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Search source text from target column?
Objavljivač niti: Spiros Doikas
Spiros Doikas
Spiros Doikas  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:19
Član (2002)
engleski na grčki
+ ...
Mar 13, 2024

There seems to be no way to search source text from target column. The standard shortcut (Ctrl+K) will search target text if in target column.

Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:19
Član (2009)
engleski na nemački
+ ...
? Mar 13, 2024

What's the problem here? Is putting the cursor in the source string not an option?

[Bearbeitet am 2024-03-13 13:17 GMT]

Spiros Doikas
Spiros Doikas  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:19
Član (2002)
engleski na grčki
+ ...
waste of time Mar 13, 2024

That option exists, but is a waste of time. The point of having tools and shortcuts is to make one's life easier, not harder.

[Edited at 2024-03-13 13:19 GMT]

Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:19
Član (2009)
engleski na nemački
+ ...
?2 Mar 13, 2024

So you'd want to search for a target term in the source language? I think this makes sense only rarely (e.g. for English terms in the target string), so there may not be much need for it, but you can ask the Phrase support team, they tend to respond very quickly.
Edit: But perhaps you just want to open the search feature with source target language preset.
Edit 2: The search feature in Phrase is quite useful IMO - you only need to select a word or a phrase and search for them directl
... See more
So you'd want to search for a target term in the source language? I think this makes sense only rarely (e.g. for English terms in the target string), so there may not be much need for it, but you can ask the Phrase support team, they tend to respond very quickly.
Edit: But perhaps you just want to open the search feature with source target language preset.
Edit 2: The search feature in Phrase is quite useful IMO - you only need to select a word or a phrase and search for them directly throught the shortcuts (exact or broad match).

[Bearbeitet am 2024-03-13 14:08 GMT]

Spiros Doikas
Spiros Doikas  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:19
Član (2002)
engleski na grčki
+ ...
Since I ask... Mar 13, 2024

it does not make sense rarely for me. Often English segments are copied in source in order to easily copy non-translatables and tags for example. Your workflow may vary. Making assumptions on how other people may work cannot be based on our own work patterns.

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Ruska Federacija
Local time: 03:19
engleski na ruski
It always makes sense for me Mar 13, 2024

Zea_Mays wrote:
So you'd want to search for a target term in the source language? I think this makes sense only rarely
I agree with Spiros Doikas that this feature is needed in Phrase just like we have it in Trados and memoQ. When I start my work, I copy the entire source text and insert it into the target column. It is easier for me to press Ctrl+F3 (Trados) to search for a term from the target segment among the source segments in my TM [I don't even need to touch the mouse for that] than grab the mouse, move it, click it, select the term again and press the shortcut again, then return to the target segment to proceed with my work.

[Edited at 2024-03-13 15:36 GMT]

Dan Lucas
Spiros Doikas
Dan Lucas
Dan Lucas  Identity Verified
Velika Britanija
Local time: 00:19
Član (2014)
japanski na engleski
Same for Japanese Mar 13, 2024

Stepan Konev wrote:
than grab the mouse, move it, click it, select the term again and press the shortcut again, then return to the target segment to proceed with my work.

Agreed. I too copy everything into the target segment before I begin translating and it is infuriating to have to go back to the source segment to search Japanese text.

Actually, I have seen a suggestion by internal Phrase staff to the effect that this should be changed, but that was several years old and nothing has been done, so clearly it is not a priority. One of the few areas (in my opinion) in which the Trados user interface is better than that of Phrase.


Spiros Doikas
Spiros Doikas  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:19
Član (2002)
engleski na grčki
+ ...
It is ridiculously simple... Mar 13, 2024

The developers just need to create a shortcut that will always search source, no matter where the cursor is.

Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:19
Član (2009)
engleski na nemački
+ ...
toggle source>target (and vice versa) Mar 13, 2024

Click tab to toggle between source/target, and then use the search shortcut.

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Ruska Federacija
Local time: 03:19
engleski na ruski
Wasting time Mar 13, 2024

Zea_Mays wrote:
Click tab to toggle between source/target, and then use the search shortcut.
Do you understand the difference between 3000 seconds (to toggle 3000 segments) and 0 seconds?
Not only you have to move the cursor from the target segment to the source one, but also you have to switch focus back and forth and find the correct place of the term because the cursor may jump to a different place other than the word you need if you started editing the target.

[Edited at 2024-03-13 18:38 GMT]

Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:19
Član (2009)
engleski na nemački
+ ...
. Mar 13, 2024

Stepan Konev wrote:
Do you understand the difference between 3000 seconds (to toggle 3000 segments) and 0 seconds?
Not only you have to move the cursor from the target segment to the source one, but also you have to switch focus back and forth and find the correct place of the term because the cursor may jump to a different place other than the word you need if you started editing the target.

Jumping to the source string may be useful when you only want to get to the search feature for general search in the source language.
When searching for terms or phrases, even in the case you'd have to toggle between all 3000 segments for search, since it seems you guys use to copy source to target, you don't need to find the term in the source string. You will highlight the term or phrase in the target anyway, so you will just copy it and paste it in the search bar after jumping there from the source string with CMD/CTRL+K or CMD/CTRL+SHIFT+K.
Until they implement a shortcut, this may be the "quickest" way.

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Ruska Federacija
Local time: 03:19
engleski na ruski
Effective vs efficient Mar 13, 2024

Zea_Mays wrote:
... so you will just copy it and paste it in the search bar after jumping there
With Alt+K in memoQ and Ctrl+F3 in Trados, you don't need to copy, paste, jump and do other weird movements.

Until they implement a shortcut, this may be the "quickest" way.
The question is not how to do it in the quickest possible way, but whether there is a shortcut to do it in a single keystroke. The difference between these two points is the same as the difference between "effective" and "efficient".

[Edited at 2024-03-13 20:32 GMT]

Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:19
Član (2009)
engleski na nemački
+ ...
- Mar 13, 2024

Stepan Konev wrote:
Do you understand ... You don't seem to understand ...

No need for being unfriendly and talking others down.
It is clear that the shortcut is not there, so you will have to deal with bypasses for now. And the quickest bybass there seems to be the described one. As said, contact the Phrase support team, they listen.

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Ruska Federacija
Local time: 03:19
engleski na ruski
Exactly Mar 13, 2024

Zea_Mays wrote:
No need for being unfriendly and talking others down.
True. No need to say "you don't need it because I don't need it".

It is clear that the shortcut is not there
Sorry, it wasn't for me, my bad.

the quickest bypass there seems to be the described one
Thank you.

[Edited at 2024-03-13 23:01 GMT]

Luca Vaccari
Luca Vaccari  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:19
švedski na italijanski
+ ...
I would also like such a shortcut!! Mar 15, 2024

I agree, definitely!
And I would also like to avoid clicking on all false QA messages about mispelt family and product name. Quite a .... cat, developed more for agencies than translators. As much as I can, I do export, translate with studio and import back. Faster and better quality than working directly there. (I can then also use as many of my own TM's as I want, provided that it doesn't crash with customers own TM, quite seldom... as those agencies normally would attach a machine thing
... See more
I agree, definitely!
And I would also like to avoid clicking on all false QA messages about mispelt family and product name. Quite a .... cat, developed more for agencies than translators. As much as I can, I do export, translate with studio and import back. Faster and better quality than working directly there. (I can then also use as many of my own TM's as I want, provided that it doesn't crash with customers own TM, quite seldom... as those agencies normally would attach a machine thing)

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Search source text from target column?

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