Glossary entry

engleski term or phrase:

Failure of consideration

srpski translation:

izostanak protivčinidbe

Added to glossary by Bogdan Petrovic
Feb 11 13:06
1 mo ago
engleski term

Failure of consideration

engleski na srpski Pravo/patenti Posao / trgovina (uopšteno)
Failure of consideration is a technical legal term referring to situations in which one person confers a benefit upon another upon some condition or basis ("consideration") which fails to materialise or subsist. It is also referred to as "failure of basis".[1] It is an 'unjust factor' for the purposes of the law of unjust enrichment. Where there is a "total failure of consideration" the claimant can seek restitution of the benefit by bringing an action in unjust enrichment against the defendant.
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Feb 11, 2025 13:06: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Proposed translations

5 h

izostanak protivčinidbe

odsustvo protivčinidbe

Dok bi "failure of basis" bilo neostvarivanje svrhe.

Note added at 1 day 5 hrs (2025-02-12 18:53:16 GMT)
causa non secuta - failure of consideration
kauza je ekonomski cilj koji stranke žele da postignu
ekonomski ekvivalent, protivčinidba jedne odnosno druge strane

Primer upotrebe termina - pdf -
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neispunjenje protivnaknade/nadoknade

consideration - naknada/nadoknada, protivnaknada (ne nužno i novčana) ukoliko je termin upotrebljen npr. u kontekstu stečaja
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