Glossary entry

engleski term or phrase:

Zero Debris Charter

srpski translation:

Повеља (споразум) о нултој стопи отпада (у свемиру)

Added to glossary by Bogdan Petrovic
Sep 20, 2024 19:27
6 mos ago
13 viewers *
engleski term

Zero Debris Charter

engleski na srpski Tehnika/inženjerstvo Aeronautika / avijacija / svemir
About Zero Debris Charter:

It is the first initiative of its kind to bring together the largest array and variety of space actors around the world with the joint goal of creating no more debris by 2030 and making possible the long-term sustainability of space activities.

Proposed translations

1 h

Повеља (споразум) о нултој стопи отпада (у свемиру)

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