette), платице (роnticelli pontj, palancole), штафле (шо- raioni, morali, moraletti), летве (correnti, cantinelli), булови (Boules), naришка пиљена роба (sur dosses'. блистаче (Quartier), ноловњали (Wain- scoat-Logs) 2.i6, децимали, madriers летве за покућство,паркети или фризц (попруге), planches, planchetes, testoni (чеонице), tavoletti (бочнице) 297, др- вене коцке за тарацање 298, резо- нантно дрво 299, дрвна вуна vvolin) и шибибице 300.
A new and enlarged military dictionary: in French and English; - Oldal lefordítása
Charles James - 1810 - Foreign Language Study
Bois de coupe, Fr. wood that is between 10 and 30 years old. Bois de terpe ... Bois de quartier, Fr. quarters of timber, or wood for quarters. Bois revenartt,Fr. a ...
Quarter sawing is a type of cut in the rip-sawing of logs into lumber. The resulting lumber is called quartersawn (quarter-sawn), quartered, and radially-sawn. There is widespread confusion between the terms quartersawn and riftsawn with both words defined with opposite meanings and as synonyms.
Rift sawing (radially sawing)
This is negyedes deszka in Hungarian. My first workplace was a timber trade company in Latvia in 1993 :-)
But these are very old expressions.
Note added at 1 hr (2015-10-18 08:44:50 GMT)
What is the difference between Quarter Sawn, Rift Sawn and ...
When lumber is cut from logs, it is typically cut in one of three ways: quarter sawn, rift sawn or plain sawn. Each type of lumber is dependent on how the log is oriented and cut at the sawmill. The result is a particular orientation of the growth rings on the end grain of the board and is what defines the type of lumber. The type of cut also determines the figure in a piece of wood and the wood’s mechanical properties.
Note added at 1 hr (2015-10-18 08:46:58 GMT)
quarter sawn wood/lumberIn addition to the desirable grain pattern this type of wood is also the most dimensionally stable, making it ideal to work with. Quarter sawn lumber exhibits almost no twisting, warping and cupping. It is more resistant to moisture penetration and less prone to surface checking and raised grain.
Note added at 1 hr (2015-10-18 08:49:10 GMT)
Most define it as between 60 – 90 degrees, although others define it as between 75 – 90 degrees or 45 – 90 degrees.
КАТЕКИЗАМ УПОРАЈБИ ШУМА Питања и одговори из подручја науке о упо раби шума и шум. технологије. Саставио: Драгутин Д. Весели, ирофесор на Шумарској Школи у Сарајеву. Ca 54 слике и 6 табла. У властитој наклади пишчсвој. ИОРАДЛ КЛПШЕЈА II ТИСАК ШТАМПАРИЈЕ „БОСЛНСКЛ ПОШТА". САРАЈЕВО, 1927.
Анатомијско обиљежје дрвећа
Page 11
1. Жељезнички прагови 162 2. Дуга 170 3. НекоЈн сортименти мање важиости 178 (Шубије 272, шпмла и шиндра 273, ободп 274, гобеље u паоци 275, телегр. днрецп 276, коци за впнограде 277, штаповн 278). II. Израђивање трговачке робе на пи- ланама 183 1. Мале водене пилане 183 2. Парне гтлане 190 3. Пиланско пословање 192 4. Сортименти пиљене робе п трго- вамке изансе 176 (Даске (tavole, scurette), платице (роnticelli pontj, palancole), штафле (шо- raioni, morali, moraletti), летве (correnti, cantinelli), булови (Boules), naришка пиљена роба (sur dosses'. блистаче (Quartier), ноловњали (Wain- scoat-Logs) 2.i6, децимали, madriers летве за покућство,паркети или фризц (попруге), planches, planchetes, testoni (чеонице), tavoletti (бочнице) 297, др- вене коцке за тарацање 298, резо- нантно дрво 299, дрвна вуна vvolin) и шибибице 300.
A new and enlarged military dictionary: in French and English; - Oldal lefordítása
Charles James - 1810 - Foreign Language Study
Bois de coupe, Fr. wood that is between 10 and 30 years old. Bois de terpe ... Bois de quartier, Fr. quarters of timber, or wood for quarters. Bois revenartt,Fr. a ...
Quarter sawing is a type of cut in the rip-sawing of logs into lumber. The resulting lumber is called quartersawn (quarter-sawn), quartered, and radially-sawn. There is widespread confusion between the terms quartersawn and riftsawn with both words defined with opposite meanings and as synonyms.
Rift sawing (radially sawing)
This is negyedes deszka in Hungarian. My first workplace was a timber trade company in Latvia in 1993 :-)
But these are very old expressions.
Note added at 1 hr (2015-10-18 08:44:50 GMT)
What is the difference between Quarter Sawn, Rift Sawn and ...
When lumber is cut from logs, it is typically cut in one of three ways: quarter sawn, rift sawn or plain sawn. Each type of lumber is dependent on how the log is oriented and cut at the sawmill. The result is a particular orientation of the growth rings on the end grain of the board and is what defines the type of lumber. The type of cut also determines the figure in a piece of wood and the wood’s mechanical properties.
Note added at 1 hr (2015-10-18 08:46:58 GMT)
quarter sawn wood/lumberIn addition to the desirable grain pattern this type of wood is also the most dimensionally stable, making it ideal to work with. Quarter sawn lumber exhibits almost no twisting, warping and cupping. It is more resistant to moisture penetration and less prone to surface checking and raised grain.
Note added at 1 hr (2015-10-18 08:49:10 GMT)
Most define it as between 60 – 90 degrees, although others define it as between 75 – 90 degrees or 45 – 90 degrees.
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Mira Stepanovic
: In that case, how would you translate "полублистача" please? :-)
1 dan 1 h
This is an another KudoZ-question. I am Hungarian and glad that could provide some help thanks to my knowledge of Russian. Your smiley makes me just sad
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thank you"
54 min
srpski term (edited):
radial/radially sawn timber
treba: blistača
Otvorite ovde: blistač&ie=utf-8&oe=utf...
treći link odzgo, [PDF]Predavanje 1 i potražite "bočnica"; na slici je prikazano:
Druge dvije ortogonalne ravnine u drvu su uzdužne. (2) Uzdužni prerez ravninom koja prolazi kroz srciku otvara radijalne uzdužne površine. U vrstama s uocljivim godovima na ovim se površinama vide manje ili više paralelne linije. Piljenica (daska) ispiljena u radijalnoj ravnini debla poznata je kao blistača ili kartje. (3) Uzdužni prerez ravninom tangentnom na površinu debla otvara tangentnu uzdužnu površinu. Ovdje godovi izgledaju kao nizovi valovitih linija ili stožaca položenih jedan iznad drugog. Piljenica ispiljena u tangentnoj uzdužnoj ravnini debla poznata je kao bočnica.
Tekstura drva
Tekstura drva je slika anatomskih elemenata građe drva promatrana prostim oko. Po teksturi razlikujemo botaničku vrstu drva. Ovisno o presjeku može biti čeona (čelo drvenog predmeta), radijalna (tekstura blistače) i tangentna (tekstura bočnice). Tesktura drva može biti pravilna i nepravilna. Predmeti napravljeni od drva nepravilne tekstura mogu biti vrlo atraktivni i cijenjeni.
Radial sawn timber
This cut is not very common, and if required would need special negotiation with the mill. However, radial sawing has an efficiency that the other cuts cannot achieve, and makes optimal use of a log.
Because of the cutting pattern, each piece of radially sawn timber is a wedge shape. It has sapwood on the wider edge and pith or corewood at the point.
As real logs are not perfectly round and not perfectly straight, each radially sawn board reflects the longitudinal shape of the log.
Note added at 1 hr (2015-10-18 08:36:33 GMT)
Mislim da ćete moći da promenite tek prilikom unosa u glosar, kada izaberete odgovor koji vam odgovara i time zatvorite pitanje. :-)
Otvorite ovde: blistač&ie=utf-8&oe=utf...
treći link odzgo, [PDF]Predavanje 1 i potražite "bočnica"; na slici je prikazano:
Druge dvije ortogonalne ravnine u drvu su uzdužne. (2) Uzdužni prerez ravninom koja prolazi kroz srciku otvara radijalne uzdužne površine. U vrstama s uocljivim godovima na ovim se površinama vide manje ili više paralelne linije. Piljenica (daska) ispiljena u radijalnoj ravnini debla poznata je kao blistača ili kartje. (3) Uzdužni prerez ravninom tangentnom na površinu debla otvara tangentnu uzdužnu površinu. Ovdje godovi izgledaju kao nizovi valovitih linija ili stožaca položenih jedan iznad drugog. Piljenica ispiljena u tangentnoj uzdužnoj ravnini debla poznata je kao bočnica.
Tekstura drva
Tekstura drva je slika anatomskih elemenata građe drva promatrana prostim oko. Po teksturi razlikujemo botaničku vrstu drva. Ovisno o presjeku može biti čeona (čelo drvenog predmeta), radijalna (tekstura blistače) i tangentna (tekstura bočnice). Tesktura drva može biti pravilna i nepravilna. Predmeti napravljeni od drva nepravilne tekstura mogu biti vrlo atraktivni i cijenjeni.
Radial sawn timber
This cut is not very common, and if required would need special negotiation with the mill. However, radial sawing has an efficiency that the other cuts cannot achieve, and makes optimal use of a log.
Because of the cutting pattern, each piece of radially sawn timber is a wedge shape. It has sapwood on the wider edge and pith or corewood at the point.
As real logs are not perfectly round and not perfectly straight, each radially sawn board reflects the longitudinal shape of the log.
Note added at 1 hr (2015-10-18 08:36:33 GMT)
Mislim da ćete moći da promenite tek prilikom unosa u glosar, kada izaberete odgovor koji vam odgovara i time zatvorite pitanje. :-)
Note from asker:
Hvala, Miro, video sam da treba blistača, ali mi nešto ne ide pokušaj da izmenim postavljeno pitanje |
Hvala još jednom Miro, vaš odgovor je bio najviše od pomoći jer sam praktiočno rešio 3 termina (kao i "polublistača" koju pominjete dole). Čak se zbog toga u mom prevodu nisam opredelio za rešenje koje sam uneo u glosar. Za glosar sam odabrao najkraće i direktno rešenje. Za moj prevod sam odabrao opisna rešenja koja ste vi naveli jer mi je tako bilo praktičnije. Hvala još jednom! |
Reference comments
12 h
Marija Landa - Privredno-poslovni rečnik / Drvo - papir
blistača - longitudinal (section) board
bočnica - boarding, side board
bočnica - boarding, side board
Note from asker:
Hvala za predloge, Nataša. |
Cuts of Timber - Learning Centre - Timspec New Zealand ...
In traditional quartersawing the planks of timber were cut like spokes of a wheel from the log, this provides a much more stable board. Modern quartersawing is a ...