Glossary entry

srpski term or phrase:

Inženjer objekta

engleski translation:

building engineer

Added to glossary by Nevena Milojevi
Jul 7, 2015 19:24
9 yrs ago
25 viewers *
srpski term

Inženjer objekta

srpski na engleski Tehnika/inženjerstvo Inženjerstvo (uopšteno) zvanje, titula
'' Radio sam u svojoj struci kao inženjer objekta za firmu''

Proposed translations

15 min

building engineer

(common term).

Note added at 24 mins (2015-07-07 19:49:00 GMT)

Here is one broad description of building engineer duties found on the Internet. More extensive descriptions are available, e.g. at
"Responsible for the daily operation, maintenance and repairs to assigned
commercial properties. The engineer must have working knowledge of all building
mechanical, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, life safety, fire protection and
security systems to ensure proper operations and be able to respond to any out of the ordinary conditions. The building engineer will be responsible for overseeing
an assigned engineering team."

Note added at 26 mins (2015-07-07 19:50:38 GMT)

"Site engineer", "field engineer", and "construction engineer" are exactly 100% wrong.

Note added at 9 hrs (2015-07-08 04:40:22 GMT)

Alternative (in case some of the comments are correct): Construction engineer.
2nd alternative, along these same lines: Civil engineer.
Construction engineers usually focus on a certain type of construction project. With a major in construction engineering, you’ll be prepared for work in any of the following types of projects.
Building: These construction engineers usually focus on commercial building construction—houses or business buildings.
Heavy/Highway: These construction engineers manage highway, bridge, airport, water and wastewater treatment plant projects. The work can be in remote locations. Much of the work is excavation and underground work so the curriculum emphasizes geology and soil mechanics.
Mechanical: You can manage the installation of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and plumbing systems. Many of the mechanical projects on buildings are construction projects in their own right. Mechanical contractors often do their own design on smaller projects.
Electrical: Electrical construction engineers manage the construction of electrical systems. You’ll take the same circuits courses as electrical engineers but also learn about the construction side of the business.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Daryo : 100%? да, 100% погрешан превод - овде је у питању инжењер објекта у изградњи [=који руководи градилиштем], не инжењер задужен за одржавање постојеће зграде // 100% сигуран у то, шта год да стоји у речницима, глосарима и сличним изворима ...
4 h
If Daryo is correct, then I change my answer to "construction engineer".
disagree Mira Stepanovic : Sorry but you do not seem to understand the meaning in the source language. / Thank you for sharing your opinion. :-)
15 h
Your comment is complete nonsense, in my opinion. Obviously you did not go to the trouble of reading my last note!!! I cannot possibly not have understood it because I have covered every possible interpretation!! Please withdraw your "disagree".
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I found a definition and you are right, it is a building engineer, description of the job of a building engineer matches with description of the position I was talking about, so thank you ."
18 min

site engineer, field engineer

Site engineer at Velesstroy, Mechanical Design Engineer at EnPlus, Mechanical Engineer - Site engineer at Gosa Montaza, Control at JKP Beogradske...

What is a site engineer?
A Site Engineer within the construction industry is part of the site management team and acts as day-to-day manager on a construction site, which can include liaising with third party stakeholders and managing the site facilities.
Site Engineers are also responsible for planning, technical queries, marking out and levelling construction sites before any work takes place as well as checking drawings, quantities and ensuring calculations are accurate.
As a Site Engineer you may also share responsibility for health and safety and security as well as organising and supervising people and materials on site.

Field Engineer (Inženjer objekta) at RM Mega Exterijer, Field Engineer (inženjer objekta) at Goša Montaža ad, Pool hydro- system maintenance/ Cer...

field engineer
Who routinely works at jobsites away from the employer's office, usually to provide onsite help to customers.

Note added at 2 hrs (2015-07-07 21:35:02 GMT)

- Vladimir Milosavljević
diplomirani mašinski inženjer
Radno iskustvo:
1 godinu U "Termoelektro" AD Beograd na radnom mestu inženjer objekta
- Vladimir Jerkan
inženjer građevine
Radio sam na poslovima nadogradnje stambenih objekata, montaži čeličnih konstrukcija u Rafineriji Nafte Pančevo kao inženjer objekta
- Dragoljub Babić
diplomirani mašinski inženjer
Zvanja: Inženjer objekta, Glavni inženjer objekta, Rukovodilac tehničke pripreme za termotehniku i termoenergetiku, Direktor gradnje.

Goran Petrović
U svom dosadašnjem periodu rada od 2001-2011 god, prošao sam sve operativne faze izgradnje objekata visokogradnje u sledećim svojstvima na gradilištima i to:Inženjer pripravnik,inženjer objekta , a od važnijih objekata na kojima sam rukovodio gradjenjem izdvojio bih :

Note added at 2 hrs (2015-07-07 22:04:46 GMT)

A evo i nešto slično ne engleskom (i to FIDIC):


After graduation in 2004 Civil Engineering I started in 2006 at the Dutch contractor Royal BAM group as a site engineer. Soon after I encountered several 3D/BIM as an Engineering Manager on Design and Construct projects in the industry sector which opened my eyes for the undeniable benefits BIM in combination with integrated concurrent engineering has to offer.

where he has been working on FIDIC Contract since 1982 and involved in contract administration & claim settlement of the construction of 10 HEPP in Indonesia, as the Site Engineer, R...
Note from asker:
Hvala na pomoci :)
Peer comment(s):

neutral TechLawDC : An "objekt" is a building. It is not a construction project or other process. Also, it is not a customer service engineering or sales support function.
10 min
Kod nas je objekat sve ono što se gradi: zgrada, most, put, kanal, dalekovod itd, a najčešće funkcije na izgradnji tih objekata (na gradilištu) su inženjer objekta i šef objekta (za tehničare), i to po strukama: građevinski, elektro i mašinski.
agree Daryo
4 h
agree Mira Stepanovic : Da, inženjer operativac koji radi na izgradnji objekata za razliku od inženjera koji radi u projektovanju.
2 dana 17 h
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Reference comments

4 h

Inženjer pripravnik, inženjer objekta ...

U svom dosadašnjem periodu rada od 2001-2011 god, prošao sam sve operativne faze izgradnje objekata visokogradnje u sledećim svojstvima na gradilištima i to:Inženjer pripravnik, inženjer objekta , a od važnijih objekata na kojima sam rukovodio gradjenjem izdvojio bih:
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