Glossary entry

srpski term or phrase:


engleski translation:


Added to glossary by Lota
Sep 13, 2018 05:33
6 yrs ago
srpski term


srpski na engleski Biznis/finansije Računovodstvo
I am translating some medical invoices from Serbian into English. Most of the text is in the Latin alphabet so I manage it fine. I can also decipher some Cyrillic texts but I ran into some difficulties with one invoice. It says there: uplaČeno and there is an amount provided and then there is "pobraČaj" which has 0.00. Does it mean that "pobraČaj" means "Due" and nothing is due anymore?
Please kindly let me know.
Thank you.
Proposed translations (engleski)
5 +1 Change


Vuka Mijuskovic Sep 14, 2018:
I don't think it's a massive typing error, but an unedited OCR product
Slobodan Kozarčić Sep 13, 2018:
Побрачај, фискалнего исећка? Није ово никаква грешка у куцању, јер би то била тешка неписменост, већ је то вероватно словеначки или ко зна шта. Мора бити да негде на рачуну пише место издавања.
Dragana Zigic Sep 13, 2018:
PobraČaj is misspelt and it should be 'povraćaj'. It is the amount of money that you get back as a difference between the money you gave to the chashier and the total amount for the goods or services you are paying for.
Vesna Maširević Sep 13, 2018:
Probably povraćaj (Cyrillic - повраћај)?
Lota (asker) Sep 13, 2018:
Could you please post your explanations in EN? Many thanks!

Proposed translations

12 min


Ovde se sigurno misli na Povraćaj tj. kusur, dakle razlika u iznosu koji date na blagajni i ukupnog iznosa na računu.
Example sentence:

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agree Vuka Mijuskovic
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