Marketing & Recruitment day Sep 28, 2016 Search registrants See also: Translation company directory | Freelance translator users -- in Švedska -- registered for the event (57) |
Checked in | Desiana Ahlberg Indonesian-English-Swedish translator Švedska Native in indonezijski Freelancer | Bio: I work in the field of translation, interpreting, data and research; I take on a wide range of projects varying from small written texts to spoken articles in Indonesian, English and Swedish. I am currently living in Stockholm and writing my dissertation on Indonesian F...orestry Education.More Less Message: Hi everybody! Greeting from Lovely Stockholm. I am Desiana Ahlberg, Indonesian living in Stockholm. I hope to learn more and enjoy getting to know you all. |
| Checked in | | OTHER-Linnaeus University, 12 years of experience |
| Checked in | Robin Joensuu Language Lead & Copywriting Lead Švedska Native in švedski Freelancer | Halmstad University, SFÖ, 13 years of experience |
| | | OTHER-Università di Bologna, 11 years of experience |
| | Ricardo Sepulveda Integrating Swedish-spanish market Švedska Native in španski , švedski Freelancer | 14 years of experience |
| Checked in | JaneD Helping you talk their language Švedska Native in engleski (Variants: British, Irish, UK, Wales / Welsh, US, Scottish) Freelancer | Institute of Translation and Interpreting, University of Wales, OTHER-ITI, SFÖ, MET, 21 years of experience |
| Checked in | Zohreh Samimi Responsive, punctual, and professional! Švedska Native in persijski (farsi) Freelancer | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, MA-Ferdowsi University of mashhad, SFÖ, NAJIT, 14 years of experience |
| Checked in | Sofia Englund (X) Transcreation & Copywriting Švedska Native in švedski Freelancer | Dalarna University, BA-Griffith University: Brisbane, Australia, SFÖ, 11 years of experience |
| Checked in | Michael Larsson Translator and technician, all in one ! Švedska Native in švedski Freelancer | Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), 14 years of experience |
| Checked in | | MA-Stockholm University, SFÖ |
| Checked in | Farid R. Mardokhi Law, Education, Medicine, Certificate Švedska Native in kurdski , švedski Freelancer | 23 years of experience |
| Checked in | Malin Almroth (X) Get your message across in Swedish Švedska Native in švedski Freelancer | MA-Uppsala University, 8 years of experience |
| Checked in | Carl Tengstrom Transferendum Necesse Est, Vivere Non Švedska Native in švedski (Variant: Finlandssvenska) , finski Freelancer | Bio: Born in Turku, Finland. Now living in Sweden. Criminal defense lawyer for 40 years. Now retired. Working full time as a freelance translator.
Language pairs: En -SE, Ger - SE, FIN - SE. Certified Pro.
Message: From Sweden the best of Greetings to all of you members!
Best wishes,
Carl |
| Checked in | Evita Bartule (X) Švedska Native in letonski Freelancer | OTHER-Second-level professional higher education, Translator (English/Swedish-Latvian) |
| Checked in | Benoit Esmein English and Swedish to French Švedska Native in francuski Freelancer | Université Lille-III | Université Charles-de-Gaulle, OTHER-Université Lille 3 Charles de Gaulle, 9 years of experience |
| Checked in | | Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti, Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne per Interpreti e Traduttori, MA-SSLMIT, Forlì (University of Bologna), AITI, 26 years of experience |
| Checked in | | SFÖ, 13 years of experience |
| Checked in | Anders Ericsson 20 years smoking translations that bite Švedska Native in švedski Freelancer | 27 years of experience |
| Checked in | Maria Polgáry Specialising in EU translations Švedska Native in švedski (Variants: Rikssvenska, Gothenburg) Freelancer | Gothenburg University, MA-Gothenburg University, Sweden, 14 years of experience |
| Checked in | GraceO Native in engleski Freelancer | |
| Checked in | trako Translations Švedska Native in švedski Freelancer | SFÖ |
| Checked in | Kerstin Wahlby German/English Anleitungen/manuals Švedska Native in švedski Freelancer | University Lund, Kristianstad, OTHER-Lund and Kristianstad University, 24 years of experience |
| Checked in | Per-Erik Holmberg 15 years of technical translations Švedska Native in švedski Freelancer | Sveriges Facköversättarförening (Swedish Association of Professional Translators), 30 years of experience |
| Checked in | sans22 (X) Švedska Native in engleski | 26 years of experience |
| Checked in | Sona Vancova Slovak Freelance Translator Švedska Native in slovački (Variant: Standard - Slovakia) Freelancer | Bio: EDUCATION
2014 Master degree in Finno-Ugric languages (Specialized in Finnish), Uppsala University
2013 CIMO´s Guest student, University of Jyväskylä , Finland (Spring 2013)
(CIMO=an organization for international mobility and cooperation, Helsinki)
Courses were ...delivered in Finnish and focused on Academic writing, Morphosyntax
2011 Bachelor degree, Uppsala University, Sweden
Main Field: Finnish; Minor Field: Swedish language/ Scandinavian languages
(Danish, Norwegian)
1996 Secondary building school, Trnava, Slovakia
2010-2012 Finnish language and Finland's culture (2012), CIMO level IV, University of
Jyväskylä, Finland; level III University of Oulu(2011), Finland; level II University
of Vaasa(2010), Finland
2008 Danish language and literature NORDKURS, Aarhus University, Denmark
2015 Crew, Stockholmsmässan , MEMU AB,
51st EASD Annual Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 14-18 September 2015 (1 week)
2015- Self-employment as professional translator
2014-2015 Students' representative in revise-group, Uppsala University
Working duties: Revising of texts with rules for written examinations.
2014 Student union´s Information officer, Uppsala student union (2 weeks)
Working duties: Marketing of the Student union, informing about union's
2014 Election officer, Uppsala municipality Election to EP (1 day), Election to
Swedish Parliament county council and municipality (1 day)
2014-2015 Election officer, Uppsala union (2 weeks)
Working duties: Informing students how they can vote in the elections and
informing about Student unions work
2012 Students' representative in Finno-ugric languages, Högskoleverket (Swedish
National Agency for Higher Education)
Working duties: We evaluated quality of educations in Finno-ugric languages of
the universities in Sweden. Like having interviews with students and teachers,
reading of self-judging of universities and evaluating of qualities of students'
thesis. Independence, understanding of context, precision, to could take a correct
2008 - Translator, diverse companies in Sweden and EU
Working duties: To translate texts from Swedish, Danish, Finnish to Slovak
2001-2004 Au-pair in Stockholm and Skåne
Working duties: dealing with culture differences, language improvement,
negotiating with children so that both parts will be satisfied
1996-2001 Administratively officer, Building company Stapros, Piešťany, Slovakia
Working duties: Administration, budget, writing and correcting of contracts with
providers, fixing of entrances for providers to Nuclear power station Jaslovské
Bohunice, Slovakia
Slovak: mother tongue / native speaker
Swedish: fluently
Finnish: fluently
Danish: good
English: good
Estonian: beginner
Norwegian: I understand very well, but I don´t speak this language.
North Saami: beginner
Polish: beginner
Icelandic: beginner
Russian: I understand little, but I can´t answer anymore
Czech: I understand 99,9, % Czech, but I don´t speak this language.More Less |
| Checked in | | Universidad del Salvador, Argentina, MA-Universidad de la Laguna, Spain |
| Checked in | Elise Ljung Medicine, journalism and literature Švedska Native in švedski Freelancer | Lund University Programme in Translation, Sweden, MA-Lund University, SFÖ, 18 years of experience |
| Checked in | | MA-Linnaeus University , 12 years of experience |
| Checked in | Oliver Annacker PhD with 8 years in biomedical research Švedska Native in nemački (Variant: Germany) Freelancer | 20 years of experience |
| Checked in | olsberg Marketing, IT & telecom EN->SE Švedska Native in švedski Freelancer | 11 years of experience |
| | Joceli Backer (X) Efficient and Reliable Švedska Native in tagalog (Variant: Philippines) Freelancer | BA-Mid Sweden University, 8 years of experience |
| | | 18 years of experience |
| | Angela Meissner English, Swedish, German, biologist, IT Švedska Native in nemački (Variant: Germany) Freelancer | Lund University, SFÖ, 34 years of experience |
| | Shawn Champion Champion Translations Švedska Native in engleski Freelancer | 16 years of experience |
| | | University of Uppsala, Sweden, BA-Uppsala University, Sweden, 40 years of experience |
| | | SFÖ, 33 years of experience |
| | Linda Larsson (X) Swedish to English translations Švedska Native in engleski (Variant: US) , švedski Freelancer | 39 years of experience |
| | Malin Hakans (X) Švedska Native in švedski Freelancer | 14 years of experience |
| | Jacob Birgersson 20+ years in IT and marketing Švedska Native in švedski Freelancer | 24 years of experience |
| | Emmelie Johansson (X) EU/politics, law and marketing Švedska Native in švedski Freelancer | Linnaeus University, University of Gothenburg, MA-Linnéuniversitetet, 11 years of experience |
| | Waseem Baloch German to English, Sciences/Technical Švedska Native in engleski Freelancer | Bio: Translating via one German and one British agency.
Specialisation in Engineering, scientific and I.T. domains. Message: I'm looking to re-enter the world of professional translating (initially offering German-to-English only). I'm interested in knowing what the current range of software support products are on offer. |
| | Hewenqi Švedska Native in kineski (Variants: Simplified, Traditional) Freelancer | |
| | Anna Zebina Freelance translator & proofreader Švedska Native in ruski Freelancer | Bergenstest, GD-Karelian State Pedagogical University, 25 years of experience |
| | Erika Svensson Fresh and vivid knowledge and skills Švedska Native in švedski (Variants: Rikssvenska, Stockholm) Freelancer | Stockholm University, BA-Stockholms universitet, SFÖ, 11 years of experience |
| | Raluca Cojocaru Medical and Technical Translator Švedska Native in rumunski (Variant: Romania) Freelancer | MA-Polytehnic University in Bucharest, APIT, AIPTI / IAPTI, 18 years of experience |
| | | MA-Linnaeus University, 11 years of experience |
| | Anders Warnqvist Översättare. Translator. Übersetzer. Švedska Native in švedski (Variant: Rikssvenska) | MA in Translation from University of Gothenburg, MA-University of Gothenburg, SFÖ, 15 years of experience |
| | Beesan Kahel Creativity is intelligence having fun. Švedska Native in arapski (Variant: Syrian) Freelancer | GD-English Literature Department at Damascus University , 16 years of experience |
| | Helen Westén Registered nurse gone translator! Švedska Native in švedski Freelancer | Dalarna University, SFÖ, 16 years of experience |
| | sojtraduction Swedish translator and proofreader EN/FR Švedska Native in švedski Freelancer | MA-University of Gothenburg, 16 years of experience |
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