Find and replace
Objavljivač niti: Natalia Pedrosa
Natalia Pedrosa
Natalia Pedrosa
Local time: 01:15
engleski na španski
+ ...
Sep 25, 2018


Anyone out there knows how to find the function "find and replace" in Memsource.

Your help will be much appreciated.


Jasmina Towers
Jasmina Towers  Identity Verified
Velika Britanija
Local time: 00:15
Član (2000)
italijanski na engleski
Hi Natalia, Sep 25, 2018

Enter the word in the box 'Filter Target Text', it should then bring up all instances of that word.
Then click on the options arrow to expand the filters, and you'll find the 'replace' filter in there.

Kay-Viktor Stegemann
Tomo Olson
Mitesh Mandaliya
Vijayshankar Chaturvedi
Katarina Dusikova
Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Ruska Federacija
Local time: 03:15
engleski na ruski
Why not just google for 'find and replace in Memsource'... Sep 25, 2018

... and read this:

WS McCallum
WS McCallum
Novi Zeland
Local time: 13:15
francuski na engleski
Function locked Jan 15, 2021

I just tried following the instructions above - the box for entering the search came up, but the function is locked.

The helpful advice to go to the general Memsource URL above was not particularly helpful.

You would think it would be as easy as Googling "Memsource search and replace" but it isn't.

Irina Sal
NickPalmer  Identity Verified
Velika Britanija
Local time: 00:15
nemački na engleski
+ ...
"Replace all" in Memsource Feb 20, 2022

Stephan's tip works for me. CTRL-H is a keystroke shortcut for "replace" and works perffectly on the lines where the text appears, as he says.

Constance de Crayencour
Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Ruska Federacija
Local time: 03:15
engleski na ruski
Be specific Feb 20, 2022

WS McCallum wrote:
The helpful advice ... was not particularly helpful.
You don't even mention your version of Memsource. The F&R feature is not supported in the web editor.

Carl Freire
Vijayshankar Chaturvedi
Vijayshankar Chaturvedi
Local time: 05:45
engleski na hindi
This works Dec 23, 2022

Hello Jasmina,
I tried your way and it perfectly worked for me.
Thanks a lot.

[Edited at 2022-12-23 05:19 GMT]

Huw Watkins
Huw Watkins  Identity Verified
Velika Britanija
Local time: 00:15
Član (2005)
italijanski na engleski
+ ...
Jan 4, 2023

[Edited at 2023-01-04 07:59 GMT]


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