The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

srpski na engleski Uopšteno / razgovor / pozdravi / pisma Translation Glossary

srpski term engleski translation
a.d. joint-stock company
covek mora da se snalazi ne bi Looking at and living through every day of our lives, one has to be resourceful in order to survive
CSR Social Welfare Centre
dežurni dušebrižnici holier-than-thou people
Doticati smisao nečega to touch on the meaning of (something)
istomišljenik soul-mate, like-minded person
Ko o čemu, baba o uštipcima. "off on his/her hobby-horse again"
KUD/SKUD folk ensemble
na obostrano zadovoljstvo to the mutual satisfaction
skočimiš gerbil
slučajni prolaznici random passers-by
Entered by: Aleksandar Skobic
sve sto do cega nam je u zivotu stalo... everything we care about in life
za bacanje not to be sniffed at
zlata vredi worth a fortune
Чини се да сам стално заузет поред других It seems that I'm always busy with people around
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