Radni jezici:
engleski na srpski
srpski na engleski
srpskohrvatski na engleski

Engineer & Technical translator

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Maternji jezik: srpski 
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Poruka korisnika
Welcome to my Proz profile! Thank you for your interest in my translation services.
Tip naloga Samostalni prevodilac i agencija / kompanija, Identity Verified Verifikovani korisnik sajta
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a ProZ.com Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a ProZ.com Business member or Plus subscriber.
Udružen sa This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
Usluge Translation, Editing/proofreading, Software localization
Specijalizovan/a za:
ArhitekturaPravo (uopšteno)
Kuvanje / kulinarstvoIgre / video igre / kockanje / kasino

engleski na srpski - Standardna tarifa: 0.06 EUR po reči / 30 EUR na sat
srpski na engleski - Standardna tarifa: 0.06 EUR po reči / 30 EUR na sat
srpskohrvatski na engleski - Standardna tarifa: 0.06 EUR po reči / 30 EUR na sat

KudoZ aktivnost (PRO) Poeni na PRO-nivou: 209, Odgovori na pitanja: 82, Postavljena pitanja: 1
Payment methods accepted Transfer novca, PayPal
Glosari BUSINESS GLOSSARY, Construction glossary, Electro glossary, General glossary, Machinery
Prevodilačko obrazovanje Master's degree - University of Belgrade, Faculty for Architecture
Iskustvo Godine iskustva: 20. Registrovan/a na ProZ.com: May 2004.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Svedočanstva engleski na srpski (Membership in the Association of Technical and Sci)
Članstva N/A
Softver Adobe Acrobat, AutoCAD, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio

-Born in Belgrade Serbia, finished High School in Fresno, California
-Graduated from the University of Belgrade Faculty for Architecture
-Practices an architecture for more than 30 years
-In parallel with engineering practice, passionately works as a technical translator
-Although a specialist for the engineering areas, offers quality in other areas too
-Engineering experience enhances further creative and constructive approach
-Very knowledgeable, responsible professional
Ovaj korisnik je zaradio KudoZ poene pomažući drugim prevodiocima u vezi sa terminima na PRO nivou. Kliknite na ukupan broj poena da biste videli ponuđene prevode termina.

Ukupno zarađenih poena: 217
PRO-nivo poeni: 209

Jezici sa najviše poena (PRO)
engleski na srpski153
srpski na engleski44
srpskohrvatski na engleski12
Opšte oblasti sa najviše poena (PRO)
Društvene nauke8
Poeni u još 4 oblasti >
Specifične oblasti sa najviše poena (PRO)
Pravo: ugovori23
IT (informacione tehnologije)12
Mašinstvo / mašinsko inženjerstvo12
Hemija; hemijska nauka/inženjerstvo12
Poeni u još 14 oblasti >

Pogledajte sve zarađene poene >
Ključne reči: Technical translator, English/Serbian, Serbo-Croat / English, Serbian, Serbo-Croat, Area of construction, Tender documents, Manuals for technical products, Manuals, User guides. See more.Technical translator, English/Serbian, Serbo-Croat / English, Serbian, Serbo-Croat, Area of construction, Tender documents, Manuals for technical products, Manuals, User guides, Trados, Trados 2015, Cookbook, Cooking, Food, Nutrient, Marketing, Food marketing, Engineering, Civil engineering, Electrical engineering, Structural, design, Architecture, Home, House, Real estate, Mathematics, Physics, Construction, Concrete structures, Steel structures, Computer, Programs, User manuals, Science, Arts, Painting, Construction consultancy, Architecture and construction, Civil works, IT, Localization, Ecology, Landscaping, Arts and crafts, Interior decorating, Environmental protection, Manuals of technical products, Manuals for equipment, User guides, Energy efficiency, Energy performance certificates, Psychology, Srpski, Srpskohrvatski, Engleski, Gradjevinarstvo, Projektna dokumentacija, Arhitektura, Energetska efikasnost, Tenderska dokumentacija, Tender documents, Tehnička dokumentacija, Projektna dokumentacija, Technical documents, Project documents, Uputstvo za rukovanje, Tehnička pomoć, Technical help, Company profile, Product catalog, Business letter, Company annual report/financial report, Project proposal, Tender document, Government document, Press release, Manual, Technical report, ISO and product specification document, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), Regulations, Contracts, Academic papers, Certificates, CAD drawings, Health and safety documents, Installation manual, Legal contracts, Maintenance manuals, Marketing documentation, Operating guides, Patent documents, Policy documents, Product catalogs, Regulatory documentation, Service agreements, Service manuals, Systems and processes, Systems specifications, Technical documents, Training materials, Websites. See less.

Datum poslednjeg ažuriranja profila
Aug 25, 2021