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Category preview - Business

Diccionario jurídico-empresarial español-inglés-español

by Veronique Bodoutchian

Este diccionario responde a la necesidad de una población profesional creciente que se enfrenta a los requerimientos que le imponen la comunicación fluida con sus homólogos en otros países tanto con los de lengua inglesa, como con los que adoptan esta

Quick Start Guide: 8 Steps to a Marketing Plan for your Freelance Translation Business

by Tess Whitty

Do you feel you spend all of your time on translation work, with no time to market your business? Do you experience periods of feast – with too much work – and famine – with no work?

Confessions of a Freelance Translator

by Gary Smith

Practical, easily applicable tips to make a successful living out of freelance translation.

The Marketing Cookbook for Translators

by Tess Whitty

The Marketing Cookbook for Translators is not just another book about marketing. It’s specific to your niche, targeted to your needs like a pinch of salt to a soup.